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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan Division II

Midterm Examination 1st Semester A.Y. 2017-2018

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Name_________________________ Strand ________

Schedule ______________________ Date__________

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I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided. USE

_____1. Philosophy employs investigative process which follows certain steps that employs certain
a. Science b. Social Sciences c. Art d. School of Thought

_____2. Philosophy investigate things not by using any other laboratory instruments, instead it uses
the Natural Light of Reason. One of the following is not related to the underlined word.
a. Unaided Reason c. Natural Capacity to think
b. Human Reason d.Supernatural Revelation

_____3. This sets the distinction between philosophy from other sciences.
a. Philosophy studies human beings. c. Philosophy investigates God.
b. Philosophy studies society. d. Philosophy studies all things.

_____4. It as an attempt to understand the world in terms of appearance and reality.

a. Logic b. Epistemology c. Metaphysics d. Aesthetics

_____5. He contended that nothing we experience with the physical world with our five senses is real.
a. Socrates b. Plato c. Aristotle d. Thales

_____6. How do we tell good from evil or right or wrong? This question falls under this branch of
a. Epistemology b. Aesthetics c. Logic d. Ethics

_____7. Branches of Philosophy is describe really only an extension of a fundamental and necessary
drive in every human being to know what is real.
a. Epistemology b. Aesthetics c. Logic d. Metaphysic

_____8. It is the view that knowledge can be acquired through the sense experience.
a. Rationalism b. Empiricism c. Idealism d. Pragmatism

_____9. It is the view that real knowledge is based on logic, the laws, and methods that reason
a. Rationalism b. Empiricism c. Idealism d.Pragmatism

_____10. It is the main concern of logician

a. analyzing b. Interpreting c. Reasoning d. listening

_____11. It is concerned of the beautiful in its various manifestations- including the sublime, comic,
tragic,pathetic and ugly.
a. Epistemology b. Aesthetics c. Logic d. Ethics

_____12. China, India and Greece. Which definition categorizes well the three given countries?
a. Original centers of philosophy c. They influenced the Western Philosophy
b. The centers of Eastern Philosophy d. The Birthplaces of Philosophy
_____13. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. One of the following statements does not define well the three
a. They are Western Philosophers c. They are Eastern Philosophers
b. Greek Triumvirates d. The three Greatest Philosophers

_____14. Which of the following statements does not speak well about Eastern Philosophy?
a. Asian classics of the Indians and Chinese predate the oldest of the Western Classics.
b. During the first centuries, there were more philosophical activities in the East than in the
c. During the time of the Greek triumvirate, Asian thinkers began diminishing philosophical
d. Before the Greek period, there was hardly an activity in the East.

_____15. It is to think and express oneself in a philosophical manner, thus considers or discusses from
a philosophical standpoint.
a. Argumentation b. Philosophizing c. Reasoning d. Analyzing

_____16. A philosophical method which focuses or careful inspection and description of phenomena or
a. Existentialism b. Reasoning c. Psychology d. Phenomenology

_____17. Which of the following descriptions is not true of Postmodernism?

a. It rejects, challenges, or aims to supersede “modernity”
b. It is not a philosophy
c. It rightly talks about world philosophy, the philosophy of many cultures.
d. It does not value our existence in the world.

_____18. It is distinguishing facts and opinions or personal feelings and uncover bias and prejudice
and open to new ideas not necessarily with previous thought.
a. Analytical Thinking c. Critical Thinking
b. Inductive Thinking d. Deductive Thinking

_____19. Reasoning based from observations in order to make generalizations which is often applied in
prediction, forecasting and behaviour.
a. Analytical Thinking c. Critical Thinking
b. Inductive Thinking d. Deductive Thinking

_____20. Is a defect in an argument other than its having false premises.

a. Lies b. Fallacies c. Syllogism d. Illogical

_____21. In Hinduism, it is maintained that it is the ________ that is ultimately real. The existence of
the ______ is considered as nothing more an illusion.
a. Brahman, Atman b. Matter, Form c. Soul,Body d. Mind, Spirit

_____22. The Hindu doctrine that adheres to the belief that a person’s soul passes into some other
creature, human, or animal.
a. Resurrection b. Evolution c. Transportation d. Transmigration

_____23. One of the oldest Eastern traditions practiced by hundreds of millions of people for about
5,000 years.
a. Hinduism b. Christianity c. Buddhism d. Islam

_____24. The Spiritual value by which one is illuminated and liberated and most importantly finds
release from the wheel of existence.
a. Holiness b. Enlightenment c. Spirituality d. Metempsychos

_____25. A belief which holds that humanity’s life is a continuous cycle of birth and rebirth.
a. Karma b. Nirvana c. Sangha d. Samsara

_____26. Choose from among the choices the correct order based on increasing importance of the four
primary values of Hinduism
a. enlightenment, wealth, duty, pleasure c. wealth, pleasure, duty, enlightenment
b. duty, enlightenment, wealth, pleasure d. duty, wealth, enlightenment, pleasure
_____27. Which of the following does not form part of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism?
a. Life is full of suffering
b. Suffering is caused by passionate desires, lusts,cravings
c. Right aspiration for one’s self and others.
d. Only as these are obliterated, will suffering cease

_____28. The Eightfold Paths can be summarized into the following except:
a. It enjoins us to develop wisdom c. Urges us to practice virtue and avoid vice
b. Tells us to practice meditation d. Solution to problems lays in our minds.

_____29The title Buddha has this meaning.

a. The Chosen One b. The Liberated On c. The Enlightened One d. The Lucky One

_____30. He is considered to be the Father of Philosophy.

a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Confucius d. Socrates

_____31. For the Indians, God first created this which is the root of the universe and everything that
exists and it continues to hold everything together.
a. Brahman b. Moksha c. Jiva d. Aum

_____32. It is an enlightened state wherein one attains one true selfhood and finds oneself one with
the One.
a. Moksha b. Jiva c. Nirvana d. Dharma

_____33. A knowledge (vidya) which consists an understanding and realization of individual’s real self
a. True Knowledge b. Self-Knowledge c. Lower Knowledge d. Middle Knowledge

_____34. A simple presentation of the gospel of inner cultivation of right spiritual attitudes, coupled
with a self-imposed discipline.
a. Dharma b. Four Noble Truth c. The Eightfold Path d. Law of Salvation

_____35. In Christianity, suffering lead to this symbol of reality of God’s saving love for the human
a. The Church b. The Holy Mass c. The Bible d. The Cross

II. ANALOGY: Recognize the relationship between the words in a word pair.
1. Logike; logic; phainomenon; _________________________________
2. Hindu: India: Buddhist; _________________________________
3. Dharma: Law of Salvation; Brahman: __________________________
4. continuous cycle: samsara; to overflow nonstop; _________________
5. Reincarnation: Hinduism;Nirvana: _____________________________

Four States of Sublime Condition
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________

Human Limitations and the Possibilities for their Transcendence

1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
5. _________________________
6. _________________________

I. Multiple Choice III. Enumeration

1. A Four States of Sublime Condition
2. A 1. Love
3. D 2. Sorrow of others
4. C 3. Joy in the joy of others
5. B 4. Equinamity
6. C
12. D 4. FAILURE
14. D 6. LOVE
15. B
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. B
21. A
22. D
23. A
24. B
25. D
26. C
27. B
28. C
29. C
30. D
31. D
32. A
33. A
34. A
35. D

II. Analogy
1. Phenomenology
2. China
3. Ultimate Soul
4. Abundare
5. Buddhism

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