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1.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на передачу названий и имен собственных.

1. John Harris, a Republican, and heir to the Standard Oil fortune, donated to the environmental causes. 2. Linda
Pritzker, a Tibetan Buddhist, is heiress to the Pritzker family fortune, the founder of Slimfast. 3. The French Trade
Minister said France would urge other EU countries to reject the WTO draft at a meeting of European foreign
ministers in Brussels on Monday. 4. The five richest states (Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and
Maryland) all voted for Mr. Gore. Mr. Bush won the 14 poorest states, except New Mexico. 5. Mr. Dahlan was
arrested 11 times by the Israelis and served five years in Israeli jails, picking up fluent Hebrew in the process. He was
expelled from Gaza in 1988 and made his way to Mr. Arafat's headquarters in Tunis from where he helped direct the
first antifada. 6. De Beers recently signed a deal with African Diamonds, a Dublin-based diamond exploration
company that also has projects in Sierra Leone, Lesotho and Guinea. 7. Miramax movie mogul Harvey Weinstein was
so impressed by the Christian Dior hante-couture show in Paris that he has asked their flamboyant designer John
Galliano if he'll direct one of his films. 8. The US Marines arrived in Somalia last week to orchestrate the evacuation
of the last of the UN's peacekeepers. 9. Tour de France winner Floyd Landis was sacked by his team after the back-up
doping sample taken during the race confirmed that he had excessive levels of testosterone in his body. 10. In
September 2003, an International Atomic Energy Agency team said it had found traces of weapon-grade uranium in
Iran. 11. Research from Boston College's Centre on Retirement suggests that no more than 10 per cent of those
drawing benefits at 62 are genuinely unable to work. 12. All but one member of the commercial alliance is owned by
American media giants: Turner is part of the world's largest media company, Time Warner — AOL, and owns CNN
and Cartoon Network. Viacom owns MTV and Nickelodeon, and Discovery and Telewest are also American-owned
а)имена исторических личностей и литературных персонажей РЯ→АЯ:
Жанна д ’Арк, Мария Кровавая, Цезарь, Дон Жуан, Красная Шапочка, Гомер, Золушка, Мальчик-с-пальчик,
б) «говорящие имена» АЯ→РЯ:
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Jack the Ripper, Scrooge;
в) перефраз именем собственным РЯ→АЯ
Солнце русской поэзии, вождь мирового пролетариата, последний президент СССР, первый президент
России, первый космонавт, первая женщина-космонавт, Великий Кормчий, ливерпульская четверка,
архангельский мужик, Король сказок, Железная леди, Русская ракета, Маршал Победы

3.Переведите текст, обращая внимание на передачу названий и имен собственных.

In their book When Illness Strikes the Leader Jerrold Post and Robert Robins show that the medical advisers to
heads of state have a difficult task. It is no longer true that the royal physician who lets his illustrious patient die will
suffer the same fate, but professional ruin and notoriety will follow any physician who by his mistakes allows his
most important client to die, and so changes the course of history.
Sir Morrell MacKenzie was the most famous ear, nose and throat surgeon of Victorian England, and would have
been commemorated as such but for one mistake. He was called to Berlin to examine the crown prince, the future
Frederick III of Prussia. A pleasant, liberal Anglophile, the prince had begun to lose his voice. Cancer was suspected,
but MacKenzie was adamant there was no malignancy. By the time he had changed his mind Frederick was terminally
ill. He was succeeded by his son, William II, the infamous Kaiser Bill, who did more than any other man to bring
about the First World war.

4.Переведите, обращая внимание на передачу «ложных друзей переводчика»

1. The crew of the boat consisted of her husband, his two mates, three engineers, twelve firemen and ten able-
bodied seamen. 2. The undersecretary was in evening dress. 3. «Take the chair» – shouted the comrades to comrade
Johnson – «and don’t give the floor to anybody for more than ten minutes; we want to hear your paper at full length».
4. A physician working with X-rays must be something of a physicist. 5. The work of a compositor is rather
6. The speaker of the House of Commons stops a speaker if he puts things too bluntly. 7. The tramp took up some
kind of shipment at every port. 8. The book was edited by a famous scholar. 9. Mendeleyev was a great student of
chemistry. 10. A librarian must know both Sciences and Arts. 11. The faculty of the New Orleans University consists
of the best scholars, especially in Arts. 12. I asked the chemist whether they had these preparations at the
dispensary, I also asked him for dressing material. 13. The salesman showed me a number of patterns for various
fabrics. 14. The officers of that company consist of the president, the treasurer, the counsel, the auditor, etc. 15.
«Look here, officer,» said the old woman – «stop the traffic for a moment, so that I might walk over the square to the
pavement on the other side». 16. Little Oliver Twist was very much afraid of the master in the working house. 17. «It
is so hot in the stokehold» – said Jackson – «we ought to have better fans». 18. Michael Jackson has lost many of his
fans after the scandal. 19. Five papers by excellent scholars were read at the Fuel Conference. 20. There are many
creepers in the conservatory.

