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With the Pharma business entering new levels of business

gompetltion'it is becomingincreasingry-essentiarforevery lini in thii
businesschainto work at its best
Dlagnoslngthe problem
Retail.Pharmacy is the.last and yet the most important link in
Medicine Distributlon channel. Eiut even as ad tre pfrarmj
companies and their associateshave computerizedtheir brislness,
the retailbusinesscontinuesfollorthe old styleof working.
The reasons for the lack of computerlzafion at thls level are
many. Here we listat a few keyones :
o Retailersdeal with vast number of productsof many companies.
To feed..this product information into computer along wittr its
preparation,packingetc. is a tediousand timd consumin! Usf.
o Retailer cannot afiord to keep the shop dosed for 4-5 days for
stock takingactivity.
o O-neof the problemsthat arises with computerizationis handling
of muftiplecustomersatthe billingcounter.-
o Most of the software currenty available to the retailers ln the
markettoday are reallyjust slightlymodifiedversionsof whotesale
sofllvare. Such sofiware does not realllr asslst the retailer as much
as a speciallydesignedretallsoftrrarewould.
In addition to these initiat hurdles, even those retailers who have
already moved towards computerisationfind it difiicutt to update
their records as they have not allotted the required manpower or
time towardsthe computerentriesof the business.
Introduclng PHARTAIL : Prescription for the retail medicine
buslness By Softman Infosolutlons 0) p\rt.Ltd.
PHARTAILis a unique product developedspecificallyfor the Retail has been designedkeepingin mind the need of
Pharma Retailers,and hence can be successfullyimplementedwith
PHARTAIL:ThoWonder Pharma Softnrare
Regdy Drug Master saves time : PHARTAILcomesto you with the
major ready to use drug master which is updated by:us through
constant reference to MIMS, lDR, Pharmaindex,etc. So only few
items which are specific to particulararea and other general items
needto be fed in.
Ready to use : With this retailerfriendlysoilware,the billingactivity
can start as soon as it is installed. lt does not require you to enter
stock data at any point of time. The system is capableof calculating
the openingstock automatically.
Parallel processing: The unique & ingeniousconcept of this
sofhivareis that it lets you process multiple customertransactions
simultaneously.Through the feature of 'Counter Sale', you can
handle multiple prescriptionsat a time on single computer.This
meansthatyournew customerdoesnothaveto waituntilthe earlier
prescription is finished.
: iii;;

