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Book Outlines

- Audience
- Lead Generation
- Conversion/Sales
- Write to Sell
- Don’t Stop Advertising
- Keep your customers for life.

The importance of gaining audience in business cannot be overemphasized…

Always know that MONEY IS IN THE HANDS OF PEOPLE. So you need people (audience) in

your business.

Now, you need to know your audience and always warm them up with VALUES

Yes, you heard me right “values”

There are three (3) types of audience;

- Cold Audience: These are people who haven’t heard of you before. They don’t know you

neither did they trust you.

- Warm Audience: These are people that have heard of you from other places

- Hot Audience: These are people who trust and look up to you.

You can always make your cold and warm audience to become your hot audience by engaging

them with enthralling post that will add value to their lives in no small measure. I always

leverage on WhatsApp status to achieve this. My audience can never get bored or regret viewing

my WhatsApp status. I will emphasize more on this aspect when we get to the session where I
will be teaching you how to sell fast on WhatsApp. Always aim at turning your audience into

your LEAD.

Who is a lead?

A lead is your ideal customer. Someone who is willing and ready to make payment for your
product or service

A lead magnet is what attracts the mind of your lead. It can be an e-book, newsletter, case study,
special report, free training, free video etc

It is best served FREE

Now, what are some things to know about a lead magnet.

. It must solve a pain point

. Give them tremendous value

. Show expertise

. Focus on the what and why

. Sell the how


Know the right bait for your audience.

You can't put kpomo on a stick during fishing and expect the fishes to come and eat it
You need to put a worm

It’s the worm that warms them

Let me quickly list some organic traffic/lead generation strategies that have been working for me

for the past years in my businesses.

- Free WhatsApp or Telegram Classes

- Influencer Mentions

- Distribution of Free Ebooks

- Referrals/Affiliating Marketing

- Facebook Group

- Facebook Profiles

- Sponsored Ads on Facebook and Instagram and so on

Who is an affiliate marketer?

This is someone who promotes the products or services of another person or company in

exchange for a commission on the resulting sales.

Who is a social media influencer?

This is someone who has the power to affect the purchase decision of others because of his or her

authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience. A social media
influencer is someone that has gained massive followers on social media such as Facebook,

Instagram, Twitter and the likes.

You can categorize an influencer by their follower numbers:

- Mega-Influencers

- Macro-Influencers

- Micro-Influencers

- Nano-Influencers

Let’s pick them one after the other…

(i) Mega-Influencers: These are people with a vast number of followers on their social

networks. They have more than 1 million followers on at least one social platform.

Many mega-influencers are celebrities who have gained their fame offline e.g movie

stars, sports people, musicians etc.

(ii) Macro-Influencers: Macro-influencers are a notch down from mega- influencers, and

maybe more accessible as influencer marketers. People having followers ranging

50,000 to 1 million on at least a social network are considered macro-influencers.

(iii) Micro-influencers: These are ordinary everyday people who become known for their

knowledge about some specialist niche. You could consider micro-influencers as

having between 1,000 - 50,000 followers on at least a social network.

(iv) Nano-Influencers: These are the newest influencer – type to gain recognition. These

people only have small numbers of followers fewer than 1,000.

Both the affiliate marketer and influencer have something in common which is AUDIENCE.

Their audience could be your prospective clients or customers. So, generating a massive

audience should be the goal of every business owner.

In this class, we shall focus more on WhatsApp Marketing …


Why WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has 1.5 billion active users in over 180 countries. The app has a presence in 180 out

of 193 countries in the world, which is the largest share among all messaging and social


The average user checks WhatsApp more than 23 times per day. The world is practically on


And as you all know. Wherever people are gathered, money is there in their midst!

How to boost your sales on whatsapp

- Groups (Whatsapp Training): This is where skill acquisition becomes a necessity. Before

you can organize any online class, you must have learnt a skill, practiced it and gotten

results. Whatsapp training is the fastest way of gaining new audience and also building
their trust. A practical example is this free business class. Here am adding massive value

and at the same time gaining new audience

- Whatsapp Status: This is where you will advertise your what you are selling and also add

more values by posting things that will be very helpful to your clients

- Broadcast List: Add all your potential clients in a list and keep in touch with them on

regularly basis. This works like magic.

- Calls (Video/Audio): These features are very useful in the area of consultation and


- Whatsapp Influencers/ TV: Leveraging notable people with above 1000 of status views.

This will boost your sales immensely. I’ve done this several times and it really worked.

All you need do is pay a token for advertisement.

- Whatsapp for Business: You can list uor products and services and people can see

catalogs of the products you have. They will have access to your website. You can also

automate messages but please try not to be annoying with your messages.

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