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Media and Information Literacy or MIL enables people to

interpret and make better judgments as users of media. MIL
literacy is considered to be a very crucial skill and competence in
today’s society. The purpose of being MIL literate is to engage in a
digital society; one needs to be able to use, understand, inquire,
create, communicate and think critically. It is important to have
access, organize, analyze, evaluate, and create messages in a
variety of forms. Media and information literacy is a cornerstone to
meliorate access to information and knowledge as well as freedom
of expression and satisfactory education. Freedom to express our
ideas, to read, to listen, to write and to produce information and
communicate with others.

According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human

Rights, “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and
expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas
through any media regardless of frontiers.” We know that freedom
of expression is a crucial element in democracy, development and
dialogue-- without which none of these would function or flourish.
Freedom of expression is a universal right to be enjoyed by all.
Media and Information Literacy as expression of freedom of
speech or expression aims to empower citizens by providing the
competencies such as knowledge, skills and attitude to engage
with traditional media and new technologies that we usually use
today in our everyday lives.

There are lots of social media or social networking websites

that we can use to express our feelings or emotions like Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and YouTube. Many of us uses social
media as their alternative way to express their thoughts or opinion
on a certain standing that they can’t express face to face. But, one
should be literate in media and information to voice out their
opinion properly. Some people are overloaded with information,
and others are starved for information. Everywhere, people are
yearning to freely express themselves, to actively participate in
governance processes and cultural exchanges. It is no secret that
through media, news and opinions spreads like wildfire. With just
one click, a person’s post can be seen by thousands of people
immediately. As for us teenagers and some other people, there are
some instances that we are not thinking twice before giving our
viewpoint that may torment other people’s feelings. Therefore, we
should always remember to think first before we act, before we
speak, before we post and before we react. WE SHOULD THINK

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