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ISSN 1061-933X, Colloid Journal, 2018, Vol. 80, No. 5, pp. 541–549. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2018.

Original Russian Text © N.A. Salavatov, O.V. Dement’eva, A.I. Mikhailichenko, V.M. Rudoy, 2018, published in Kolloidnyi Zhurnal, 2018, Vol. 80, No. 5, pp. 571–580.

Some Aspects of Seedless Synthesis of Gold Nanorods

N. A. Salavatova, b, O.V. Dement’evaa, *, A. I. Mikhailichenkob, and V. M. Rudoya
aFrumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119071 Russia
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, 125047 Russia
Received April 20, 2018

Abstract—Seedless synthesis of gold nanorods with the use of sodium borohydride and hydroquinone as
reductants of metal ions has been systematically studied. The effect of reaction system composition on the
morphology and optical characteristics of the formed particles has been determined. It has been found that
the position of the band of the longitudinal surface plasmon resonance of the nanorods varies nonmonotoni-
cally with variations in the concentration of hydroquinone or silver nitrate. The seedless synthesis has been
shown to yield high-quality gold nanorods, with the tunable position of their longitudinal surface plasmon
resonance in a wide spectral range (from 700 to ∼1050 nm). Therewith, the conversion of metal ions is no
lower than 78 wt %.

DOI: 10.1134/S1061933X18050149

INTRODUCTION or aromatic compounds [47] in a reaction medium;

Anisotropic gold nanoparticles, primarily gold the size, surface chemistry, and “age” of seed particles
nanorods (GNRs), have attracted considerable atten- [48–51]; temperature [52]; and reductant type [53–
tion from researchers. This is due to the possibility of 55], on the yield, polydispersity, and size of GNRs has
“tuning” the position of longitudinal localized surface been thoroughly studied.
plasmon resonance (LSPR) of gold nanorods to a In spite of the considerable body of accumulated
desired wavelength in the near-IR spectral region by experimental data, some questions remain open. For
varying their aspect ratio, i.e., the length-to-diameter example, the role of Ag+ ions in the anisotropic growth
ratio of the particles. This advantage of GNRs is inten- of GNRs is still unclear. In the opinion of most
sively used for solving different problems of nanoplas- authors [17, 24, 38, 41, 43], it consists in the blockage
monics relevant to the creation of high-sensitivity sen- of faces (110) of growing GNRs through the formation
sors [1–6], unique media for recording and storage of
information [7], and sources of radiation (including of a (mono)layer of Ag0 atoms on their surface via the
coherent radiation) [8]), as well as the development of underpotential deposition mechanism or as a result of
new methods for tumor diagnostics and therapy (ther- the joint reduction of gold and silver ions (so-called
anostics) [9–16]. codeposition). According to an alternative point of
view, this occurs due to the selective adsorption of
The so-called “seeded synthesis” proposed by
Murphy and improved by El-Sayed [17–20] is the CТА+−Br–−Ag+ complex. Moreover, the addition of
method most widely used for producing GNRs. It silver ions may favor the transformation of spherical
consists in the preliminary preparation of spherical CTAB micelles into cylindrical ones [17]. Naturally, a
seed Au nanoparticles with ultrasmall sizes followed combined action of several mechanisms is possible.
by their growing up to the formation of GNRs in “soft There are different opinions on the selection of an
templates,” i.e., micelles of cetyltrimethylammonium optimal reductant for metal ions at the stage of GNR
bromide CTAB [17–20]. growth. Ascorbic acid (AA) is, as a rule, used for this
There is a number of papers devoted to studying the purpose [17–20]. However, it is known that the opti-
mechanism of seeded growth of GNRs and the kinet- mum range of the АA/Au(III) molar ratios that pro-
ics of this process [21–24] with the aim of providing vide high yields of GNRs is very narrow (1.1–1.15)
higher yield of GNRs and finer tuning the longitudinal [53–55]. As a result, the conversion of Au(III) into
LSPR maximum position. The influence of many Au(0) in this reaction is no higher than 15% [53–55].
parameters of the synthesis, such as the nature of a At the same time, according to [54, 55], other reduc-
templating surfactant [20, 24–34]; the pH of a reac- tants, such as hydroquinone (HQ) [54] and dopamine
tion medium [26, 35, 36]; the presence of Ag+ ions [17, [55], can be used even in a tenfold excess relative to the
18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 37–43], halide ions [28, 44–46], reaction stoichiometry. This makes it possible to reach

