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Brit. J. Anaesth.

(1966), 38, 753


Research Department of Anaesthetics, Royal College of Surgeons of England, London

Isotherms. pane has a critical temperature of 125 °Q and a

Boyle's law says that for a given mass of gas at "full" cylinder of cyclopropane also contains both
a constant temperature, the product of pressure liquid and gas. At 20°C, the pressure in a cylin-
and volume is constant. In mathematical terms, der containing both liquid and gaseous cyclopro-
the equation PxV=constant is a rectangular pane is 6.3 atmospheres (78 p.s.i.g.).
hyperbola. The value of the constant depends on The withdrawal of gas from a nitrous oxide
the temperature. A series of smooth curves (iso- cylinder.
thermals) is obtained for different temperatures A "full" nitrous oxide cylinder contains both
as shown in the upper part of figure 1 for nitrous liquid and gaseous nitrous oxide if the ambient
oxide (Couch and Kobe, 1961). Above a certain temperature is below the critical temperature of
temperature, known as the critical temperature, nitrous oxide, 36.5°C and 97.7°F. At 20°C, the
the volume diminishes smoothly as the pressure is saturated vapour pressure of nitrous oxide is 51
increased. Below this temperature, however, the atmospheres (750 so that this is the pres-
curves start to exhibit a plateau. Over this portion sure read on the cylinder contents gauge if one is
liquefaction of the gas occurs and the pressure fitted. When gas is withdrawn, at temperatures
remains constant during this change of state. below 36.5 °C, liquid nitrous oxide boils, replen-
When all the nitrous oxide has been liquefied, a ishing the gas which is drawn off. The heat neces-
small decrease in volume is acompanied by a sary to produce this evaporation comes from the
large increase in pressure because the liquid is atmosphere of the room and has to be transferred
much less compressible than the gas. Above its through the cylinder wall. If the rate of with-
critical temperature, a substance cannot exist as drawal is sufficiently high, a frost may form on
a liquid, however much pressure is applied. Dur- the bottom of the cylinder. Expansion of the issu-
ing condensation, nitrous oxide behaves like a ing gas at the cylinder valve may cause a marked
vapour. There is no sharp difference between the cooling and precautions are taken during manu-
terms gas and vapour; the term vapour is usually facture to ensure that the gas is dry in order to
taken to refer to the gaseous state of a substance prevent blocking of the valve by ice formation.
which at both room temperature and pressure is The contents gauge indicates a steady pressure
a liquid. Thus nitrous oxide can be liquid in a of 750 p.s.i.g. as long as any liquid nitrous oxide
cylinder at room temperature but only under in- remains. When this has all evaporated, only p s e -
creased pressure, whereas ether can be a liquid ous nitrous oxide is left, and the pressure then
at room temperature and pressure. falls steadily until the cylinder is empty. This
The critical temperature of nitrous oxide is sequence is in contrast to that in an oxygen cylin-
36.5 °C, and just below this temperature it has a der; in this instance the pressure falls steadily as
pressure of 74 atmospheres. At 20° C, a pressure gas is withdrawn.
of 51 atmospheres (750 p.s.i.g.) is required to In hot climates where the ambient temperature
liquefy nitrous oxide. The curves in figure 1 are is above 36.5"C (97.7°F), the cylinder will always
known as isothermals. A similar set can be drawn contain only gaseous nitrous oxide. At 37°C, the
for carbon dioxide. The critical temperature for pressure in the cylinder is 1,125 p.s.i.g., and this
carbon dioxide is 31.1°C. At 20°C, the pressure falls steadily as gas is withdrawn. Oxygen, nitrous
in a cylinder containing some liquid carbon di- oxide and carbon dioxide cylinders are tested to a
oxide is 56 atmospheres (825 p.s.Lg.). Cyclopro- pressure of 3,000 in the United Kingdom.


01 10 12 14 l( IB 10 22 24 24

FIG. 1
A series of isothermals for nitrous oxide.

