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Activity Worksheet F-3


Course/ Year and Sections: BEE 1-4

The Digital Self

I. Identification. Read the following statements and write on the blanks what they may refer to.

Digital Literacy 1. It is defined as those capabilities which an individual has for.

living, learning and working in a digital society

Benign Dishinbition 2. It is a positive form of online disinhibition.

Online Dishinbition 3. It refers to the lack of restraint one feels when communicating
online in comparison to communicating in-person.

Self -Enhancement 4. It refers to the tendency to think of oneself in a favorable light.

Toxic Dishinbition 5. It is a negative form of online disinhibition.

Exemplification 6. It refers to a deliberate attempt to distort one's responses in.

order to have a favorable impression with others

Ingratiation 7. It is when a person tries to please others in the form of flattery

or praise to be liked by others.

Supplication 8. It is when a person presents himself as helpless to achieve

nurturance from others.

Digital Identity 9. It refers to anything that describes a persona an individual

presents across all the digital spaces that he/she is represented

Gender intensification 10. This states that psychological and behavioral differences
between boys and girls become greater during early
adolescence because of increased socialization pressure to
conform to masculine and feminine gender roles.
II. Pledge Making. (5 points)

Create your own pledge entitled “A pledge for responsible Social Networking”

As a student and future educator, I commit to manage my social media accounts responsibly
and in an appropriate manner. I will not use it to propagate false information. I will use social media for
good. I realize that with increased knowledge and awareness comes great responsibility. I will set a good
example and treat others the way they deserve to be treated. I intend to make good use of technology.
Do not tolerate cyber bullies. I will respect other people's viewpoints, and I will be sincere and punctual.
I will prevent plagiarism by not using other people's words, photos, or material without permission and
crediting the source. And I should avoid posting personal information on my social media profiles. I
should consider twice before sharing something that isn't absolutely necessary. As a result, I must hold
myself accountable for how I use my social media accounts in the course of activity.

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