542 SALAVATOV et al.

almost 100% conversion of Au(III) into Au(0), with 63], we do not intend to add any other components
the yield of GNR remaining rather high. into the reaction system with the exception of silver
Thus, it is obvious that the seeded synthesis of nitrate.
GNRs has a number of serious drawbacks. In particu-
lar, they are the need to use CTAB of a specific type EXPERIMENTAL
(purity) [32–34], a very short “lifetime” of seed parti-
cles [49, 51], and a long reaction time (no less than Chloroauric acid trihydrate (basic substance con-
15–20 h). Moreover, the structural, morphological, tent of ≥99%, Acros Organics) and CТАB (≥96%),
and, hence, optical characteristics of the obtained hydroquinone (≥99.5%), silver nitrate (99.9999%)2,
GNRs strongly depend on the pH of a medium and and sodium borohydride (99%) produced by Sigma-
the volume of a reaction system. The latter circum- Aldrich were used as reagents in the experiments.
stance makes the scaling of the synthesis very difficult All solutions were prepared in distilled water, which
[24, 56]. was additionally deionized with an Arium 611VF setup
The aforementioned disadvantages substantially (Sartorius, Germany), with a specific conductivity of
deteriorate the reproducibility of GNR synthesis, no higher than 0.060 μS/cm.
thereby hindering its practical use. Therefore, the one-
Extinction spectra of colloidal solutions were
pot “seedless” synthesis of GNRs is becoming
recorded with an Evolution 300 double-beam spectro-
increasingly popular [50, 57–65]. This method is
photometer (Thermo Electron Corp., United States)
based on the successive introduction of mild and
within a wavelength range of 350–1100 nm in poly-
strong reductants into a reaction system. In this case,
acrylic cells with a light path of 10 mm; a cell with dis-
GNRs are formed in the same reaction system via sev-
tilled water was placed into the reference beam. In all
eral basic stages. Initially, Au(III) ions solubilized in
cases, GNR dispersions were preliminarily diluted by
CTAB micelles are reduced to Au(I)1 under the action four times because of their high optical density. Con-
of the mild reductant. The subsequent addition of the version of Au(III) into Au(0) was estimated from opti-
strong reductant results in the transformation of some cal density D of the dispersions at a wavelength of
fraction of Au(I) ions into Au(0) and the formation of 390 nm. This value corresponds to the region of inter-
seed particles, which then grow under the action of the band transitions of gold, where the optical density of a
mild reductant to yield GNRs. colloidal solution is determined by metal concentra-
Note that AA is not widely used for the seedless tion CAu0 alone and is independent of the particle
synthesis of GNRs. Greater attention is focused on shape. The calculations were performed by the equa-
other reductants [59–63, 65], in particular, HQ. To a tion CAu0 = 0.355D390 proposed in [22].
significant extent, this is caused by the fact that the use The morphology and sizes of GNRs were studied
of HQ ensures high conversion of Au(III) into Au(0). with a Leo-912 AB Omega high-resolution transmis-
The seedless synthesis of GNRs is devoid of most sion electron microscope (HRTEM) (Carl Zeiss, Ger-
of the aforementioned disadvantages, and this circum- many) operating at an accelerating voltage of 100 kV.
stance is of great importance for the preparation of For this purpose, a droplet of a dispersion was placed
nanorods with a preset position of LPSR and their onto a carbon-film-coated copper grid and dried. The
practical application. At the same time, it should be GNR size distributions were plotted by processing the
emphasized that, at present, studies devoted to the images of at least 100 particles for each sample.
realization of this approach are relatively scarce. The synthesis of GNRs was based on the protocol
Moreover, their authors often introduce additional developed previously [65]. The experiments were car-
components (e.g., 5-bromosalycylic [63] and/or ried out as follows. A 100-mL flask was charged with
hydrochloric acids [61, 63]) to reaction systems. These CTAB (2 g), water (50 mL) was added, and the mix-
components influence the structure of a micellar tem- ture was stirred intensely in a water bath at 30°C. After
plate and/or the pH of a medium, thereby making dif- CTAB was completely dissolved, a 0.01 M HAuCl4
ficult not only the comparison of the data obtained,
but also the understanding of the process as a whole. solution (2.2 mL), a 0.02 M AgNO3 solution (0.20–
0.75 mL), a 0.14 M hydroquinone solution (0.5–
Therefore, the goal of this work is to systematically 2.0 mL), and a 0.005 M NaBH4 solution (0.1–0.4 mL)
study the influence of the conditions of the GNRs were successively added to the solution with intervals
seedless synthesis with the use of sodium borohydride of 5 min. Thirty seconds after the addition of NaBH4,
and HQ as reductants of metal ions on the morphol- the stirring was stopped, and the reaction mixture was
ogy and optical characteristics of resulting particles. left to stand in the water bath at 30°C for 24 h. Then,
Therewith, unlike the authors of previous studies [61, excess CTAB was removed from the GNR dispersion
1 According to the data of a number of works (see, e.g., [64] and 2 Preliminary
experiments have shown that storage of AgNO3
references therein), this solubilization is caused by the formation leads to the formation of impurities, which negatively affect the
of water-insoluble complex of AuCl4− anions with CTAB cat- quality of resulting GNRs. Therefore, silver nitrate was, in most
ions. cases, additionally recrystallized before the synthesis.

