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The Intern

Based on the movie "The Intern", here are some ways to build desirable relationships within
your organization :-

• Dress for the job you want - Ben uses his extensive collection of suits, ties, and dress shirts
to appear his professional best from beginning until the end. It is believed that it's better to dress
up than dress down.

• Appreciating others work — Ben is not just courteous, but he makes everyone feel as if they
are valued more than their job titles. When he wasn't allocated any work, he helped the mail
clerk with deliveries, and he empathises with Jules' overburdened secretary when she gets upset
about working 14-hour days with no recognition.

• Keeping things confidential — Ben claims age-impaired hearing when he overhears a chat
about appointing a new CEO and holds it close to his heart. Also, when he takes over as Jules'
driver, the phone calls he overhears does not stretch beyond its sedan's front seat.

The devil weas prada

The Devil Wears Prada illustrates leadership and management issues well. This is evident
through the leadership style and managerial skills Miranda demonstrates. Miranda showcases
conceptual and technical skills all throughout the movie in several situations such as making the final
magazine decisions and explaining the history of the color cerulean to Andy. Additionally, Miranda's
lack of human skills can be attributed to the leadership grid in which she follows an authority-
compliance leadership. Furthermore, extrinsic motivation which is reward-driven behavior is a
concept we also see in this film. Our main character Andy as well as Emily's source of motivation is
driven by rewards, pressures, and opportunities. Finally, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a
motivation theory that can also be applied to Andy as her physiological and safety needs were being
met working in Runway but not her belonging, esteem, and self-actualization needs. All of this can
be seen in current management and leadership today as there are autocratic leaders such as
Miranda who do not care about their employees but only results. This will cause employees not to
have their belonging, esteem, and self-actualization needs to be fulfilled just like Andy. In turn,
employees may end up leaving their job because of this to find better jobs just as Andy did as well.
The research study of motivation aims to assist in understanding of what prompts staff members
to initiate action, what affects their choice of action and why they continue in such action over
time. Inspiration is necessary to business professionals considering that it assists in seeking high
efficiency within organisations. While effective worker motivation improves performance, it
likewise produces difficulties for supervisors to channel inspiration towards the accomplishment
of organisational objective. This essay intends to analyze several motivation theories with
recommendation to the film the Devil wears Prada, and after that go over some obstacles
supervisors might deal with when trying to motivate staff members in the modern world of work.

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