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1. a. After I read the definition of Cultural Tourism by UNWTO, I would say the meaning in my on
words that Cultural Tourism is A person's activities involve the culture of an area as the main object
and purpose of the trip, such as study tours, performing arts and cultural tours, travel to festivals
and other cultural events, visits to sites and monuments, travel to study nature, folklore or art, and

b. These are 5 examples of Culture Tourism in Indonesia and Overseas:

 Prambanan Temple, Sleman.
Prambanan Temple is also known as Roro Jonggrang Temple. This temple is also very
popular, just like Borobudur Temple. Prambanan Temple was built in the 9th century AD.
Prambanan Temple’s location is in Sleman, precisely 17 kilometers from the center of
Yogyakarta. Prambanan Temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Prambanan Temple is
proclaimed the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia. This temple is proclaimed the grandest
temple in Southeast Asia. The activities offered here are also exciting, for example, watching
a Ramayana dance performance and learning history at the Prambanan Temple museum.
Prambanan Temple is getting easier to reach, even by public transportation.

 Baliem Valley Cultural Festival, : Jayawijaya, Wamena, Papua

The Baliem Valley Festival is a festival located in the Baliem Valley area, Jayawijaya district,
Wamena city. The festival, which is regularly held annually in August, has been around since
1989. At first, the festival was a war event between the Dani, Yali, and Lani tribes aimed to
symbolize fertility and prosperity. This inter-tribal war event does not take revenge or
hostility toward the theme but instead has a positive meaning, namely "Yogotak Hubuluk
Motog Hanoro" which means "Hope for a Tomorrow that Must Be Better than Today".
cultural performances held in this festival, among others, include colossal war-war
attractions, traditional dances (ethai), the art of body makeup with various accessories by
the Hubula Tribe, performances of traditional musical instruments (pikon and witawo),
traditional cooking performances (burning stone), children's games (puradan and sikoko),
throwing sege, and karapan pig. During the festival, some indigenous people wear
traditional clothes and walk around with tourists to offer group photos for a minimum fee of
IDR 50,000 for one photo.
 Ratenggaro Traditional Village, : Umbu Ngedo, Kodi Bangedo, Southwest Sumba,
East Nusa Tenggara Sumba
The Rattenggaro Traditional Village in Sumba. This traditional village, which is located on the
coast, saves human history in the megalithic era. Ratenggaro Traditional Village has 304
megalithic stone tombs that are thousands of years old. Apart from admiring the relics of the
great stone age, this cultural tourist destination in Indonesia also has other interesting
facilities such as horse riding and renting traditional clothes. Tourists can also enter the Uma
Kelada traditional house with a ceiling that soars up to 15 meters. The towering roof
represents social status and a form of respect for the spirits of the ancestors so that the
function of the house other than as a place to live also functions as a means of worship.
 Matera, Italy
Matera is a city in Southern Italy, precisely in the Basilicata, Italy. This beautiful city is known
as 'la Citta Sotterranea' or 'The Underground City. Matera had previously been included in
the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1993. While this city has been inhabited since
8000 years BC. In 2019 the city of Matera was named the representative of Italy as the
European Capital of Culture.

Meylin’s Note

One of the most interesting things about this city is the “Sassi”, which is a cave carved into
the hillside. Today the Sassi are used as residences, restaurants, hotels, and shops. Staying in
one of the Sassi while getting to know the history of the city will be an unforgettable
As one of the oldest cities, Matera also has the ancient Benedictine cave Cripta del Peccato
Originale (Crypt of the Original Sin) which contains paintings of biblical figures from the 8th
century, and Casa Noha, which is said to be a gateway for visitors to learn about history. the
area. And the Rupestrian Church was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993.
 Lesedi Cultural Village
Lesedi Cultural Village is located in the town of Swartkops Hills, near Johannesburg, South
Africa, Lesedi Cultural Village was created more than ten years ago - in 1995 to preserve the
uniqueness of ancient tribes and this has also managed to attract the attention of
international tourists.
The location used to create this village is the residence of the Zulu Tribe. However, in 1993,
one of the most authoritative researchers of African ethnicity, K. Holgate, proposed that
several tribes be united in one place to convey the peculiarities of their life to tourists. When
visiting this village, every tourist will be able to know in detail the uniqueness of life of each
tribe. In particular, tourists are shown ancient rituals, where residents live and get used to
everyday life in this village. If desired, tourists can wear costumes that are characteristic of
the tribe or try this tribal cuisine.

1. The Five Importances of a Cultural Tourism that I choose is :

 Has a Positive Economic and Social Impact
for example, tourism in Papua has a positive impact on the economy and society.
where we know that until now there are still conflicts between tribes and through
the Baliem festival if it can reduce existing conflicts and strengthen peaceful
relations between tribes.
 Establishes and Reinforces Identity of a Destination ( lesedi
For example, in Lesedi Cultural Village tourism, we can see that there is an effort
from a cultural researcher and the government in creating a tourist village to
preserve African culture. and the interesting fact is that not everyone in the village is
a Zulu native. However, some of them are African actors and traders.
 Helps Build Image (Matera
an example is the tourism of Matera City, because as we know that Matera once
held the status as one of the poorest cities in Italy. but managed to rise after support
from the government to tackle poverty and the city's decline. and after the hard
work of the residents and the government, now Matera is known as a cultural
tourism city that is no less competitive with other big cities in Italy.
 Helps Preserve the Cultural and Historical Heritage, With Culture as an Instrument
( Prambanan

 Supports culture (Rattenggaro

1. Penghasilan bersih (laba) seringkali digunakan sebagai ukuran kinerja atau sebagai dasar bagi
ukuran yang lain seperti imbalan investasi (return on investment) karena dapat menimbulkan
reaksi pasar oleh para investor. Semakin tinggi nilai laba bersih maka akan menimbulkan reaksi

Meylin’s Note

positif karena perusahaan dianggap memiliki kinerja yang baik dan mampu memberikan return
yang baik kepada investor.

Meylin’s Note

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