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PREVIEW ACTIVITY (I) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.

The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain (C1)

Work with a partner, group, or your teacher. Do the activities below together.

PART I Discuss the topic below about foreign language learning.

Describe your experience in general and what it’s been

like learning the foreign language(s) that you know.

Discuss the follow-up questions below...

1 What does it really mean to “know a language”?

2 What do you like / dislike about learning foreign languages?
3 Children tend to acquire languages more easily than adults. Do you know why?

How would you rate your proficiency from 1 (low) to 5 (high) in the following areas in
the second languages you know? Explain why it may be higher in some than others.


PART III Discuss what the proverb means below. Do you think it’s true? Explain.

You are as many people as languages you speak.

Below is a brain lateralization diagram. Which cognitive processes or functions do

you think belong to each hemisphere of the brain?

a. analytical | b. creative | c. imaginative | d. adventurous

e. logical | f. mathematical | g. emotional | h. detailed


1 analytical 1 creative
2 2
3 3
4 4
PREVIEW ACTIVITY (II) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.
The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain (C1)

PART I Match the nouns with their definitions below the context examples.

1 A proportion of the Belgian population speaks French as their first language.

2 In rare cases, the onset of dementia can occur before the age of 60.
3 The documentary I watched gives you a glimpse into what it’s like to be rich.
4 The scientists tested their hypothesis by conducting several experiments.
5 Steel has a higher density than most metals.

1 proportion a. the moment when something starts to happen

2 onset b. a measure of mass per unit of volume
3 glimpse c. the amount or size of one thing when compared to another
4 hypothesis d. a partial or quick look into something
5 density e. a suggested explanation for a group of facts

PART II Choose the correct definition or synonym for the vocabulary words below.

1 I should start confronting my mental health issues instead of avoiding them.

confront means... a. face b. influence c. require

2 It’s usually tough for me to distinguish Australian English from British English.

distinguish means... a. challenge b. emphasize c. differentiate

3 Security is often heightened in areas of the city where big events take place.

heightened means... a. higher b. risky c. dramatic

4 Linguists recommend taking a holistic approach to learning a language.

holistic means... a. having a big or critical impact on something

b. without care or attention to detail
c. studied or viewed as a whole, complete subject
Bonus Terms!

acquisition = the process of gaining, getting, or learning something

emotional bias = a choice or decision made based on the influence of emotions
synapses = connecting points in the brain of chemical and electrical activity
grey matter = the darker tissue of the brain and spinal cord
plasticity = the quality of being easily adaptable, influenced, or shaped
Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.
The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain (C1)


What do you think could be some psychological

and practical benefits of being bilingual?


PART I Fill in the missing letters for the three types of bilingualism explained in the video.

1. c ___ m ___ o ___ n ___ bilingual

2. c ___ o ___ d ___ n ___ t ___ bilingual
3. s ___ b ___ r ___ n ___ t ___ bilingual

Explain what you understood about each type of bilingualism discussed in the video.
Do you fit into any of these types?

PART II Write short answers below according to the information from the video.

2:15 1 Why do children have an easier time learning a foreign language?

3:37 2 How was bilingualism viewed before the 1960s?

4:24 3 According to the video, what are some advantages of being bilingual?

PART III Choose true or false according to the information in the video.

2:19 1 TRUE FALSE Learning a language uses brain functions that are present in
both the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

2:51 2 TRUE FALSE A person who learns a second language as an adult tends to
confront problems in that second language emotionally.

4:22 3 TRUE FALSE Research shows that bilingualism always makes you smarter.
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY (I) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.
The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain (C1)

PART I In the video, the narrator says the following idea about our brains...

When it comes to our brains, a little exercise can go a long way.

Can you explain what “go a long way” means in the context of this sentence?

PART II Choose the correct prefixes that fit the text below. Two are not used!

hemi | pro | on | co | sub | mono | multi

1 Knowing multiple languages means that your brain may function differently
than those of your lingual friends.

2 Most bilinguals know and use their languages in varying portions.

3 A ordinate bilingual learns a language by filtering it through their

primary language.

4 Evidence shows that the brain’s left sphere is more dominant in

analytical and logical processes.

5 The heightened workout a bilingual brain receives throughout its lifetime can
help delay the set of cognitive diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s.

PART III Write the noun form of each adjective or verb in the sentences below.

1 Bilinguals have a very dense area of grey matter in the brain.

Bilinguals have a high of grey matter in the brain.

2 The idea that being bilingual has major cognitive benefits would have
surprised earlier experts.

The idea that has major cognitive benefits would have

surprised earlier experts.

3 Children learn languages more easily because the plasticity of their developing
brains lets them use both hemispheres when they acquire a language.

Children learn languages more easily because the plasticity of their developing
brains lets them use both hemispheres in language .
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY (II) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.
The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain (C1)


Your teacher will choose a few of the speaking topics below to discuss. Discuss the topics
with your teacher or partner. In your discussion, explain your ideas in detail.

1 What are some language learning tips that have helped

you throughout your journey learning foreign languages
that you would give to a beginner?

2 What do you think about your own accent and pronun-

ciation that you have in the foreign languages that you
speak? How satisfied are you with your accent?

3 Can you think of any specific experiences you’ve had in a

foreign language that really challenged your skills and
abilities? How did you manage the experience(s) / situa-

4 Explore and discuss any connections that come to mind

between language and cultural identity. How strong of a
connection is there between these two things?

5 If you learn a language as an adult, do you think it would

be possible to become proficient in a foreign language
without a teacher? In your opinion, how essential is having
a teacher to the language acquisition process?


What do you consider to be your proudest accomplishments, moments, or experiences

throughout your journey using and learning a foreign language? Write two of them
below. Then describe your experiences to your teacher or partner.

QUIZ & REVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.
The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain (C1)

Work with a partner. Complete the quiz and review activities below.

PART I Questions. Answer the questions below about the video.

1. What are the three types of bilinguals? What do you remember about each?
2. How is learning a foreign language different as an adult to learning as a child?
3. What do they say about the hemispheres of the brain and language learning?
4. How was bilingualism viewed in the past?
5. What are the benefits of bilingualism?

PART II Vocabulary: Choose the correct nouns that fit the text below.

plasticity | onset | glimpse | proportions | acquisition | density

1 Advances in brain imaging technology have given neurolinguists a

into how specific aspects of language learning affect the
bilingual brain.

2 Most bilinguals know and use their languages in varying .

3 Bilinguals have a higher of grey matter in the brain.

4 Children learn languages more easily because the of their

developing brains lets them use both hemispheres in language
5 The heightened workout a bilingual brain receives throughout its lifetime can
help delay the of cognitive diseases like dementia or

PART III Phrase: Finish the sentence from the video below using a phrase.

When it comes to our brains, a little exercise can .

PART IV Bonus: At the end of the video, the narrator says...

It’s never too late to do yourself a favor and make the linguistic leap from “Hello”
to “Hola” or “Bonjour”.

Can you explain what “make a linguistic leap” means in the context of this sentence?

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