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Basic Competency






Technical Vocational Education and Training Center

Welcome to the module in Adopting Entrepreneurial Mindset in the Workplace.

This module contains training materials and activities for you to complete.
The unit of competency “Adopt Entrepreneurial Mindset in the Workplace” contains
knowledge, skills and attitudes required for “Adopt Entrepreneurial Mindset in the
You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete each
learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome there are Information Sheets,
Resource Sheets and Reference Materials for further reading to help you better understand
the required activities. Follow these activities on your own and answer the self-check at the
end of each learning outcome. Get the answer key from your instructor and check your work
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your facilitator for assistance. Your
facilitator will always be an available to assist you during the training.
The goal of this course is the development of practice skills. To gain these skills, you
must learn basic concepts and terminology. For the most part, you’ll get this information
from the Information Sheets and TESDA Website,
This module was prepared to help you achieve the required competency “Receive and
Respond to Workplace Communication”.
This will be the source of information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this
particular competency independently and at your own pace, with minimum supervision or
help from your instructor.

Remember to:
Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section.
Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Suggested references are
included to supplement the materials provided in this module.

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Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager. He / she is there
to support you and show you the correct way to do things.
You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice on the job.
Make sure you practice your new skills during regular work shifts. This way you will
improve both your speed and memory and also your confidence.

Use the Self-checks, Operation Sheets or Job Sheets at the end of each section to test
your own progress.

When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask your Trainer to
evaluate you. The results of your assessment will be recorded in your Progress chart and
Accomplishment Chart.
You need to complete this module before you can perform the next module Provide
Room Service.

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List of Basic Competencies

UNIT CODE Units of Competency (NC I Level)

Receive and respond to workplace


400311102 Work with others

400311103 Solve/address routine problems

400311104 Enhance self-management skills

400311105 Support innovation

400311106 Access and maintain information

400311107 Follow occupational safety and

health policies and procedures

Apply environmental work

Adopt entrepreneurial mindset in
400311109 the workplace

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Modules Title: Adopting entrepreneurial mindset in the workplace

Module Descriptor: This unit covers the outcomes required to support and
internalize an entrepreneurial mindset and observe basic entrepreneurial
practices in the workplace.

Nominal Duration: 3 Hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Determine entrepreneurial mindset

LO2. Identify entrepreneurial practices

Learning Outcome 1 Determine Entrepreneurial Mindset


1. Workplace policies and practices relating to entrepreneurship

2. Elements of corporate culture
3. Entrepreneurial mindset
4. Entrepreneurial practices in the workplace
5. Desirable attitudes:
-Willingness to learn
-Attention to details
6. Identifying entrepreneurial mindset
7. Studying and affirming entrepreneurial mindset
8. Selecting and emulating desirable entrepreneurial practices
9. Communication skills practices


1. Entrepreneurial mindset in the workplace is determined from enterprise practices and

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2. Entrepreneurial mindset in the workplace is studied and affirmed based on current
enterprise practices

3. Clarification from reliable sources I sought regarding entrepreneurial mindset and

corporate culture.


Trainees must be provided with the following”

 References (books)
 Manuals
 Note Pads
 Pens


What Is an Entrepreneurial Mindset?

If entrepreneurship the practice of creating, developing, and running your

own business, then an
entrepreneurial mindset is the mode of thinking that helps you achieve
those goals. Successful entrepreneurs embrace challenges, mistakes, and
failure as opportunities to develop new skill sets to help them succeed in
the future.

When it comes to running a successful business, the right mindset can be

just as important as hitting sales objectives or producing sustainable
business models. It’s okay if you don’t feel up to the task. Having
doubts makes you human. Knowing how to nip them in the bud can make you a
great entrepreneur.

The 4 Characteristics of an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Every entrepreneur is unique and no path to success is the same, but all
successful entrepreneurs share a specific skillset that allows them to
solve problems, overcome obstacles, and thrive in their respective fields.
Some of those skills include:

1. Ability to confront self-doubt: Teaching yourself how to think means

acting like your own coach or even cheerleader. Entrepreneurial success
will come from your ability to control your own thoughts and confront

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your self-doubt, making it easier to navigate the failures and
disappointments inherent in going it on your own.
2. Accountability: Having an entrepreneurial spirit includes recognizing
your responsibility for the outcomes and actions of your business. When
big things go wrong (and they will), the buck stops with you. Even when
outcomes are outside of your complete control, entrepreneurial thinking
requires you to avoid making excuses and instead take actions to resolve
the option.

3. Resilience: Mistakes are inevitable when attempting to launch new

ventures. Everyone from Silicon Valley billionaires to low-level
employees makes mistakes. That’s why resilience is one of the most
important life skills for an entrepreneur. Your ability to bounce back
from failure will help your business stay afloat and inspire a team to
follow your leadership.

