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Summary of Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines

I have created this compact summary of prescribing guidelines on the request of one my teachers. I really
benefitted from the process and still find these notes very useful. I am sharing these notes with you and I hope
it will help all my colleagues. I recommend to take a print copy of these.
Dr Waleed Ahmad
Twitter: @DoctorPKMC
Condition Antipsychotic Mood stabilizer Sedative Antidepressant Other

Renal Failure Haloperidol 2-6mg a day Valproate Zopiclone Citalopram Rivastigmine for dementia
Olanzapine 5mg a day Carbamezapine Lorazepam Sertraline
Liver failure Haloperidol Lithium Lorazepam Imipramine
Amisulpiride Oxazepam Citalopram
Palliperidone deot Temazepam Paroxetine
Epilepsy Haloperidol Moclobemide
Trifluperazine SSRIs except citalopram
Sulpiride mirtazapine
Dementia Risperidone (licensed) Use may be justified where Avoid benzodiazepines, SSRIs Ginkgo Biloba may be
Olanzapine other treatments are Effect is modest at best. effective for symptoms like
Effect is modest at best contraindicated or ineffective Supporting evidence is weak apathy, anxiety, depression.
Valproate best avoided 240mg per day
Parkinson’s Disease 1. Rule out organicity SSRIs 1st choice Depression:
2. Optimize environment SNRIs but venlafaxine ay Rule our organicity as a 1st
3. Less severe, do not treat worsen modestly the motor step, Consider CBT as 2nd
4. Reduce anticholinergics and symptoms step in addition to
DA agonists TCAs at low doses more antidepressants,
5. Quetiapine effective than SSRIs but poorly Augmentation with
6. AChE inhibitor tolerated. pramipexole or other DA
7. Clozapine agonists/releasers as 3rd Step
8. ECT ECT as a 4th step
Multiple Sclerosis Recommended Olanzapine for Steroid SSRIs (start at half the usual Amantadine or modafinil for
Risperidone induced mania dose) 1st choice fatigue
Clozapine Valproate for bipolar mania Moclobemide 2nd choice
Other Avoid lithium Venlafaxine No symptomatic treatment
Olanzapine Mirtazapine for cognitive impairment
Aripiprazole Duloxetine
Condition Antipsychotic Mood stabilizer Sedative Antidepressant Other

Pregnancy If already using one, obtain Antipsychotics preferred first For anxiety CBT is first line Nortriptyline SGAs should be avoided in
the most up-to-date advise line, if ineffective use ECT. while sleep hygiene for Amitriptyline gestational diabetes
about its it, New patients: Lithium should be avoided if insomnia. Imipramine Avoid depot preparations and
Chlorpromazine possible. If patient is already Benzodiazepines ( avoid in Sertraline 50-200mg anticholinergics
Trifluperazine using it, weigh the risks and late pregnancy) fluoxetine To avoid SSRI discontinuation
Haloperidol benefits of stopping it. Promethazine For resistant depression use symptoms in neonates,
Olanzapine Valproate and Carbamezapine ECT rather than polyphamacy continue the drug in breast
Quetiapine most teratogenic, if deemed NICE (NICE) feeding, wean off slowly.
Clozapine essential add folic acid 5mg (in low dose for Sedation) Consider Omega 3 fatty acids CBT for moderate bipolar
per day one month before Chlorpromazine SSRI, combination of SSRI and depression.
conception and Vitamin K to Amitriptyline Olanzapine or Lamotrigine for
mother and baby post severe bipolar depression,
delivery in case of
Carbamezapine use in last
Breast feeding Olanzapine Antipsychotic or Lorazepam Sertraline (preferred)
Valproate + protection against Paroxetine
pregnancy Nortriptyline
Learning Disability Risperidone (0.5 to 2mg) for Only Lithium is licensed for SSRIs for severe anxiety and Naltrexone for severe and
aggression and instability of aggression and self injurious obsessionality in autistic intractable cases of severe
mood behavior spectrum disorder self-injurious behavior
Aripiprazole licensed by FDA Valproate for mood lability 1st line alternative to
for behavioral disturbance in and aggression antipsychotics in case of
young people with autism Carbamezapine aggression and impulsivity
Haloperidol for autism
Zuclupenthixol for behavioral
Condition Antipsychotic Mood stabilizer Sedative Antidepressant Other