COLLOID JOURNAL Vol. 80 No. 5 2018


Table 1. The influence of the reaction mixture composition on size and optical characteristics of GNRs*
C AgNO3 , CHQ, СNaBH4 , Position of longitudinal
No. GNR length, nm GNR diameter, nm GNR aspect ratio
mM mМ μМ LSPR, nm
1 9.1 62.7 ± 10.4 9.6 ± 0.7 6.5 1048
2 18.2 28.0 ± 3.2 7.0 ± 0.5 4.0 866
3 27.3 15.5 ± 3 5.0 ± 0.4 3.1 784
4 0.2 36.4 12.0 ± 3 4.8 ± 0.5 2.5 742
5 4.0 864
6 2.6 46.6 ± 6.2 7.8 ± 0.4 6.0 1044
7 1.3 875
8 0.07 18.2 31.0 ± 4.8 8.9 ± 1.1 3.5 793
9 0.13 40.6 ± 4.6 8.0 ± 0.6 5.1 927
10 0.17 44.6 ± 5.3 8.0 ± 0.5 5.6 986
11 0.27 856
* In all experiments, the concentration of chloroauric acid was equal to 0.4 μМ.

using a Universal 320R centrifuge (Hettich, Ger- pronounced peaks corresponding to the transverse
many). The centrifugation was carried out for 1 h at and longitudinal LSPR. The positions of these peaks
14000 rpm. Then the supernatant was decanted, while remain almost unchanged with time, while their
the precipitate was redispersed in water using a Sapfir intensity grows rapidly to reach its maximum value
ultrasonic bath. The latter procedure was repeated over 2–3 h.
twice. The analysis of the prepared sols by HRTEM has
shown that, in all cases, the number fraction of GNRs
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION is 83–85% (Fig. 1) of the particles present in the sols.
The gold nanorods are cigar-shaped and have a rather
As has previously been shown [65], our protocol narrow size distribution. Therewith, a rise in NaBH4
enables one to prepare GNRs of rather high quality.
Wherein, there is a possibility of fine tuning the posi- concentration leads to a reduction in both the size and
tion of the longitudinal LSPR of nanorods by varying aspect ratio of the GNRs (see also Table 1). This is
the synthesis temperature: as the temperature is quite natural, because the increase in CNaBH4 leads to
increased from 30 to 40°C, the plasmon band shifts to the formation of a greater number of seed particles,
shorter wavelengths from 1100 to 920 nm. It should, whereas the amount of metal ions participating in the
however, be noted that the quality of the plasmon GNR formation diminishes.
band somewhat decreases, thereby suggesting the Figure 2 shows the extinction spectra of the synthe-
broadening of the particle size distribution. sized sols. Their patterns indicate high quality of all
In this work, the effect of the reaction system com- obtained GNRs. In particular, the intensity ratio of
position on the quality and optical characteristics of the bands attributed to the longitudinal and transverse
the synthesized GNRs is analyzed. LSPR varies from ∼4 to ∼13, thereby corresponding to
First, let us consider the results obtained upon a high yield of GNRs in the synthesis [53, 66]. The
varying the content of the strong reductant, sodium transverse LSPR of the nanorods is observed at
borohydride. Its concentration was varied from 9.1 to approximately 500 nm. At the same time, in accor-
