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Physics Formative Assessment

Name: Date:
Subject: Teacher:
Criterion: A Level: ……./8

Global Context: Identities and relationships Key concept: Systems

Related concept: Form
Statement of inquiry: Determining the form of objects
can help us to understand how they behave.

Criterion A: Knowing and understanding

Maximum: 8
At the end of year 4, students should be able to:
i. explain scientific knowledge
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and
unfamiliar situations
iii. analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments.
Question 1 (level 1-2):

1. Find the gravitational force of attraction between the moon and the Earth if the mass of the
moon is times the mass of the Earth. Radius of the moon orbit is 3.58∗105 km. Mass of Earth
¿ M E =6∗1024 kg .

2. The supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy is believed to have a mass of
8.2∗1036 kg. Calculate the radius of its event horizon.
3. What are the factors affecting the perception of time?





Question 2 (level 3-4):

1. Outline the definition of Time dilation.






2. Label the following:

3. The distance from planet Earth is 2.5∗107, and the gravitational force is
18 24
3.82∗10 N. Mass of the planet and earth are 5.98∗10 kg. Calculate the universal
gravitational constant.

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