HIV Infection Risperidone Valproate Escitalopram

Other atypicals Lamotrigine
Atrial Fibrillation Aripiprazole or Lurasidone for Valproate Benzodiazepines SSRIS
Paroxysmal or persistent AF Lithium
Use any with Permanent AF
Children and adolescents Allow patient to choose from For mania 1st line is fluoxetine For anxiety
Aripiprazole Aripiprazole 2nd line escitalopram SSRIs first choice
Olanzapine Olanzapine 3rd line sertraline Sertraline,
Risperidone Risperidone 4th line venlafaxine , Fluoxetine
Quetiapine mirtazapine if sedation Fluvoxamine
Clozapine if no response to For Depression needed, Paroxetine
two of the above Lurasidone Or aripiprazole/Quetiapine 2nd choice is venlafaxine
Olanzapine augmentation For OCD
Quetiapine SSRIs
Condition DOC 2nd Line Other Psychotherapy

Mania Sever or behavioral disturbance: Combinations of the above if All patients (Bipolar disorder)
Valproate inadequate response Clonazepam or Lorazepam Advice about lifestyle
Antipsychotics Refractory: Identification and avoidance of
• Aripiprazole Clozapine triggers for relapse
• Olanzapine Identification of early signs of relapse
• Asenapine Psychoeducation
• Quetiapine Psychosocial approaches
• Haloperidol
If Adherence likely
Bipolar Depression • Fluoxetine + Olanzapine Lithium Psychotherapies used for Bipolar
• Quetiapine Lamotrigine disorder as above
• Olanzapine
• Lurasidone
• Valproate
Bipolar Affective Prophylaxis Lithium Valproate Carbamezapine
Olanzapine Lamotrigine
Psychotic Depression Tricyclic with Olanzapine or SSRI or SNRI ECT
Rapid Cycling Disorder Quetiapine Olanzapine Aripiprazole
Post Stroke Depression SSRIs If SSRI is used in combination with
Nortriptyline aspirin or anticoagulants, consider
Patient on warfarin PPIs
Condition DOC 2nd Line Other Psychotherapy

Depressive Illness SSRIs Generally Other SSRI or SNRI Augment with Supportive psychotherapy
Mirtazapine If Sedation needed Then Bupropion CBT
Individualize patients Switch to Buspirone Interpersonal therapy
mirtazapine T3 Marital therapy
Vortioxetine Lithium Dynamic psychotherapy
Agomelatine Aripiprazole
Antidepressant Discontinuation Restart the original drug and taper
Symptoms slowly over at least 4 weeks duration
Post MI Depression Sertraline 50-200mg Fluoxetine
ADHD in children Methylphenidate for severe cases or Dexamfetamine Clonidine
no improvement with psychosocial Lisdxamfetamine Tricyclics
interventions in moderate or lesser Modafinil
degrees Guanafcine
Atomoxetine is a suitable alternative Bupropion
Behavioral agitation in delirium Haloperidol 0.5-1mg bd IM/Oral Olanzapine • Lorazepam and diazepam used
Oral can be repeated 4 hourly as Risperidone only in alcohol or sedative
needed while IM can be given after Quetiapine withdrawal, Parkinson’s and NMS
30-60 minutes if necessary. Avoid in • Very limited evidence for
LBD and Parkinson’s disease, monitor Ziprasidone, Amisulpiride and
ECG aripiprazole.
Condition DOC 2nd Line Other Psychotherapy

Depression and bleeding Non-SSRI antidepressants If SSRI can not be avoided, add PPI

Antidepressant Discontinuation Restart the original drug and taper

Symptoms slowly over at least 4 weeks duration
Antidepressant induced Sexual Switch to 1. Add bupropion Sildenafil for erectile dysfunction in
dysfunction Bupropion 2. Add mirtazapine men
Antidepressant induced Switch to mirtazapine Another SSRI
OCD SSRIs Antipsychotic augmentation of SSRI Duloxetine/Venlafaxine Exposure therapy
Clomipramine Clonazepam for shot term use Buspirone CBT
Sertraline as first line by NICE Citalopram augmentation of Granisetron augmentation of SSRI
clomipramine Memantine
Mirtazapine augmentation of SSRI IV Ketamine
(NICE) N-acetylcystein
Lamotrigine or topiramate Antiandrogn treatment
augmentation o SSRI (BAP)
Social Phobia SSRI Benzodiazepine augmentation of Levtiracetam CBT for social phobia
Pregabalin SSRI Self Exposure monotherapy therapy
Gabapentin Moclobemide FDA Approved Drugs: Computer based exposure training
Olanzapine Sertraline Clinician led exposure
Phenelezine Paroxetine
Propranolol or performance anxiety Venlafaxine
Agoraphobia With frequent panic attacks: use the Exposure therapy
drugs used for panic disorder Relaxation training
Breathing retraining
Condition DOC 2nd Line Other Psychotherapy

