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Daily Literacy Practice

Set 2, List 1
1. Put the following words into alphabetical order:
Maths Reading Writing P.E.

2. Circle the word which is spelt wrong in this sentence:

She couldn’t wait untill it was her turn to play.
3. The sentence below is meant to be two sentences!
Put in the missing full stop and capital letter to make the sentences correct.
Hint: Read the sentence aloud to yourself and listen for where you take a breath.
Sometimes on the weekends I stay with my Nana and Grandad I like going
there because Grandad makes the best breakfasts.

4. Use an apostrophe (‘) to make a contraction (shorter version) of the two

words below
will not
5. Write as many words as you can that begin with cl in the box below:

6. Circle the noun (naming word):

lamp wooden tall dreaming
7. Turn these verbs (doing words) below into past tense verbs by adding -d or -ed.
Hint: If it’s an -ed ending, you might need to change another letter too!

rush hurry
8. Put the following word into a sentence: nearly

9. Which of the following words belongs in the blank space below? They’re (they
are), their (something they own) or there (a place)?
When we got , I ran to meet my friend Tasha.

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Set 2, List 1
10. Write one sentence describing the picture below:

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Daily Literacy Practice
Set 2, List 2
1. Put the following words into alphabetical order:
pencil ruler book eraser

2. Circle the word that is spelt wrong in this sentence:

It was finaly time to play their brand new computer game!
3. The sentence below is meant to be two sentences!
Put in the missing full stops and capital letter to make the sentences correct.
Hint: Read the sentence aloud to yourself and listen for where you take a breath.
After school, Arama went to the park he took the dog along because he
needed a run too

4. Use an apostrophe (‘) to make a contraction (shorter version) of the two

words below:
I will
5. Write as many words as you can that begin with sw in the box below:

6. Circle the noun (naming word):

fluffy cloud green walked
7. Turn these verbs (doing words) below into past tense verbs by adding -d or -ed.

cook glue
8. Put the following word into a sentence: dollars

9. Which of the following words belongs in the blank space below? They’re (they
are), their (something they own) or there (a place)?

When we visit our grandparents, I always look forward to

patting dog.

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Set 2, List 2
10. Write one sentence describing the picture below:

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Daily Literacy Practice
Set 2, List 3
1. Put the following words into alphabetical order:
carpet lino tiles wood

2. Circle the word that is spelt wrong in this sentence:

Kingston was feeling greate as he had finally gotten over his cold from last week.
3. The sentence below is meant to be two sentences!
Put in the missing full stops and capital letter to make the sentences correct.
Hint: Read the sentence aloud to yourself and listen for where you take a breath.
Mix together the flour, baking soda and salt add the wet ingredients and stir
until smooth

4. Use an apostrophe (‘) to make a contraction (shorter version) of the two

words below:
have not
5. Write as many words as you can that begin with pr in the box below:

6. Circle the noun (naming word):

clean purple laughing shirt
7. Turn these verbs (doing words) below into past tense by adding -d or -ed.

laugh walk
8. Put the following word into a sentence: instead

9. Which of the following words belongs in the blank space below? They’re (they
are), their (something they own) or there (a place)?

My cousins are named Mary and Amo. both girls.

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Set 2, List 3
10. Write one sentence describing the picture below:

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Daily Literacy Practice
Set 2, List 4
1. Put the following words into alphabetical order:
Harry Arama Wiremu Claudia

2. Circle the word that is spelt wrong in this sentence:

It was big news when my mum had my babie brother named Polo.
3. The sentence below is meant to be two sentences!
Put in the missing full stops and capital letter to make the sentences correct.
Hint: Read the sentence aloud to yourself and listen for where you take a breath.
It had been a long hot summer we spent days on end splashing around
in the bay.

4. Use an apostrophe (‘) to make a contraction (shorter version) of the two

words below:
I would
5. Write as many words as you can that begin with ch in the box below:

6. Circle the noun (naming word):

pencil write writing hot
7. Turn these verbs (doing words) below into past tense by adding -d or -ed.

stretch poke
8. Put the following word into a sentence: scared

9. Which of the following words belongs in the blank space below? They’re (they
are), their (something they own) or there (a place)?

“How do you know them?”

“ my cousins.”

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Set 2, List 4
10. Write one sentence describing the picture below:

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Daily Literacy Practice
Set 2, List 5
1. Put the following words into alphabetical order:
Inoke Charlie Sarah Lena

2. Circle the word that is spelt wrong in this sentence:

Somtimes it was nice to go to bed early, she decided.
3. The sentence below is meant to be two sentences!
Put in the missing full stops and capital letter to make the sentences correct.
Hint: Read the sentence aloud to yourself and listen for where you take a breath.
His favourite after school snack was cheese and crackers he would take a full
plate with him to sit on the deck outside.

4. Use an apostrophe (‘) to make a contraction (shorter version) of the two

words below:
could not
5. Write as many words as you can that begin with ch in the box below:

6. Circle the noun (naming word):

flower picking pretty colourful
7. Turn these verbs (doing words) below into past tense by adding -d or -ed.

dress buzz
8. Put the following word into a sentence: grabbed

9. Which of the following words belongs in the blank space below? They’re (they
are), their (something they own) or there (a place)?

I stood looking down at the beach. The water was so blue out .

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Set 2, List 5
10. Write one sentence describing the picture below:

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