A full oxygen cylinder has a pressure of 132 The production of pre-mixed cylinders of nitrous
atmospheres (1965 oxide and oxygen.
Cylinders containing carbon dioxide, cyclopro- If the pressure inside a nitrous oxide cylinder
pane and nitrous oxide are never rilled to the is raised above 51 atmospheres (750 p.s.i.g.),
point at which they contain only liquid Under liquid nitrous oxide condenses. If the cylinder is
these circumstances, any slight increase in the first filled with gaseous nitrous oxide to a pressure
ambient temperature would raise the pressure in of 750 p.s.i.g., and filled up with oxygen to a
the cylinder to dangerously high values, since total pressure of 2,000 p.s.i.g.,then the percentage
the liquid is almost incompressible. The degree nitrous oxide by volume in the mixture is 38 per
of filling of a cylinder with liquid plus gas is cent (assuming Dalton's law of partial pressures
expressed in terms of the filling ratio. This is is obeyed). On this basis it would appear that 38
given by the fraction per cent is the strongest mixture of nitrous oxide
that could be prepared in a cylinder filled to
Weight of substance (liquid + gas) in cylinder. 2,000 p.s.i.g. at 20°C. It is found experimentally,
however, that if the proper technique is used it is
Weight of water required to fill cylinder completely.
possible to prepare mixtures containing up to 70
per cent nitrous oxide in cylinders at 2,000 p.s.i.g.
Cylinders of nitrous oxide are normally filled to a Attention has been concentrated on the produc-
ratio of 0.75, a "full" cylinder then containing tion of analgesic mixtures of 50 per cent nitrous
some nine-tenths of liquid, the rest being gas. oxide and 50 per cent oxygen prepared in light-
Weighing is the only satisfactory way of keeping a weight alloy cylinders for uss in domicilliary mid-
check on the contents of cylinders containing wifery practice, and for postoperative analgesia.
carbon dioxide, cyclopropane or nitrous oxide. A good account of the method for producing such
Suppose that a gram-molecular weight of nitrous
mixtures has been given by Gale, Tunstall and
oxide (44 g) occupies a volume of 22.4 1. at NTP,
Wilton-Davies (1964). If maintained at room tem-
then the density of gaseous nitrous oxide is
perature a cylinder containing a mixture of 75
(22.4/44)=0.509 l./g. Considering a mass of 1 g
per cent nitrous oxide and 25 per cent oxygen
of nitrous oxide, Charles's Law states that the
volume it occupies is directly proportional to the may be used without any change occurring in
Absolute temperature, so that the density at 15 °C the composition of the issuing gas, and will not
is 0.509 x (288/273)=0.537 l./g. A 100-gaUon contain any liquid phase at any stage of compres-
cylinder contains 455 litres of nitrous oxide (when sion or decompression. Because of the need to
allowed to expand to the conditions of 760 mm keep pre-mixed cylinders containing anaesthetic
Hg), which thus has a mass of 455-=-0.537 at concentrations of nitrous oxide at room tempera-
15 °C, i.e. 847 g (29.9 oz.). Thus each ounce of ture, these have not come into widespread use on
nitrous oxide is equivalent to 15.2 litres of gas. anaesthetic machines. With a 50 per cent nitrous
The average weight of an empty 100-gallon oxide analgesic mixture, the composition of the
cylinder is 9^ lb. mixture will remain constant unless the tempera-
ture of the cylinder is lowered to — 8°C and the
This is also the weight empty of a "2 lb." pressure of the contents reduced to some 705
carbon dioxide cylinder. This holds 106.6 gallons p.s.i.g. The separation of the mixture into its two
of carbon dioxide when allowed to expand to components could be dangerous because if the
the conditions of 15 °C, 760 mm Hg, which is nitrous oxide liquefied, gaseous oxygen would
equivalent to 485 1., and has a mass of 33 oz. be drawn off first, the last part of the cylinder
Each ounce is equivalent to 14.7 litres. The contents becoming progressively more hypoxic
weight of an empty 80-gallon cyclopropane cylin- until finally pure nitrous oxide emerged. Gale,
der is similarly 9.5 lb., and this contains 364 Tunstall and Wilton-Davies (1964) discuss in
litres when allowed to expand to the conditions detail the probability of this occurring in the
of 15°C and 760 mm Hg. United Kingdom. They conclude that, in prac-
The mass of the cyclopropane is 22.85 oz., each tice, conditions are unlikely to be encountered in
ounce being equivalent to 16 litres. which the percentage of oxygen in the mixture