Pediatric Social Phobia and Selective Fluoxetine for both Sertraline Other SSRIs CBT
mutism Monitor all patients on SSRIs for
emergence of suicidality
Use drugs only when there is
significant impact on life
Condition DOC 2nd Line Other Psychotherapy

Generalized Anxiety Disorder SSRIs (although may initially Agomelatine B-blockers for somatic symptoms Reassurance
exacerbate symptoms. A lower Buspirone Tiagabine Self help and Psychoeducation
starting dose is often required: Hydroxyzine Vortioxetine Pure self help
fluoxetine and sertraline are Quetiapine Riluzole Guided self help
preferred options) imipramine group psychoeducation
Mirtazapine Clomipramine Indications of pharmacotherapy: Relaxation therapy
Venlafaxine MAOIs temporary before psychotherapy can Applied relaxation
Duloxetine show effect, psychotherapy CBT
Pregabalin ineffective Exercise
Sertraline as first choice by NICE psychotherapies not available
Body Dysmorphic Disorder SSRIs Add Buspirone Medications generally added if there CBT is first line
Or antipsychotic is no response to CBT
Panic Disorder SSRIs MAOIs Gabapentin CBT
Sertraline as first line by NICE Mirtazapine Inositol Anxiety management
Imipramine Pindolol as augmentation
PTSD SSRIs Mirtazapine Carbamezapine Debriefing should be available if
Use drugs after TF-CBT is tried antipsychotics for augmentation Clonidine desired
MAOIs Lamotrigine Counselling
Serotonergic TCAs Phenytoin Anxiety management
Duloxetine Tiagabine Trauma focused CBT
Prazosin as augmentation Valproate EMDR
IV ketamine
PTSD in children and adolescents Sertraline 50-200, Trauma focused CBT to be used as
Citalopram 10-400mg first line
Clonidine 0.1-0.2 nocte In preschool children only
Gunafacine 1-3mg nocte recommended treatments are child-
Prazosin 2-4mg nocte parent-psychotherapy or preschool
Propranolol 40-80mg/day divide tds CBT
Risperidone 0.5-1mg od
Quetiapine 50-200mg nocte
Condition DOC 2nd Line Other Psychotherapy

Pediatric OCD Sertraline 25-100mg If no response to maximum dose of Other SSRIs may be chosen even as Guided self help support and
Fluvoxamine 25-200mg one SSRI: first line based on individual features, information for family members for
(if no response to psychotherapy or Try a different SSRI e.g. escitalopram 5-20mg or mild functional impairment is the
psychotherapy refused) Clomipramine fluoxetine 5mg-as tolerated liquid for first step
Comorbid depression Augment with low dose Risperidone child not able to take tablets. If no response to the above or
Fluoxetine 5mg-as tolerated moderate or sever functional
(Start lowest doses and titrate to impairment, offer CBT+ERP
maximum tolerated doses checking
efficacy at 12 week intervals)
Tics and Tourette syndrome Clonidine 3-5 microgram/kg, start Risperidone 0.25-2mg Guanafcine, topiramate, Psychoeducation of patient, family,
minimum, titrate up, avoid stopping Aripiprazole 2-15mg metoclopramide, flutamide, Baclofen and people they interact with, esp
suddenly. Pimozide Nicotine augmentation of haloperidol school
May cause sedation, postural Haloperidol 0.5-4mg (prn), botulinum toxin, Pergolide Habit reversal
hypotension, depression. 2nd-gen preferred. Olanzapine, Sulpiride, ziprasidone, Exposure with response prevention
Quetiapine Try these first before starting
Childhood Insomnia Melatonin 2mg, if sleep hygiene and Increase to 5mg Sleep hygiene
behavioral interventions not Discontinue if still no response Behavioral Interventions

Autism spectrum Disorder For repetitive behaviors: For hyperactivity symptoms: Irritability
Try behavioral therapies first then Use methylphenidate in lower doses Risperidone (less thank 20kg, start
drugs than usual and monitor for with 0.25mg/day, after three days
SSRIs are most widely used worsening of symptoms 0.5mg per day, then increase at 2
Suggested: liquid fluoxetine For sleep problems weekly intervals to a maximum of
Week 1 2.5 mg per day Melatonin 1mg to 10mg 1.5mg, similar dose titration for 20kg
Week 2 0. 3mg/kg/day Aggression: and up but start with 0.5mg/day and
Week 3 0.5mg/kg/day Most evidence for Risperidone maximum is 2.5mg)
Week 4 0.8mg/kg/day max allowed Other drugs include olanzapine, Aripiprazole 5-15mg/day
Reduce dose if not well tolerated Quetiapine, aripiprazole, clozapine,
lithium, valproate
Condition Step 1 2nd Line Other Psychotherapy

