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long construction period for water treatment facilities, even after imports

point about dd for water to be price inelastic from below should be here.

public education about saving water, increase in labels of toilet bowls and washing
machines that have 5 star rating to save water
2. Policy to reduce
DD by increasing
public education, yes.
PUB does publish
monthly water
good, or water being a fundamental factor of production for
consumption trends
silicon wafer fabrication, cheap supply of clean water most
used by households
important for Singapore’s export price competitiveness
and reminds them
continuously to use hm but different residents have different levels of water usage, think it is indirect tax, tax per usage.
less water if they
approach > average
for a certain type of
HDB flat

guidelines on the
import of water
saving house

ok. so EV is long run, considerably costly, still insufficient for Singapore to realise self sufficiency (2/3 of water needs by 2040)

Technically I would view indirect tax to be under the question preamble of ‘increasing prices’ already, what
Singaproe has done is to also apply different tax rates for different household types, with landed and
condominiums getting higher tarriffs due to their higher incomes and higher water usage.
think what the preamble was trying to get at was an
increase in price was brought about by a fall in supply (via
taxation or whatever)

True, so if you follow the above thinking that a fall in supply will bring about increase
moreover, theres different tarriffs of this to industries as well, industries being lower i think
in price, government has complimented this policy with different extents of GST U
Save Voucher to offset this regressive impact!
so SRAS impact not so high!

think this is good analysis in a essay, but in real life, unfeasible.

yeah so its a long run policy to be complemented with demand management in the short run.

SR: Demand management policies, LR: Must increase Supply!

you can address the regressive impacts here: gov gives U Save Voucher, and also charges industrials lower tarriffs to ensure SG exports are price competitive

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