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Good morning everyone present; I am going to expatiate on a topic that is

related to almost all of us. I am going to express my views on ‘Social Media

and Its Impact on Mental Health’. ‘Social media and networking sites such as
Facebook , Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, etc. have become source of major
distractions for students. Young boys and girls seem to have become
inordinately addicted to these sites. They are thoughtlessly and uselessly
wasting their precious time on these sites.
Wise people say time well utilized is time well spent, but the youth of today is
only and only wasting time on chatting, messaging, uploading photographs
and modifying profiles. The smart phones and 4G connections have made the
situation worse. Accessing such sites has become so easy that young boys
and girls are using these sites almost everywhere and almost all the time.
Similarly they wait for their favourite TV programs with such intense longing!
The following questions need to be answered: ‘Where will this lead to? Are we
heading towards only Facebook and Twitter perfection? Where are the
objectives of attaining the status of an advanced country?’
Students these days appear to be more worried about connecting to their
friends on Facebook than being concerned about doing their studies,
assignments and projects! The other major disadvantage of the increasing
use of such networking sites is the spread of obscenity. This is having a very
negative impact on the impressionable minds of our young children and
leading them astray. Sitting in front of the screen for long hours also affects
their health adversely in many ways.
The overuse of mobile has posed serious health issues. Radiation caused by
microwaves emitting from network towers as well as mobile phones, causes
serious health issues such as risk of cancer, disturbed sleep pattern, poor
eyesight. Besides, mobile phones are also responsible for difficulty in
concentration, fatigue, headaches and sleep disturbance that can further
trigger health complications. Owing to late night use of mobile phones, the
youngsters skimp on sleep which further causes health consequences. This
has made them aggressive and irritated.
The parents, teachers and the government must look into the problems being
caused by these networking sites and must formulate a strategy either to curb
or completely stop its fast growing negative influence on the minds of our
youth. Our youth is the future of our nation. We cannot allow this youth to
waste their precious time in doing the Facebook. The same time must be
spent on studying, researching and developing leadership or other life-skills. It
is our moral duty as well as responsibility to lead our youth on the right path.
Efforts should be made in making our youth, especially the school students,
aware of the disadvantages of such social networking sites. The concerned
government authorities should make and implement some strict regulatory
checks on the functioning of such networking sites in our country. Only with
concerted efforts of parents, teachers and the government, this problem of
addiction of our youth to networking sites can be removed.

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