First Episode of Schizophrenia Agree choice with the patient or If no response 2-3 weeks after If no response to two antipsychotics,
choose one of the 2nd generation maximum effective dose, or start clozapine,. Titrate to maximum
antipsychotics. Start with minimum inadequate response after 4 weeks, dose, if not effective, add
possible dose e.g. olanzapine 5mg, then switch to another drug Lamotrigine or another
haloperidol 2mg, aripiprazole 10mg, preferably Olanzapine or antipsychotic. Try to use clozapine as
Quetiapine 150mg, Risperidone 2mg, Risperidone. early as possible for refractory
chlorpromazine 200mg, patients.
and titrate up based on tolerability
and efficacy.
Acute exacerbation of Investigate adherence If there is lack of insight or support, If patient is confused or disorganized,
schizophrenia, or relapse If adherence is poor, investigate discuss with patient and consider Simplify drug regimen
reasons for poor adherence, depot antipsychotics Reduce anticholinergic load
If there is poor tolerance, discuss Consider compliance aids
with patient, switch to acceptable Consider depot
Acute exacerbation of Investigate social or psychosocial If acute drug treatment is required, Switch to clozapine if the previous
schizophrenia, or relapse precipitant Add short term sedative or switch to step is ineffective after 6 weeks of
Adherence confirmed Provide appropriate support and/or a different acceptable antipsychotic, maximum tolerated dose. Olanzapine
therapy must have been tried.
Continue usual drug treatment
Negative symptoms of Determine the cause of negative Augment antipsychotic with an Possible causes secondary
schizophrenia symptoms. antidepressant(Cochrane concludes Associality due to paranoia
If they are secondary, treat the it effective) e.g. an SRRI (meta- Bradykinesia and lack of
underlying cause analysis concludes it ineffective)or facial expression in EPS
mirtazapine(supported by meta Depression causing social
analysis) withdrawal
For clozapine treated patients,
consider Lamotrigine or another
suitable antipsychotic
Condition Step 1 2nd Line Other NON pharmacological

Patients at high risk of EPA 700mg/day

Akathisia Reduce dose of antipsychotic or Consider propranolol 30-80mg/day Antimuscarininc
reduce the rate of increase. If this starting at 10mg tds after excluding Cyproheptadine
strategy is ineffective then switch to contraindications. Benzodiazepine
Quetiapine or olanzapine lowest If the above is not effective consider Clonidine
possible dose, or clozapine for mirtazapine 15mf or Mianserin 30mg
treatment resistant. Evaluate efficacy of each treatment
over at least one month treatment
Antipsychotic induced weight gain Try non-pharmacological approaches Metformin is the drug of choice for Orlistat along with diet restriction Calorie restriction
and Switch to aripiprazole, treatment and prevention (low fat diet) is good option for Low glycemic index diet
Lurasidone or ziprasidone Or add aripiprazole clozapine induced weight gain. Exercise programs
Reboxetine 4-8mg daily
Topiramate up to 300mg daily
Zonisamide 150-600mg/day
Specific Phobia Non-pharmacological approaches D-cycloserine is an experimental drug Blood Phobia
Benzodiazepines prn Exposure in vivo together with use of
muscle tension
Phobia of choking
Phobia of Flying
Desensitization provided by some
Benzodiazepines prn
Virtual reality programs
Self help books
Condition Step 1 2nd Line Other NON pharmacological

Catatonia Exclude organic causes In the context of psychotic illness, Risperidone

Stupor in the context of rule out NMS first, and then start on Aripiprazole
affective/conversion disorder SGA e.g. olanzapine, clozapine. Start Ziprasidone
Start oral Lorazepam 2mg and give the Benzodiazepine/ECT protocol if
another dose if no effect after three no response in 1-2 days.
hours. Sublingual absorption is good In any case, if there is high dangerous
and is tasteless. Use IM route from to life, use ECT earlier.
then on. If there is no response in 1-2
days, use high dose Lorazepam (8-
24mg/day) or IV diazepam
Alzheimer's disease Donepezil 10mg /day, start with Memantine 10mg bd, start with Sensory stimulation
Dementia with lewy bodies 5mg/day, increase 5mg daily after 4 5mg/day increase by 5mg/day at Behavior management
Mixed dementia weeks weekly intervals Social contact
Rivastigmine 6mg bd, start with Exercise
1.5mg bd increase every 2 weeks by Structured activities programs
1.5mg bd Environmental modifications
Galantamine 12mg bd, start with Carer education and support
4mg bd increase at 4 weekly intervals Combination therapies
by 4mg bd
Dementia with Parkinson's disease As for Alzheimer's none As other dementias