will fall below 21 per cent (P=0.0001). The cylin- Rearranging, p/P= - (Mg/RT) x h.
der has to be brought in from the cold into a Integrating both sides of this equation we arrive
room, and the heat input from the room air is at the simple exponential equation
sufficient to compensate for any cooling occurring
due to withdrawal of the mixture at flow rates log,(P)= -(Mg/RT)H + a. constant.
of less than 10 l./min. If any doubt should exist At H=O, let P = t h e barometric pressure B,
concerning the state of a cylinder containing a then log, (P/B)=-(Mg/RT)H.
50 per cent mixture, Gale, Tunstall and Wilton-
That is P^B.e-w*/*""-
Davies suggest two simple precautions. The
cylinder should be warmed until any frost or ice Thus the pressure should fall off exponentially
disappears, and should then be inverted three with height. When a height equal to (Mg/RT)
times after warming. The effect of adding oxygen cm is reached the pressure should be l/e of
under pressure to nitrous oxide is to lower the atmospheric. If the simple theory held, this would
critical temperature of the mixture so that a occur at a height of 23,400 feet but in practice the
liquid phase cannot exist. Thus the critical tem- pressure is found to be 280 mm Hg at 25,000 feet.
perature of the mixture of 50 per cent nitrous
oxide and 50 per cent oxygen is - 7 ° C, and the The solubility of gases.
critical pressure 705 p.s.i.g. Phase changes at the In general, gases are soluble in liquids. Experi-
critical point are minimal, so any change in com- mentally, it is found that the amount of a given
position of the gas mixture is difficult to detect. gas which dissolves in a given liquid is directly
The temperature of - 8°C appears in the discus- proportional to the pressure of the gas. This is
sion on mixture stability because this is the Henry's Law. The amount of gas which goes into
highest temperature at which changes in the solution depends on the temperature of the
composition of the mixture are readily apparent. liquid. The higher the temperature, the less the
amount which goes into solution. At a given tem-
perature, when no more gas will dissolve in the
The variation of atmospheric pressure with liquid, the liquid is said to be fully saturated with
height. the particular gas at that temperature and pres-
It is well known that the atmospheric pressure sure. When a state of equilibrium has been
decreases with increasing height above the earth's attained, it is said that the gas in solution exerts
surface, and it is interesting to determine the law the same tension as the partial pressure of the gas
governing the process. Let P be the atmospheric concerned present above the liquid. Thus we
pressure in dyne/ at a height of H cm in speak of the "tension" of carbon dioxide or oxy-
an atmosphere at a constant temperature of 7*°K. gen in blood.
At a slightly greater height of (H+h) cm, the Current practice is to use a polarographic
pressure will be less than P by an amount equal electrode to measure oxygen tension in blood, and
to the weight of a layer of air h cm thick and a carbon dioxide electrode to measure the carbon
1 in cross-section. If d is the density of air dioxide tension of blood (Severinghaus and
in g/ml at a height of H cm, then p= -dx gxh Bradley, 1958; Severinghaus, 1962; Fatt, 1964).
dyne/ If it is assumed that the air obeys Before suitable electrodes were developed, the
the ideal gas law then Riley bubble method (Riley, Campbell and Shep-
(PV/T) = constant = R ard, 1957) was used for the determination of
oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions in blood. A
(R is the gas constant for a gram-molecule of gas small bubble is introduced into the blood sample
and has a value of 8.313 x 10' erg per gram- contained in a syringe, the volume of the bubble
molecule per °C). Dividing both sides of the being of the order of 1/100 that of the blood.
equation by M, the effective molecular weight of The gases in the blood and bubble come into
air, equilibrium and the composition of the bubble
(PV/M) = (RT/M) can then be determined as a volume percentage
which becomes (P/d) = (RT/M), so (fractional concentration Fco.) by means of a
d=(PM/RT), giving p= - (PM/RT)xgxh. Scholander microgas analyzer (Scholander, 1947).