4. Willingness to experiment: Whether you’re the co-founder of a

bourgeoning business or simply one of the many young people trying to
set out on a new career path, your road to sustained success will lead
you to many tough decisions. Entrepreneurs are always willing to
experiment when it comes to new products, business plans, or problem-
solving techniques. They test out different products and pricing,
soliciting feedback from a core team of trusted advisers, and they’re
willing to abandon ideas when they aren’t working.

How to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset

It may seem difficult to develop an entrepreneurial mindset if you aren’t

actively working as CEO of a successful startup. However, the truth is that
you can hone the skillsets required for successful entrepreneurship no
matter your current job title. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you
can develop your entrepreneurial mindset in your everyday life:

1. Set clear goals. Setting a goal—speaking it to the universe, writing

it down, mentioning it to friends and family who will hold you
accountable—can subtly influence aspiring entrepreneurs to work towards
that goal bit by bit each day. If you don’t feel like you’ve clearly
articulated your goals, set aside some time to brainstorm until you know
exactly what you’re aiming for.

2. Practice being decisive. Entrepreneurs, innovators, and new business

owners must develop the ability to analyze a situation, absorb the
relevant data, and make a confident decision. Small businesses and
start-ups can be ruined by indecision, which is why making a decision
with confidence is one of the most vital entrepreneurial skills. You can
practice decisiveness in the real world or in your personal life,
whether you’re ordering at a restaurant or making evening plans.
Practicing making small decisions with confidence will pay off when
you’re faced with big challenges in your business.

3. Redefine failure. Failing typically has negative connotations, but

the best entrepreneurs turn failure into something positive. Failing
indicates that you’ve tried something, which can be a scary thing to

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do. True failure is not trying at all. Practice failure dialogues. You
can do this in your notebook or with a friend. Have them ask you about
your failures every day for a week. Answer honestly. Soon, you may find
that instead of feeling shame when you discuss your failures, you’ll
feel pride at showing off what you’ve attempted.

4. Face your fears. Many entrepreneurs fear public speaking,

failure, and embarrassment. The only way to chisel away at that
fear is to expose yourself to it. Getting rejected again and
again will anesthetize you to the letdown. Take a public speaking
class—anything to get you more comfortable in front of a crowd.
If you want to improve your communication skillset, take an
acting or stand-up comedy class. Both will force you to confront
your vulnerability and get you accustomed to talking to
strangers. Plus, you’ll learn the importance of good timing and
delivery—a skill that is as key in sales and daily life it is in
acting and comedy. If you want to increase your critical
thinking or problem-solving abilities, take a debate class. It
will force you analyze two ways to look at an issue and will help
you anticipate objections potential customers may have to buying
your product.

5. Remain curious. Curiosity is one of the most important traits for

entrepreneurs. To constantly learn and maintain your competitive
edge, you must always seek out new people and new experiences. Never
lose the curiosity to see around corners.

Workplace Policies And Practices Relating To Entrepreneurship

Social problems and habits don’t stop at the front door of a business.
While the recruitment process may have ended the employer’s
responsibilities in managing staff have just begun.

What is a workplace policy?

Workplace policies often reinforce and clarify standard operating procedure

in a workplace. Well written policies help employers manage staff more
effectively by defining acceptable and unacceptable behavior in the
workplace, and set out the implications of not complying with those

A workplace policy consists of a statement of purpose and one or more broad

guidelines on action to be taken to achieve that purpose. The statement of
purpose should rarely exceed one page in length and should be written in
simple terms free of jargon. The length of the policy may vary depending on
the issue it addresses.

A policy may allow discretion in its implementation and the basis of that
discretion may be stated as part of the policy.

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A policy may be required where there is a diversity of interests and
preferences, which result in vague and conflicting objectives among those
who are directly involved. Not all workplace issues require a policy. Many
routine matters can be dealt through simple procedures.

Benefits of having workplace policies Well-written workplace policies:

• are consistent with the values of the organization and employment

• demonstrate that the organization is being operated in an efficient and
businesslike manner
• ensure uniformity and consistency in decision-making and operational
• add strength to the position of staff when possible legal actions arise
• save time when a new problem can be handled quickly and effectively
through an existing policy
• foster stability and continuity
• maintain the direction of the organization even during periods of change
• provide the framework for business planning
• assist in assessing performance and establishing accountability
• clarify functions and responsibilities.

Developing and introducing workplace policies

The following steps help to ensure that your workplace policies are
successfully introduced and implemented in the workplace:

STEP 1: Consult With Staff

Involve staff in developing and implementing workplace policies to promote

awareness, understanding and ownership of the outcome. Staff involvement
also helps to determine how and when the policies might apply, including
possible scenarios.