5.Переведите на английский язык следующие слова.

Аккуратный, адвокат, академик, анекдот, апартаменты, артист, бисквит (пирог), гениальный, кабинет, камера
(тюремная), сериал, клей, корпус (учебный), корпус (тело), дата, декада, датский, фабрика, фамильярный,
фасон, лист, майор, монитор, моторист (рабочий, обслуживающий моторы, двигатели), мультипликация,
физик, принципиальный (вопрос), принципиальный (человек), проспект, репетиция, рецепт, реплика, сатин,
стул, трасса, трап, труп, валет (карта), вагон.

6.Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания со словом актуальный, обращая внимание

на различные оттенки значения, реализуемые данным словом в определенном контексте.
Уже устаревший, но все еще актуальный (о модели сотового телефона), модные прически и «актуальный»
макияж, актуальный разговор, актуальный комментарий, актуальный вопрос, актуальная проблема,
актуальные международные вопросы, программа на радио «Актуальный микрофон».

7.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова, которые могут быть «ложными
друзьями» переводчика.
1. Fifty years later, some of the tanks and field guns that survived the momentous battle are lined up, freshly painted,
in the parking lot at the war museum. 2. The forthcoming European summit in Brussels may be marginally less
momentous than the Potsdam conference of 1945, but that event provides the closest historical analogy to the odd
circumstances in which next week's gathering will take place. 3. The table was littered with account books and
pamphlets. 4. Advocates of school vouchers were disappointed that Mr. Bush did not push harder for a pilot voucher
project in Texas. 5. Motorists are offered a guide to the 10 most popular routes likely to be taken by caravan
enthusiasts this summer. 6. The question is whether the oil-consuming nations have enough leverage to persuade oil
exporters to take action. 7. For more than a decade, Tony Blair dominated the nation's political landscape as prime
minister, the most electorally successful leader of the UK Labour party since the Second World War. 8. ABB, the
Swiss-Swedish engineering group enjoyed startlingly positive academic acclaim in the 1990s, only for the story to
change dramatically a couple of years later. 9. Women who want to make the break back into scientific research
should try emphasizing their academic age rather than their chronological age. 10. The CIA and FBI work at stopping
threats before they happen, while the Energy Department focuses on responding to actual emergencies. 11. Whenever
challenged with these lies we will aggressively push back with the truth. 12. Aggressive skating isn't exactly the
safest sport around but it sure is one of the most exciting and impressive.

8.Переведите предложения, содержащие популярную лексику.

1. We seem to be in a crunch of one kind or another all the time. 2. I don’t think he’ll win; it’s a one-man crusade.
3. Look at her dress! It’s a last cry! 4. The papers actual cry out against justice. 5. It’s not my cup of tea. 6. Why do
you read this paper? – Because it covers current events very well. 7. Where is the arrested person? – He is in
custody. 8. Is this article expensive? – No, it isn’t. It’s a cut-price article. 9. Cut the comedy! We don’t have time!
10. What about this person? – Well, he’s dead broke. 11. The whole plan was a dead duck from the beginning. 12.
This exercise is quite easy! I’d say it’s dead easy! 13. She acts like she is dead from the neck up. 14. Why do you
ask this question a number of times? Don’t you know it’s a dead horse? 15. What kind of policy is this? – It’s a dear
money policy. 16. I don’t like heated debates. 17. It’ll take years to solve this issue. It’s a deep-seated political
crisis. 18. He got an outright denial. 19. Who is going to listen to your sweeping denunciations? 20. He had an
interesting job and it shaped his destiny.

9.Подберите эквиваленты следующим паронимам:

1) РЯ→АЯ: Экономичный - экономный - экономический; человечный - человеческий -
человекообразный; факт - фактор; типовой - типичный; поступок - проступок; солянка - солонка; индиец -
индеец - индус;
2) АЯ→РЯ: literal - literary - literacy; officious - official; purposefully - purposely; liquidate - liquidize; deduce
- deduct; corresponding - correspondent; observance - observation; luxuriant - luxurious - luxury; politic - political

10.Переведите предложения с образными выражениями.

1. He crowded a lot of adventures into his young life. 2. The invention of the printing press is among the highest
points in the history of education. 3. This political party contains a new plank in its platform. 4. His span of life was
but short.5.They’ve cut their expenses to the bone. .6. Cast iron proof was given to show that he was guilty. 7. He
reached the highest points in his career. 8. In spring plants shoot out rapidly. 9. Fear dogged in his steps. 10. It was
then that I embarked on my study of Shakespeare. 11. This alloy is first cousin to another one. 12. The Chairman’s
statement was like a bolt from the blue.

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