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Quiz 1

1. What is the basic definition of human behavior?
2. Provide an example of description of behavior and the label applied to that behavior.
3. Describe the three physical dimensions of behavior that can be observed and and
4. Provide abexample of how behavior has an impact on the physical environment and the
social environment.
5. What does it mean to say that behavior is lawful? What is a functional relationship?
6. Describe the distinction between overt behavior and covert behavior. Provide an example
of each. Which type of behavior is the focus of this course?
7. Identify the six characteristics of human behavior
8. What does it meant to say that, behavior modification procedures are based on behavioral
9. What causes human behavior? Describe how a label might be mistakenly identified as a
cause of behavior.
10. Why is it important to describe behavior modification procedures precisely?
11. Who implements behavior modification procedures?
12. Why is it important to measure behavior before and after behavior modification
procedures are used?
13. Why doesnt behavior modification focus on the past as causes of behavior?
14. Identify eight defining characteristics of behavior modification.

Fill in

1. Behavior is defined as what people -------------- and -------------------

2. Behavior has an impact on the ----------- and or ----------------------
3. Behavior modification is the field of pshychology concerened with ------- and ------- of
human behavior
4. Too much of a particular behavior is called----------------
5. Too little of a particular behavior is called -------------------
6. Frequency, duration, and intensity are called----------------------of behavior
7. A or an -----------------behavior is a behavior that can be observed and recorded by
another person.
8. A or an ------------------ behavior is not observable by others.
Quiz 2

1. ------------------------- is what people say and do

2. Three dimensions of behavior that can be measured include
a. ------------------------------
b. ----------------------------------
c. ----------------------------------
3. ------------------ is a field of psychology concerned with analysing and modifying human
behaviour .
4. Charlie drinks too many cups of tea everyday this behavior would be considered a
behavioral ------------ (deficit or excess)
5. Claire does not eat enough fruits and vegetables each day. This behavior would be
considered a behavioral ------------ (deficit or excess)
6. An overt behavior is defined as ..............................................................
7. A overt behavior is defined as ..............................................................

Quiz 3

1. Behavior is defined as?

2. Ron eats too much candy each day. Is this an example of a behavioral deficit or behavioral

3. Ron does not exercise enough. Is this an example of a behavioral excess or behavioral deficit?
Match the term to the definition. a. Frequency b. Duration c. Intensity

4. How long a behavior lasts………………………………………………

5. How many times a behavior occurs……………………………………………….

6. How much physical force is involved in the behavior………………………………………..

7. An example of an overt behavior is……………………………………………………..

8. An example of a covert behavior is………………………………………….

9. Discovered the law of effect………………………………..

10. Conducted research on respondent conditioning…………………………………

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