From a knowledge of the dry barometric pressure, the temperature stated, and when the pressure of
the percentage concentrations by volume of the the gas minus that of the water vapour is 760
gases can be converted into tensions. Strang mm Hg. Thus 0.88 ml of carbon dioxide will dis-
(1961) has applied a mass spectrometer to the solve in 1 ml of water at 20 °C and 760 mm Hg.
analysis of the bubble. The Po2 of a liquid in Whole numbers are obtained by considering the
equilibrium with air (20.95 per cent v/v oxygen) volume of gas which will dissolve in 100 ml of
at a barometric pressure of 769 mm Hg and at water. This gives the following solubility co-
37°C is efficients at 20° C: carbon dioxide 88, nitrogen
(760 - 47) x (20.95/100) = 149 mm Hg 1.6, nitrous oxide 63, and oxygen 3. The high
solubility of nitrous oxide makes it necessary to
(the saturated vapour pressure of water at 37°C use saturated caustic in a Haldane apparatus
is 47 mm Hg). when oxygen and carbon dioxide measurements
Solubility coefficients. have to be made in the presence of nitrous oxide
The Bunsen solubility coefficient (a) is defined (Nunn, 1958). The solubility of oxygen in blood
as the volume of gas reduced to 0°C and 1 atmos- is discussed by Hedley-White and Laver (1964).
phere pressure dissolved by unit volume of sol- The solubility of nitrous oxide in water and in
vent at the temperature of the experiment under canine blood has been measured by Sy and Has-
a partial pressure of the gas of 1 atmosphere. If brouck (1964), and the use of a gas chromato-
we are considering one gas dissolving in water, graph to measure the solubility of nitrous oxide
then the pressure of the gas minus the saturated is described by Borgstedt and Gillies (1965).
vapour pressure for water at the temperature con-
cerned equals 1 atmosphere. If v0 is the volume of Applications to hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
gas dissolved by unit volume of solvent reduced The composition of alveolar air when breathing
to STP conditions, V is the volume of solvent, air or oxygen at a pressure of 1 atmosphere abso-
and p is the partial pressure of the gas in atmos- lute, or oxygen at a pressure of 2 atmospheres
pheres, then absolute is given below.
a = (v0/Vp).
14) Total
The Ostwald solubility coefficient (X) is defined Inspired Alveolar Alveolar Alveolar Alveolar pressure
as the volume of gas, measured under the tem- gas PO, Pco, PN, PH,O (mm Hg)
perature and pressure at which the gas dissolves, 1ATA
taken up by unit volume of the liquid. If v is the air 105 40 568 47 760
actual volume of dissolved gas, measured at the 1 ATA
experimental temperature T° Absolute, and at oxygen 673 40 0 47 760
the partial pressure of the gas p atmospheres, 2 ATA
oxygen 1433 40 0 47 1520
then assuming the gas laws to be obeyed,
v=Tvo/ToP where To is 0°C (273 K) At 1 atmosphere, breathing air, haemoglobin is
i.e. 273° Absolute. By definition the Ostwald 97 per cent saturated, the amount of oxygen dis-
solubility coefficient is l = v/V, thus A = a T/273 solved in the plasma is 0.3 ml/100 ml, and the
or ). = a ( l +0.003670 where t is in °C. The total oxygen content (dissolved plus combined) is
Bunsen absorption coefficient is the customary 20 ml/100 ml. When pure oxygen at 1 atmos-
manner in which solubilities are expressed in the phere is breathed the partial pressure of oxygen
International Critical Tables. Thus Orcutt and in the alveoli rises from 105 to 673 mm Hg, an
Seevers (1937) and Larson, Eger and Severing- increase of 6.7 times. As a result, the dissolved
haus (1962) measure Ostwald coefficients and oxygen rises to 2 ml/100 ml. The haemoglobin
convert to Bunsen coefficients. becomes fully saturated, and the additional
In tables of the solubilities of gases in water, amount of oxygen now carried in the blood as a
the solubility coefficient is listed in terms of the result of breathing pure oxygen is 2.5 ml/100 ml
number of ml of the gas, measured at 0°C and of blood. The total percentage increase of oxygen
760 mm Hg, which dissolve in 1 ml of water at carried in the blood is only some 10 per cent of