36.4 μМ (Table 1). According to the stoichiometry of dance with the Mie–Gans theory [67], the position of
the reaction, the fraction of Au(I) ions reduced under the longitudinal LSPR shifts toward longer wave-
these conditions to Au(0) must be from ∼18 to ∼73%. lengths up to ∼1050 nm with an increase in the aspect
The experimental results have shown that, upon ratio of GNRs. GNRs with such high aspect ratios are
the addition of the NaBH4 solution to the reaction sys- of considerable interest as applied to the tumor thera-
tem, it gradually acquires a weak reddish-brown color, nostics using the lasers operating in the second trans-
thereby indicating the formation of seed gold parency window of biological tissues [68]. Note that,
nanoparticles. The rate of this process increases sig- such GNRs are rather difficult to prepare by the
nificantly with NaBH4 concentration. Then, the seeded growth.
GNRs grow rather rapidly. Already 1 h after the onset Subsequent experiments have shown that the con-
of the process, the spectra of all sols exhibit distinctly version of Au(III) ions into Au(0) in the synthesis of

COLLOID JOURNAL Vol. 80 No. 5 2018

544 SALAVATOV et al.

100 nm 50 nm
(а) (b)

50 nm

Fig. 1. Micrographs of GNRs prepared at NaBH4 concentrations in the system of (a) 9.1, (b) 18.2, and (c) 36.4 μМ.

GNRs is almost independent of NaBH4 concentration tant of metal ions, but also be incorporated into the
and amounts to nearly 82 wt %. This value is markedly CTAB bilayer, thereby affecting the structure of the
higher than that presented in the majority of papers on micellar template [61, 69]. The validity of this assump-
the seeded synthesis of GNRs (see above). tion is also confirmed by our preliminary findings that
the addition of HQ to a micellar CTAB solution leads
Let us consider the results of studying the effect of to increase in micelle sizes. Moreover, it must be taken
HQ content in the reaction system on the optical char- into account that HQ oxidation decreases the pH of
acteristics of GNR. the medium and may influence the morphology and
Figure 3a shows the spectra of hydrosols synthe- optical characteristics of GNRs.
sized at CHQ varied in a range of 1.3–5.1 mМ (in all Subsequent experiments have shown that a
cases HQ was added in a significant excess relative to decrease of the HQ content in the system leads to a
its stoichiometric ratio with HAuCl4). It is seen that reduction in the rate of GNR growth. Wherein we
the position of the longitudinal LSPR of nanorods observe not only a gradual increase in the optical den-
varies nonmonotonically with HQ concentration sity of a colloidal solution over time, but also an essen-
(Fig. 3b, Table 1). This fact seems to suggest that HQ tial bathochromic shift of the longitudinal LSPR
plays several roles in the process of the GNR forma- which takes place primarily due to a rise in the aspect
tion. In particular, HQ may not only serve as a reduc- ratio of GNRs (Fig. 4).

