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Business Finance Project

Financial Savings Journey

Manuta, Jasper BSHM 3B

I came up with this amount because of my sideline which is a server of a catering

services (Lagura’s Catering, Blue Plate Catering, 1031 Catering and Baluya’s Catering Services).
And also, from the allowances that my parents gave me. It’s not easy to save money especially
nowadays that we are in crisis but as much as possible I will save some because I know this will
help me soon when I need it. I barely go to the bank to deposit it because I rather keep it at
home, but I realized that regularly depositing a portion of my earnings into a bank account not
only creates a sense of financial stability, but also protects my money that’s why I deposited it
in my bank account. Money does not just magically appear. In order to earn enough money to
cover basic living expenditures, I must work hard. I'll have to figure out the best technique to
get more spending money if I want it. These days, financial difficulties are all too common,
therefore I need to learn how to save money. Being a part-timer is incredibly hard because I
have to balance my studies and my work, and I sometimes struggle to manage my time, but I
always try my hardest because I want to graduate and make my parents proud, and my studies
are still my top priority no matter what happens.
I came up with this amount because also of my part time jobs as an on call waiter from
February to may so decided to deposit it to my bank account. I always try to save money
because it gives me peace of mind to know that I have a certain amount saved up for times
when I need it. I can live a stress-free life knowing that if something unexpected happens, I
won't have to struggle. I know that my savings are not really big, but it can somehow help me
to be a responsible person and it trains me how to handle my money properly through savings.
Saving money is important because it allows me to build wealth. Wealth, in turn, helps me to
make more money. Saving provides a cushion for emergencies that come up with regularity.
Finally, one of the things that defines how affluent I am or will be is how much money I save.

I only got the chance to deposit three times because I was busy, and I don’t really have
time to go to the bank to deposit my money. And I’m also paying my home credit every month,
so I only saved a small amount of money because I am just an on-call waiter and not permanent
on the job, so my salary is not that huge, it’s just enough for myself to buy my needs and to pay
my home credit, but I am always trying to save even if it’s just a little amount of money.

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