Gech Blll: ltallors youto record saleofg€noral items orlooeotabletsfor

whlcfi blll is not ngeded, These can be stored in transaston. At lhe end of
theday, allsuch items can begrouped underone&sh bill.
Blll Prlntlng: Forthe bills generaied, the bill printing ia done immediately
1l-d- lLs- gntries are posted to r€specffv€ accounts auiomaticallji
P_HARTAI! also displayrs a messagp if the prcscription contain!
Drug'. Afacitity ls atso provided to adjulrt ttre dil (by- qty.
- i or bJ
amount) olt single key based on patienB regulrraments.
Standard Bllllng: In case of large ppscrlpdons llke surgory etc., a
of standard prescription hdps preparing the bil! withbui feeaing
Substltute drugs dlsplay : lf the medicinedemanded by the patient is
not available, PHARTAIL automatcaily dlsptays the lisi of iubstitute
medicines with its stock & margins. This enables the r€tailer to supply a
substitute (ifhe so desires)
Other featur€r : lf the medicine demanded by the patient is out of stock,
the 'lost snquiry sectlon' is automatlcally updated. itVhen order has to be
placedtothe supptier,these lost inquirlescan beplcked up.
All - pendency claims wlth the suppller (Return Goods,
Expiry/Dr.note/Cr.nole & O{hers) can be vieured Instdn$i at the press of
a key,
While inputting the purchases, PFIARTAIL shows the normal/schome
margin for any item. At the samo time, it is also possible to examine the
history of previous purchases
PHARTAIL provides instant lnformation about:
o Near Expiry products r Expired Goods o Non Moving products
r Stock below SafetyStock . Exhausted Stock
Using thesefeatures, Retailercan plan the invantoryin a proper manner.
Complete interface to BARCODE : This helps to prepare the bill within
few minutes and also increases aocunacy.
C ustomer Va lue-adds: PHARTAIL also supports a complete pATlENT
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM where by vital parameters a[iout ttle patient
can be stored such as name, address, blood group, doctor, allergies,
medicinal requirements, etc. Based on'this, the bitls can be prepared
automatically, patient cards can be prepared and other value added
services can be provided to the customers.
Financlal accountlng : PHARTAIL supports all features of a modem
accounting system where by all the reports required for linalization of
accounts can be generated. lt also allows the user to export the data to
most popular accounting packages like Tally,etc.
Network expansion : ls a retailer wishes to expand the operations.
more numberof computers can be networked.
PHARTAIL is well supported by SOFTMAN infosotutions (t) pvt.Ltd., its
branch offices,dealers, ISU's and call centersso that prompt customer
support is available to the clients. The support is provided through
Telephonecalls,email, lnternetand personatvisits(if needed).
gcrtc}f *r qft rnn *ul fiipr or sfud dtFI (gs!)
qil ft fr+f b frg rrr qrsta ffietqt
Fnf frn+{r (qetdi6r qqR) an rMfui b * sFrH}6} E qa I Esftc qd
smccwr*'rqf * fu Es amcRi €ifud €'fr #t al ar{giild qm srq fuH * i
vrrFtl *t trgn...rrd sqrqFr
edt + F.trtq{ qslA g6d Bl{t eifu w w $or ftfld * nf, fr t frrrul
Eq.{*e116r ffi *f <d'r*l 311sq{ q,fi <<rff 169416 srb qT6q},fr dram} n
rirrga 6reqd of u*tt p*t t, e+ fi godf 6 ardco[d ffi g{d e0dt w d
oilcflfrdt r
5s rm w riiqn c;r{qqd u} q cqqri } q+F uRsr t trt t * gto gs
o <r il gra Flaneflqt TgdS iiqfrql + er ert sqrif at eql trealt otr {t €{
wrqdiqrrBtur{gd{lirfu ffiro6qtF\riw++smrcrrct r
o gra qqrRhr rzTadil * ft cw wq R r / 9 fr{EFF *l cfi ts sd t r
o riqaar{nurddRffemrirqeilitRdtctsfu dttr*rkqfl {anwrqdwqr
ai rErlofu qmawms wrwlffi qtwnldwlr<tqrermwm
qrnf Iqffi gffi efihrtgaffitqtffiAir.ft {Ac#$*tt t
e errqqrqnq €q6F wr<rm#siq ?lb R-frrt fu T{d rri ffi ol 6 ffife
rmt d gm <r ffirffifi + fu Ed BR'!'tq6*qq+i fritc 6q n Fb frq A rrri'rn
w s'{srcil bsrufrr+ g;a+r <nrBiaala}i drr{R o'rdcundat emrratt i
efr'd srq c t cri derrsftk{ ffi a} yc 6rc b frc san * c € cd }
anqur,srrqs{dqlqrR-6qr-6fQ drqget{ riqEd F*} d srsqafT6i t r
€fi rqc t sn}o (Patient)... ft*{ *rn} dtqtr{ cr. B. -r<r Erzct{cqr
qrqn b frs *qrg flilr c6Ec nS 3wr !
$rrE gt*Fr{ EilI lEliFitlllll tF rdg Flrlq Sq q firqT dcII lguilf{q rflI Tqr
ffiw t r qt q-Senflfi i flffidr g{fi, gEfi €r F}crdt Em,orq { arql
qtnld: arcortrnf ffiqt