COLLOID JOURNAL Vol. 80 No. 5 2018


Optical density (a)

Optical density
1.4 2
1.0 1.0 1
0.8 0.8 3
0.6 3 0.6 4
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2

0 0
400 600 800 1000 400 600 800 1000
Wavelength, nm Wavelength, nm
Fig. 2. Extinction spectra of GNRs synthesized at NaBH4 Position of longitudinal LSPR, nm
concentrations in the system of (1) 9.1, (2) 18.2, (3) 27.3, 1050
and (4) 36.4 μМ. Concentrations of other reagents are
given in Table 1.
Figure 5 shows the kinetic curves of GNR growth
at different HQ concentrations.3 It can be seen that 950
our experimental data are adequately described by the
equation that is often used to analyze the kinetics of
autocatalytic reactions [70]4: 900

[ Au(I)]0 + [ Au(0)]0 850
= , (1)
[ Au(I)]0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
1+ exp ( − ([ Au(I)]0 + [ Au(0)]0 ) kt ) HQ concentration, mM
[ Au(0)]0
where [Au(I)]0 is the initial concentration of metal Fig. 3. Panel (a): extinction spectra of GNRs synthesized
ions; [Au(0)]0 and [Au(0)]t are the initial and current at CHQ of (1) 1.3, (2) 2.6, (3) 4.0, and (4) 5.1 mМ (concen-
trations of other reagents are given in Table 1) and
concentrations of Au metal, respectively; k is the panel (b): dependence of the position of longitudinal
apparent rate constant of the reaction; and t is the LSPR on HQ concentration obtained by the processing of
reaction time. the spectra.
It is also seen that the apparent rate constant of
GNR growth increases almost linearly with HQ con-
centration (Table 2). However, it must be taken into position of the longitudinal LSPR of nanorods and,
account that this is only a preliminary result. For a hence, their aspect ratio depend nonmonotonically on
more detailed study of the process kinetics, further AgNO3 concentration in the system (see also Table 1).
experiments are required, which are beyond the scope As C AgNO3 is increased from 0.07 to 0.18 mМ, the lon-
of this study. gitudinal LSPR band shifts toward longer wave-
Now let us consider the results of studying the lengths; i.e., the aspect ratio of the GNRs grows. A
effect of AgNO3 concentration in the reaction system
on the characteristics of GNRs synthesized by the Table 2. Dependence of the apparent rate constant of GNR
seedless growth. growth on HQ concentration in a system
It follows from the extinction spectra of the synthe- CHQ, mМ k
sized sols (Fig. 6) that, similarly to the case of HQ, the
3 It
1.3 1.7
should be emphasized that the stage of reduction of Au(III)
ions to Au(I) ions has, in this case, been excluded from the con- 2.6 3.1
sideration. 4.0 6.8
4 The kinetic curves were approximated using the Origin2015 pro-
gram. 5.1 10.8

COLLOID JOURNAL Vol. 80 No. 5 2018

546 SALAVATOV et al.

Optical density CAu0, mM

1.4 9 0.40
1.2 8 0.35
7 0.30
6 0.25
0.6 4 3
0.15 2
0.4 4 1
3 0.10
400 600 800 1000 0
Wavelength, nm 0 2 4 6 20 22 24
Time, h
Fig. 4. Evolution of plasmon characteristics of GNRs syn-
thesized by protocol no. 6 in Table 1 at synthesis times of Fig. 5. Time dependences of Au(0) concentration at HQ
(1) 1, (2) 2, (3) 2.5, (4) 3, (5) 3.5, (6) 4, (7) 4.5, (8) 5, and concentrations of (1) 1.3, (2) 2.6, (3) 4, and (4) 5.1 mМ.
(9) 23 h. Points and solid lines correspond to experimental data and
their approximation by Eq. (1), respectively.

further increase in C AgNO3 (to 0.2 mМ and above)

