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Player Development Program

Environment, Consistency, Community
What is PDP
PDP is a junior development program for players aged 8-15 years. It is based on the following 3 principles:
The environment in which young people are present is one of the most important factors to longevity and excellence in sports participation.
We aim to create a professional holistic environment for children to development not only as footballers but more importantly to develop
good character traits as productive members of society. Football is the platform where kids learn hard work, ambition, goal setting, analytical
skills, social skills and problem solving skills.
Australia lacks a consistent platform for children due to its culture of competition. We aim to provide a unique curriculum where everyone
involved is working towards the same goals. We aim to provide an opportunity for all kids to learn from expert trainers that have the
individuals best interest first. Consistency is the key for optimal player development. Its not where they are playing who’s coaching, what
environment, with people who are committed to the improvement of your child’s ability and personality. PDP is marathon, our aim is for kids
to stay with the program for the several years.
Foundation Football’s philosophy of common unity means that we are all working towards creating the best possible outcomes for children.
Through not only a professional mindset in coaching but by also embracing the collective energies of all through a culture of volunteers to
provide a family atmosphere where parents and kids alike can connect and feel like they are part of something special. Something that goes
beyond the a simple child's activity. As the saying goes it takes a village to raise a child our village is Football.
Our football program is a culmination of 15 years of research. We aim to deliver a football program that encapsulates what we call best
practice Methodology. We have constantly asked the question, how do we get the most out of the limited time we have in terms of being able
to improve the children's ability and enjoyment of football? Many years of research has led us to where we are today and we have found that
the most important aspect of football development is the environment we create for the kids.
Our core principles:
Develop the Person, Not Just the player.
• We have the responsibility for the overall growth of our young players. Our philosophy embraces the holistic approach of developing the
complete person. Our aim is to complement the home and club environments in the pursuit of developing character, values, self-
confidence, independence, analytical skills, social skills, coping skills, and sports skills to prepare young athletes for life. Football is just the
vehicle for achieving these aims and helping each athlete reach his/her potential in their chosen path in life. The result in terms of the
scoreboard is irrelevant. Winning is a byproduct of good development and it normally comes at the end of failure.
Individual Development
• Our philosophy is based on what is in the best interest of the individual player. This is done through maintaining a healthy balance between
individual development and team building. The team is there to serve the needs of the players and no player should be expected to
sacrifice his/her potential for the sake of the team. This does not preclude the fostering of team ethos and team spirit but the team
dynamics should provide the platform for developing interpersonal relationships and social skills rather than surrender individual creativity
and ambition. A youth team is just one temporary step in life’s ladder, not the top of the ladder. Tomorrow, the player will be part of
another team.
Intrinsic Motivation, Enjoyment and Natural Ability
• Our philosophy is centered on the belief that learning improves when they are intrinsically motivated and are enjoying their experience.
With children, enjoyment and commitment are interdependent and one cannot exist without the other. There are no guarantees for
success and, ultimately, it depends to a large extent on the player himself/herself and to a large extent parental support and influence. We
recognize that it takes a combination of hard work, strong personal traits (emotional intelligence) and athletic ability to reach excellence.
But inspiring players to become intrinsically motivated and measure themselves against high standards will be a core objective of the club.
Program Details
PDP will offer a comprehensive 40 week program which includes the winter regular season competition through a local association club. Players will train
up to 3 sessions per week (120) these will include a certain number of competitive development games throughout the winter season subject to the
draw. There will also be sporadic friendly games against other academies clubs and if possible participation in tournaments through out the year. The
most important aspect of our program is the training sessions which normally run for 1.5 hours. It is at training that children learn to play, weekend
games are a novelty and a place for kids to enjoy and experience a competitive spirit.
• Up to 120 sessions per annum following the school calendar
• Participation in grass roots competition via a local association club.
• A kit which includes 2 x training kits, a tracksuit and bag.
• Professional coaching, Our coaches are EUFA A or Pro diploma from Spain.
• Flexible payments scheme.
• Sibling Discount
• Tournaments
• Spain Tour
• Discounted prices on private training, camps and clinics.
• Kanga Cup Canberra July
• Borneo Cup Malaysia Sep/Oct
• Extra Training gear
Player Development Program Cost
*Local club fees approximately $180.00 + Match strip/kit.
Training program. $24.35 including GST per session x 2, 3rd session at no cost.
$48.75 per week x 40 weeks following NSW school calendar.
Total for 40 weeks Training $1950 = Total $1950
Estimated cost for player kit is $250 Total $250.00
Total including Kit and GST $2200
Payment option
Quarterly, 1st Jan 15th $550 2nd April 15th $550 3rd July 15th $550 October 15th $550
Monthly 1st of each month $183.33 First Payment 15th of January last payment due December 1st.

**Note Trainings are subject to ground availability. In some cases not all trainings will be held at the same location. We will attempt to keep the training as central as possible but we cannot guarantee the locations.
Parents must be prepared to travel and make certain sacrifices in this program. Our grounds are subject to council and club allocations.

** Washed out sessions we will attempt to book alternate training location, the cost for this will be shared amongst every member of the teams as it is not factored into the current fees.

Missed sessions you forefeit your fees. Sessions missed for extended periods due to injury or travel arrangements by discussion.

**Costs are subject to minimum numbers per team

Foundation Football
0426 271 072
ABN 48616994088
Patrick Tuttle
AGS Structural

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