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Dr (Mrs.

) Rupali Gogoi
Associate Professor
Department of Zoology
Tinsukia College

Sericulture Dr (Mrs.) Rupali Gogoi

31 July 2020 1
Sericulture is the agro-based cottage
industry. It has immense affect on socio
economic structure of the rural development
benefitting the weaker section of the society.
Sericulture is the rearing of silk-worms.
It involves four phases – (i) host plan
cultivation, (ii) silk-worm rearing, (iii)
reeling and (iv) weaving.

Sericulture Dr (Mrs.) Rupali Gogoi

31 July 2020
The silk-worms are of
Phylum : Arthropoda
Class : Insecta
Order : Lepidoptera
Family : Saturniidae

31 July 2020 Sericulture Dr (Mrs.) Rupali Gogoi

The silk-worms are classified into two groups : (i)
Mulberry silk worm, which produces ‘pat’ silk. The
scientific name of the mulberry silk-worm is Bombyx
(ii) The non-mulberry silk worm : These worms
include muga silk-worm, whose scientific name is
Antheraea asaamma and eri silk worm i.e. Philosamia
The silk produce by muga worms is known as
‘muga’ silk and by eri worms is
known as eri or endi silk.
Sericulture Dr (Mrs.) Rupali Gogoi 31 July 2020
The rearing of eri moth and production of eri
thread is known as ericulture. They are multivoltine
and polyphagus. They feed on leaves of different
plants. Among the food plants, castor plant is the
important host plant, which is known as primary
food plant of eri silk worm. Other plants are
kesseru, bar-kesseru, tapioca, gomari etc. These
plants are known as secondary food plants

Sericulture Dr (Mrs.) Rupali Gogoi 31 July 2020

Life cycle is completed through four stages :
(a) egg, (b) larva, (c) pupa and (d) moth.

In summer, the life cycle is completed within

42 to 48 days and in winter, it takes about 85 to
87 days. These worms are indoor rearing worm,
so it can be reared in the laboratory with
appropriate temperature and humidity to optimise
the life span.
31 July 2020 Sericulture Dr (Mrs.) Rupali Gogoi

After copulation, a female moth lays 300 to 500
eggs, which are attached with one another by
colourless glue. The egg laying may be continued
for 3 to 4 days, but the eggs of first two days are
kept for rearing. The eggs should be washed with
0.02 % formalin solution to avoid the microbial
infection. The hatching of eggs takes place from 7 to
10 days or may be delayed to 15 days also which is
depended upon environmental temperature. Before
the 1 day of hatching eggs are turned to bluish in
Sericulture Dr (Mrs.) Rupali Gogoi
31 July 2020
The newly hatched larva, known as first inster
larva, has black coloured head and body is yellow in
colour which is gradually changed to greenish yellow.
These larvae are supplied with tender leaves of food
plant. After few days the larvae stop feeding for one
day and then they moult. After moulting larvae enter
into second inster. In this way, larva moults four times
and has five insters. The larval stages may last from
17 to 45 days depending upon temperature and
humidity. As increasing the insters, larvae are
supplied with mature leaves.

Sericulture Dr (Mrs.) Rupali Gogoi 31 July 2020 8

At the late fourth inster the salivary glands of the
worms are transformed to silk gland, which are
responsible for silk production.
At the late 5th inster the larvae stop feeding,
motionless, and secreting liquid litters from the body.
After that they start crawling in search of dry and dark
place. At that time farmer collects the worms and put them
in some dry twig. On that twig the larva starts secreting
silk and covers its own body. At the time of secreting, the
silk is gelatinous material and transformed to solid when it
is coming in contact with air. The silk
covering is known as cocoon.
Sericulture Dr (Mrs.) Rupali Gogoi 31 July 2020 9
Inside the cocoon, the larva starts
degenerating some organs and transformed to
chrysalid, which is known as pupa. The pupal
stage is the intermediate stage between larva
and moth. It can survive for long time inside
the cocoon. It is the longest period of their life
span. Inside the cocoon, some organ systems
are developed and the pupa becomes moth.

Sericulture Dr (Mrs.) Rupali Gogoi

31 July 2020

Moth :
After 18 to 20 days, the moth is emerged out from
the cocoon. Normally they emerged in the morning
hours. After sometime of emergence, the wings of
the moth stretch fully and they become active. The
female moths are slightly larger than the male moth.
The female moth starts releasing one chemical,
known as pheromone in the air. Tracing the odour of
the pheromone by the male moth, they can identify
the female and start copulating. The mating time last
about 24 hours. After matting the female moth are
tied up on a small stick, where they are allowed to
lay eggs. And they enter in the next cycle.
31 July 2020 Sericulture Dr (Mrs.) Rupali Gogoi 11

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