tS'W'n** qrrqftTrrdFrdrt: qr{ld{ MMs, IDR aqrFlqfsikw

sqqh t frqtqT{'Fr flK'*fts* srlq.+}hd 3ilq$e}a{6 Tdi
qrs g;o srqrq setqd d A dryR q fis mr qsdrt r
sqftr b fas *qt{ voqrr #iqr : gte-fi ffidr3it b frq ffnq gs
rildqc df d.lri 613rtq:f;cga w fo cqri Fi ailqgo or woi t wr<]oam cdfi
+cI .fi dqkd fr-qrqr wa-ert oqrq-rrrA 3Tqi3Trq 3ffiirr &;i€'ffi i !fr q€
ftsserqt,ft -s*qsraqsiqrgiceTrqt++sm6"ficrrff qrs+fr
Eqirn6d 6116 qrcrn: (Pa ra ||e I Processi ng ) : g€ Riftdw A frnc 3rd-
qe Bfb' silcvfi spt 6-Erndi b ftd {iatft otq qF Cldrga qqav rrd t fus €
sr6dtd ierff di 6 qrrrc d qd t r gs b'qfls<q QGr'€-sqERr6{ nEsif
* 6-{gwit * r,i{k *tr uiqqr6?irqrrEm sirdr * c6 sre{qa frb-ql w wocrt r
rrrr grrcre(Cash Bill) : 5s €fie*rr< em fut onqdi or fto rS qflqr g B+ {t
ffi fiFr qr vqrdrt..... ffi fu + sid { t* s,fi eilgdl 6r \q R-6iFrrqlqr
fto v6a1 1g;I1Printing) : gr{ sflq6lfif,itd{d 6} wxa tr&....qeffiqi 3[Eri
silqfrdrrqr6rqqtt*emwfi -o6lsrfi qrrdtilFca*crtaqrR-o{'Rq€
gt' eli qr eilTdtf+c Snar t r
lFm0rc(standard)ffir : sfriqn / s${t sne + Tg R-ofim S gq dwtqq
Emenrm € qdt fr Es { qd i 6 sili{c{r6snffi €rFd r€i t frs * e'gfrd
sceq. *€ (lrrrqrq*) Irc fr qmr : sr@ ERrqifr T{ € T sqtrq E}i qt q6
fr tq{sflqiqqssqqrarqqfq,fr*e<q<e{fdrtfi ffiQsilcg|ffi (qRqB)a}
qqRqarrt : r qqrrdfi { i Cr+qq:raSq}qr €.i fr qgqrrort'de irrqfr
Qmrd {c}ea *rtffis *:Tn #&id ew gFerdl*t t
. 116T qqRl a {tI lg|gqn ERT sFI{r{ q 1g EIFTqT6 6{ Grfl nEI gEtT,
qffi tgq|d @di A qrrorS, }E qteder gtrd cte 6Tqr;r6T$fi Efi qr
o rrRs ai qrq Es fte Emeflcar qrg a sfu qiv. tffr aul rR[a sttR
bqR{Sqtqrrs*taqr.rdfr T{sRgqrAAfrqdqrc,6rtnsasdtt
o wnb grc, rwcrq$ drtq + crs sre qeedf t tstu stq wrql q ffi :sd
o ffi enaE{6€o aardfi { =rlE+qA srt{s} ff qd .fi urvqgb ERIcIH
qR gq* ttq6 rs{ ina-arQms ai w g;eot E}dr 3ns|{ t 3tr* Eff
(enerero d'o) wSwe t ffi< ar rran * r
ltcd,t *Efun (Completelnterfaceto BARGoDE): gsgRslbanrr
eflcffi t{s&frdr<rsd*rgsQrd+E}+A*{{I16}'c-{R6reqt$*t
qffi * rid$re inrr{rfr : grr *dqt ERrTSEif* {idtrd qrc-6rQ*Q qo-oor
qrq,G gq,Sffi or qlq silRS glmtfi * gd b srsrdrFd 6 qr lrd t... Fm
*sIIc'Nte6rg'Sffisdt r
src,rsffir (e€r ffi{ur) nen qer gM : 'mr}dd' #q{ Ert o$gtro'
erorstrqfi qr vd t aeneTIcffiitr t sffit{fi r srJHnetci 3[6ls,s al dfr{
rrq t not * rqrq& d stre tg.6qnfr +) elrvTally ii-Q#rrq d wrrtril
Trr€ F.rT gErF6rrrr 3TIFEEFT{nFI qrq{Fl CI. l o-.Elli gqi ERed' F iEiiqi q'-
rq rcrq eilR* trc E{rSfift-d .nsp|, ft}rcr, 3flEvs q.dsir1166*qt +At a
#t 6qti flFdf +} sqr scrdq €ff 11 5qp ffi 3rEqqzFttl qgi qqgilqsh,
ie**e nsnqfuqa w * *eet* d wd t r

Tax-Masters : Inclusion of new tax masters to incorporate the varying

tax structures across the different states of India.
Product Categorization : You can classify the product data into
various.categoriesforviewing the business trends analytically.
Easy Interface for Stock Feedlng : Acknowledging the fact that Stock
fee{ing ope;-ation is the most time consuming iask, an easy and
intuitive interfac€ has been provided forthe same.
Just on the Fly..., . Switching to other Financial year. . Other user
Log-ln o Entire Software Operations on a hot-key Central Menu.
o On-Line support for setting of Pre-Printed Stationary.
Audit and Control : . Activation of Cashier Terminal. Centralized Bill
Pa)rmentsystem. o Monitoring other terminal,s countersale from main
terminal. o Spy-Eye : Aunique scheme which keeps on watching the
gvents happening on the s]rstom and maintains a secret log which can
beviewed bysuperuser.
Intolll-Order :_t{e]tigent ordering is the key to propsr inventory
maintenance. PHARTAIL Vesion 5.O includes a combo-order screen
which helps you to plan the group order by various parameters such as
lost sales, safety stock, average sales, etc. The system also displays
thg m.ogtlikely suppliers based on Supplier-ltern data, weekty sirpfg
sc*redules, payables and p€ndency summary. The order is brokd-ui
automaticalv suppller-wise and saved.
In case you need lt : r Shift-wise operations for hospitals with shift-
wise cash totals and controls. r Total tntertace- to Barcoding
Functionali_ty. r Below Sale Rate Billing Report o Free good analysis:
r Sesslon.wlse/ Day-wlse concept forConuter-sales M-1glng.

o Schedule Hl and NDPS Reports

o Mobile Billing - WifiTall
r E-mailand SMS
r Tally Transfer
. LBT,'VAI Exeel export

SOFTMAN Infosolutions (t) Pvt. Ltd.

Regd. Off.: 49, Anandyatri, Devanagari,
Shahoorwadi,Aurangabad-431 00S.
Tel. : (0240) 2343230; Mob.: 9422211938
E-mail :

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