results in a shift of the plasmon band toward shorter may change. Some changes in the apparent rate con-
wavelengths. stant of GNR growth with variations in the content of
One of the reasons for this effect may be a change silver nitrate in the reaction system confirm the valid-
in the character of the deposition of silver atoms on the ity of the latter assumption.
GNR surface with a rise in C AgNO3 . This possibility is Subsequent experiments have shown that the con-
evident from the data of [43]: at a relatively low AgNO3 version of Au(III) ions into Au(0) depends nonmono-
concentration, the blockage of faces (110) of growing tonically on AgNO3 concentration (Fig. 8): in a
GNRs occurs via the mechanism of underpotential
deposition of Ag (under these conditions, its amount C AgNO3 range of 0.07–0.17 mМ, conversion decreases
on the aforementioned faces must not be higher than from 98 to 78%. Then, it increases to some extent and
one atomic layer). An increase in C AgNO3 leads to the remains almost unchanged as C AgNO3 increases from
codeposition of Ag and Au atoms [43]. As a result, an 0.2 to 0.27 mM. The clarifying of the reasons for such
Ag/Au alloy is formed on the GNR surface, and it may
be several atomic layers thick. In our case, the content
of Ag in such an alloy may be sufficiently high, Optical density
because, at C AgNO3 ≥ 0.2 mМ, molar ratio Ag/Au ≥ 0.5. 1.4 2
It cannot be ruled out that, as a result, a hypsochromic
shift of the longitudinal LSPR will be observed by 1.2
analogy with the case of coating GNRs with silver [71]. 1.0
1 4
At C AgNO3 ≥ 0.2 mМ, the yield of GNRs (i.e., their 0.8
fraction relative to the total amount of the formed 5
nanoparticles) decreases significantly. This is con- 0.6
firmed by the significant decrease of the intensity of 0.4
the longitudinal LSPR as compared with the trans-
verse one and by the data of the HRTEM analysis 0.2
(Fig. 7). This may be due to several reasons. First one
is an increase in the fraction of insoluble silver bro- 0
mide, the particles of which may, probably, act as 400 600 800 1000
additional nucleation sites. Moreover, it is known that Wavelength, nm
sodium borohydride is capable of reducing both silver
and gold ions [72]. Hence, as C AgNO3 increases, not Fig. 6. Extinction spectra of GNRs prepared at AgNO3
concentrations in the system of (1) 0.07, (2) 0.13, (3) 0.17,
only the composition of seed particles, but also their (4) 0.2, and (5) 0.27 mМ (concentrations of other reagents
ability to catalyze the anisotropic growth of GNRs, are given in Table 1).

COLLOID JOURNAL Vol. 80 No. 5 2018


Conversion Au(III) into Au(0), wt %






0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
CAgNO3, mM

(а) 100 nm
Fig. 8. Conversion of Au(III) into Au(0) as depending on
AgNO3 concentration in the reaction mixture.

the scatter of these values reported in different publi-

cations is rather wide. This is due to both some differ-
ence in the shapes of the ends of GNRs prepared by
different methods [53] and the phase retardation effect
which is typical of rather large particles [73].
In conclusion, let us discuss two more facts of prin-
cipal importance from the point of view of the practi-
cal application of GNRs. First, the seedless method of
their synthesis has proved to be much less sensitive to
the purity of the used CTAB compared to the classical
seeded method. This statement is exemplified by
Fig. 10, in which the extinction spectra of the sols pre-
pared using CTAB of two types. Second, the results of
the preliminary experiments are shown that the scal-
(b) 100 nm ing of the seedless synthesis of GNRs can be per-
formed rather easily. For example, a fivefold increase
Fig. 7. HRTEM images of GNRs prepared at AgNO3 con- in the reaction system volume (i.е., up to 250 mL)
centrations in the system of (а) 0.13 and (b) 0.2 mМ. does not lead to any noticeable changes in the spectra
of sols.
behavior of the reaction system is a goal of our further
The set of the obtained spectral data and the anal-
ysis of the HRTEM images have been used to plot the The experiments have shown that the seedless syn-
dependence of the position of the longitudinal LSPR thesis of GNRs has indeed a number of advantages
on the aspect ratio of GNRs (Fig. 9). This dependence over the classical seeded method. In particular, they
is linear according to the Mie–Gans theory and is are the simplicity of realization, the significantly
described by the following equation: shorter reaction time, and the high conversion of
y = 508 + 85x, (2) Au(III) ions into Au(0). Moreover, this method
enables one to implement the tuning of the longitudi-
where x is the aspect ratio of GNRs and y is the posi- nal LSPR of the nanorods in a wide spectral range
tion of their longitudinal LSPR. (from 700 to at least 1050 nm) only by varying the ratio
The coefficients of this equation are, as a whole, in of the reagents without adding any substances regulat-
good agreement with the literature data (see, e.g., [47, ing the structure of a micellar template or the pH of a
53, 63, 73]). However, it should be emphasized that medium.

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