the original 20 volumes per cent. However, the of temperature and pressure. This is in contrast
increase of Po2 from 105 to 673 mm will greatly to gases which obey Avogadro's hypothesis that
assist oxygenation of the tissues, since this is a equal volumes of gases at the same temperature
diffusion process and depends on the tension and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules.
gradient between the blood supply and the tissue The number of molecules contained in 1 cc of
concerned. When oxygen at 2 atmospheres abso- an ideal gas is known as Loschmidt's Number
lute pressure is inspired, the dissolved oxygen (2.687 x 1019). When the anaesthetic vapour is
increases in proportion to the partial pressure to in equilibrium with an anaesthetic oil mixture,
4 3 ml/100 ml. The pressure increase from 1 to 2 the partial pressure in the vapour phase will
atmospheres causes an extra 2.3 ml/100 ml in equal the pressure of the anaesthetic in the mix-
the amount of oxygen carried by the blood, Le. ture. Thus
a total of 4.8 ml/100 ml above that carried when F.V>
air is breathed at normal atmospheric pressure. P» = PO p y y Tp
Smith and associates (1963) found, in dogs, that
the use of oxygen at 2 atmospheres absolute in- where p a is the partial pressure of the anaesthetic
creased the duration of "safe" circulatory arrest vapour, V* is the volume of liquid anaesthetic
from 5 to 8 minutes at normal temperature, and in the mixture, V oil is the volume of oil in the
from 20 to 30 minutes at 28 °C. mixture, F is the mol volume of oil divided by
the mol volume of anaesthetic and P o is the
saturated vapour pressure of the pure anaesthetic
The solubility of volatile anaesthetics in oil. at the temperature concerned. T h e mol volumes
Nunn (1960) discussed the solubility of chloro- are obtained by multiplying the relevant mol
form vapour in oleyl alcohol, and showed that fractions and densities. If the ratio VJVoQ. is
the uptake of chloroform vapour by oil is not known, then the volume of anaesthetic taken up
comparable with its uptake by water. At tensions by unit volume of oil can be calculated. Thus
corresponding to the saturated vapour pressure,
there is a marked deviation from Henry's Law, •vjvoa= *'
the solubility coefficient rising towards infinity.
At the lower values of tension, chloroform appears There is considerable experimental evidence to
to have a finite solubility coefficient. Nunn showed show that the solubility of volatile anaesthetics
that the solubility of volatile anaesthetics in oil can does obey Raoult's Law over the clinical range
be evaluated by the use of Raoult's Law. This of concentrations.
states that in a solution of two liquids, the vapour
pressure of each constituent is proportional to the REFERENCES
number of mols of that substance present in unit Borgstedt, H. H., and Gillies, A. J. (1965). Deter-
volume of solution. For a pure liquid, the vapour mination of the solubility of nitrous oxide by gas
chromatography. Anesthesiology, IS, 675.
pressure will be the saturated vapour pressure. Couch, E. J., and Kobe, K. A. (1961). Volumetric be-
Thus it follows that for a mixture p = p0J(. where haviour of nitrous oxide. J. Chem. and Engng.
p is the vapour pressure exerted by one compo- Data, 6, 229.
Fatt, I. (1964). Rapid responding carbon dioxide and
nent of the mixture, p0 is the saturated vapour oxygen electrodes. J. appl. Physiol., 19, 550.
pressure of the pure component concerned at the Gale, C. W., Tunstall, M. E., and Wilton-Davies,
temperature of the mixture, and X is the mol C C. (1964). Pre-mixed gas and oxygen for mid-
wives. Brit. med. J., 1, 732.
fraction of the component concerned in the mix- Hedley-White, J., and Laver, M. B. (1964). O, solu-
ture. The mol fraction of any constituent in a bility in blood and temperature calibration factors
mixture is defined as the number of mols (gram for Po,. J. appl. Physiol., 19, 901.
Larson, C P., Eger, E. I., and Severinghaus, J. W.
molecules) of the constituent divided by the total (1962). Ostwald solubility coefficients for anaes-
number of all mols in the mixture. It is easier to thetic gases in various fluids and tissues. Anes-
use volume fractions provided that allowance is thesiology, 23, 686.
Nunn, J. F. (1958). Respiratory measurements in the
made where necessary for the fact that equal presence of nitrous oxide. Brit. J. Anaesth., 30,
numbers of molecules of different liquids occupy 254.
different volumes even under identical conditions (I960). The solubility of volatile anaesthetics in
oil. Brit. J. Anaesth., 32, 346.
Orcutt, F. F., and Seevers, M. H. (1937). A method Severinghaus, J. W., and Bradley, A. F. (1958).
for determinimj the solubility of gases in pure Electrodes for blood and gas Pco,, Po, and blood
liquids or solutions by the Van Slyke-Neill mano- pH. J. appl. Physiol, 13, 515.
metric apparatus. J. biol. Chem., 117, 501. Smith, C, Ledingham, J. McA., Norman, J. N.,
Riley, R. L., Campbell, E. J. M., and Shepard, R. H. Douglas, T. A., Bates, E. M., and Lee, F. D.
(1957). A bubble method for estimation of Pco, (1963). Prolongation of the time of "safe" circu-
and Po, in whole blood. J. appl. Physiol., 11, 245. latory arrest by preliminary hyperbaric oxygena-
rion and body cooling. Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 117,
Scholander, P. F. (1947). Analyser for accurate estim- 411.
ation of respiratory gases in one-half cubic centi- Strang, L. B. (1961). Blood gas tension measurement
metre samples. J. biol. Chem., 167, 235. using a mass spectrometer. 7. appl. Physiol., 16,
Severinghaus, J. W. (1962). Electrodes for blood and Sy, W. P., and Hasbrouck, J. D. (1964). Solubility of
gas Po u Pco, and blood pH. Ada anaesih. scand., nitrous oxide in water and in canine blood. Anes-
Suppl. 11, 207. thesiology, 25, 59.