Pathological jealousy Recognize the etiology If the condition is primary, establish Pimozide used widely Breach confidentiality if there is risk
If secondary to other conditions, wither the jealousy is delusional in High potency non sedating of violence
treat those disorders which case use antipsychotic, or antipsychotics recommended e.g. If the jealousy appears from
overvalued idea, in which case use Risperidone personality problems
antidepressant Encourage partner to produce
behaviors that may reduce jealousy
Separation advisable for some
Late Onset Schizophrenia Use antipsychotics in 10-20% the
normal doses used in early onset
Comorbidity with dementia Recommended drugs Comorbidity with dementia Recommended drugs

Diarrhea Loperamide not known to have effects on Hyperlipidemia All statins safe but atorvastatin and
cognition but is low potency anticholinergic pravastatin safest

Constipation No evidence of laxatives on cognitions Hypersalivation Pirenzepine

Constipation may worsen cognition Atropine sublingual
Asthma/COPD Beta agonists ((remember tremors as a side Hypertension CCBs
effect) ARBs
Inhaled anticholinergics, have not been ACE Inhibitors
reported to affect cognition
Allergy Cetrizine Infections Use the most appropriate antibiotics
Nausea/vomiting Domeperidone (caution movement Spasmodic GI pain Mebeverine
disorders) Alverine
5-HT3 receptor antagonists eg ondanstron, Buscupan
granisetron Pepperment oil
Pain Paracetamol Urinary frequency Darifenacin
Oxycodone Trospium
Topical NSAIDs where appropriate
Urinary retention Alpha blockers are not known to have effects
on cognition
Condition Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Non-Pharmacological

Anorexia nervosa • Establish therapeutic relationship • Educate the patient and family • Restore the weight at Cognitive analytic therapy
• History of the development of about the disorder, agree a plan 0.5kg/week. Avoid rigid CBT
the disorder, current pattern of with them and start the programs. Nonpharmacologial Interpersonal therapy
eating and weight control, ideas treatment approaches preferred, Focal psychodynamic therapy
about body weight. • If the weight is dangerously low, olanzapine is the only drug Family therapy
• Depressive symptoms on mental there is comorbid disorder, shown to increase weight. Dietary counselling
state outpatient treatment failed or • Treat the comorbidities, and
• Thorough physical examination suicide risk is high, admit to prevent complications that may
to recognize associated medical hospital, otherwise manage on arise from re-feeding.
complications outpatient basis. • After discharge, continue with
psychological treatment.
Bulimia Nervosa • Offer guided CBT based self help • If no response to step1 in 6 • Comprehensive specialist Self Help
weeks, treat with full CBT. Use treatment CBT
fluoxetine as alternative or in • Consider intensive cognitive Intensive cognitive therapy
combination with CBT therapy

Behavioral disturbance • De-escalation, time out, • Oral treatment. If the patient is • Consider IM treatment After Parenteral drugs, monitor
placement, etc. as appropriate on a regular antipsychotic, Lorazepam 2mg, promethazine vitals every 10 minutes for one
lorazepam 1-2mg. Repeat after 50mg, olanzapine 10mg, hour, then half hourly until the
45-60 minutes. Consider buccal aripiprazole 9.75mg, haloperidol patient is ambulatory.
midazolam. Go to next step if 5mg. Repeat after 30-60 min if If patient is asleep or unconscious,
two doses fail insufficient effect. continues pulse oximetry is
• If patient is not taking • If the above step fail, diazepam desirable
antipsychotic, start an oral one 10mg over at least 5 minutes ECG monitoring for all who receive
e.g. quetiapine 50-100mg, • Repeat after 5-10minutes if haloperidol
olanzapine 10mg, risperidone 1- insufficient effect, up to 3 times ECG and hematological monitoring
2mg, haloperidol have flumazenil at hand also recommended for those who
5mg+promethazine 25mg receive IV antipsychotics
(pretreatment ECG)
Condition Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Non-Pharmacological

Primary Insomnia Education about the problem • If improvement does not occur, • Sleep restriction therapy CBT-I
Sleep hygiene measures do assessment e.g. sleep diary • Add drugs Sleep hygiene
for two weeks then start CBT-I Exercise
Sleep restriction therapy

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