VENOUS COMPLICATIONS FOLLOWING THIOPENTONE Table showing the incidence of bruising, and the
Sir,—I was very interested to read the article in the severity of bruising with the various injection sites,
February issue by Hewitt and his colleagues entitled methods of haemostasis and needle sizes.
"Clinical studies of induction agents. XTV: A com-
parative study of venous complications following thio- 1
pentone, methohexitone and propanidid" {Brit. J. (minimal 2 3
Anaesth., 38, 115). Their findings concerning bruising bruise (a bruise (a bruise
after intravenous injections parallel those of an investi- 0 less than 1 to 2 cm larger
gation which I carried out recently. In this the inci- (no 1 cm maximum than
dence and size of haematoma following intravenous bruise) diameter) diameter) 2 cm)
injections into veins in the antecubital fossa and
dorsum of the hand were studied, using different Method A 42 6 1 1
methods of haemostasis and needle size. The patients 84% 12% 2% 2%
involved in this study were undergoing routine general, Method B 25 10 13 2.
orthopaedic or gynaecological surgery. The solution 50% 20% 26% 4%
injected was 2.5 per cent thiopentone which was Method C 39 7 3 1
used for induction of anaesthesia. The site of injection, 78% 14% 6% 2%
method of haemostasis and size of needle were varied Method D 41 6 3 0
in five ways. Gillette disposable needles were used. 82% 12% 6%
Method A. A number 12 needle (23 s.w.g.) was Method E 44 5 1 0
used and the injection made into a vein in the ante- 88% 10% 2%
cubital fossa. Following injection a pad was pressed
over the injection site and the needle withdrawn. The
arm then bent at the elbow. This method is open to fossa vein produced less chance of a bruise, and
criticism but is very commonly used and served as a smaller bruises, than on the dorsum of the hand. The
baseline. incidence of bruising at that site could be reduced by
Method B. Using a number 12 needle, the injection a careful and planned method of haemostasis or use
was made into a vein on the dorsum of the hand and of a smaller needle. Obviously the frequency of bruis-
an assistant was requested to press on a gauze pad ing with method B is to some extent dependent on
until he thought the tendency to bleed was past. the experience of the assistant With the larger needles
Method C. Using a vein on the dorsum of the hand, method D gave the best results but occupied an
with a number 12 needle, then strapping a gauze pad assistant at a busy period during induction of the
in place before removing the needle. anaesthetic, method C probably being the most useful
Method D. Using a number 12 needle, and a vein in practice.
on the dorsum of the hand, haemostasis was obtained It is thought that these findings are of interest, as
by pressure on a gauze pad for a measured 4 minutes. after a major operation a bruised hand may not cause
Method E. As for method C but using a size 17 comment but many operations are comparatively minor
needle (25 s.w.g.). and a bruise can cause pain for a number of days,
In methods B to E the hand was placed or held whilst the patient displays the marks of anaesthesia
above heart level after the injection. The methods A for 10 to 14 days or more. However, it should be
to E were used in stria rotation, so that a random emphasized that the dorsum of the hand is a safer
selection of patients and methods was obtained. injection site than the antecubital fossa, and any
The injection site was inspected immediately after number of bruises are preferable to an injection into
the operation and again after 24 to 48 hours. The the brachial artery.
results obtained are shown in the accompanying table, JOHN L. WEBSTER
and demonstrate that an injection into an antecubital Sheffield

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