STEP 2: Define The Terms Of The Policy

Be explicit. Define key terms used in the policy at the beginning so that
employees understand what is meant. The policy should explain what is
acceptable and unacceptable behavior in the workplace. You may wish to
include specific examples to illustrate problem areas or unacceptable types
of behaviors.

Example: An individual shall be deemed to be under the influence of alcohol

if he/she exceeds a blood alcohol level of 0.05% (0.02% for heavy vehicle
Be clear about who the policy applies to. For example, does it only apply
to employees of the company or to contractors and sub-contractors engaged
to perform work on business premises? This is particularly important, for
example, with occupational health and safety which covers everyone in the

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The policy may also need to contain information about what to do if it is
not possible to follow the policy. For example, if you have a policy
relating to punctuality, you may need to include a procedure outlining what
to do if the employee is going to be late.

The policy should also contain procedures to support the policy in its
operation, such as the implications for not complying with the policy.

Example 1: Occupational health and safety

No employee is to commence work, or return to work while under the
influence of alcohol or drugs. A breach of this policy is grounds for
disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Example 2: Email policy

Using the organization’s computer resources to seek out, access or send
any material of an offensive, obscene or defamatory nature is prohibited
and may result in disciplinary action.

STEP 3. Put The Policies In Writing And Publicize Them

To be effective, policies need to be publicized and provided to all

existing and new employees. This includes casual, part-time and full-time
employees and those on maternity leave or career breaks.

Policies should be written in plain English and easily understood by all

employees. Consider translating the policies into the appropriate languages
for employees whose first language is not English.

Ensure all staff understand what the policies mean. Explain how to comply
with the policies and the implications of not complying.

STEP 4: Training And Regular Referral

The policies may be explained to staff through information and/or training

sessions, at staff meetings and during induction of new staff. They should
also be reiterated and discussed with staff regularly at staff meetings to
ensure they remain relevant to your staff.

Copies of policies should be easily accessible. Copies may be kept in

folders in a central location or staff areas, in staff manuals and
available on the organization’s intranet system.
It is crucial to have senior management support, especially where policies
relate to employee behavior. The endorsement and modelling of the behavior
by the CEO, senior managers and supervisors will encourage staff to take
the policies seriously.

STEP 5: Implementation

It is important that policies apply consistently throughout the

organization. A breach of a policy should be dealt with promptly and
according to the procedures set out in the policy. The consequence of the
breach should also suit the severity of the breach – whether it be a
warning, disciplinary action or dismissal.

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Case study

An organization which dismissed an employee for sexual harassment was

subsequently ordered to re-employ the sacked staff member as they had
failed to follow their own policy. The company had a policy of zero
tolerance to sexual harassment but failed to exercise the provision when
the policy was breached. The Commission hearing revealed that the company
had breached its own policy when it issued the employee numerous unofficial
warnings instead.

 Characteristics of Good Policies

Now, a good map is an up-to-date map. Maps become obsolete over time. A
business’s direction also is not set-in-stone. You will need to create and
refine your procedures and policies over time to provide excellent
management, empowerment, and leadership.
Effective policies are your link to business success and its longevity. The
best policies have the characteristics below.

1. Precise
In a fast-paced world, your employees are bound to read the information
that only applies to them. To this end, write policies that are easy to
read and inch-perfect. Use vocabulary that addresses your target audience.
Avoid ambiguous terminology and address audience-specific issues to enhance
focus in readers. 
Avoid bundling up your policy into one huge rulebook, filled with many
processes and standards. A dragging policy document is unreliable. Be
succinct and support your policies with elaborate procedure documents.

2. Adaptable
Your policy is your true north in a spinning world, but every so often, you
will face change. Your business should be flexible enough to accommodate
measured risk. Rigid policies choke innovation.

3. Executable
Your policies and procedures should be clear. If your audience cannot
understand the message that they convey, you will have shallow compliance

4. Reliable
A policy can only ensure fair legal treatment if it is clear, reasonable,
valid, and non-mandatory. 

5. Have endorsement
The leadership should empower policies by championing, prioritizing, and
investing in them. Management that glosses over or flouts policy deals a
deathblow to compliance and policy adherence. Encouragement and observable
support, on the other hand, will motivate assent.

6. Realistic
Weak policies and procedures can become weapons of control, and their
demands can be a burden. They can kill freedom of explosive random thought

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and action. Such bylaws can sap employees’ energy and encourage
mediocrity. You need to ensure that your policies are friend, not foe. 
The Mad Men–era types of business policies and procedures belong to the
Stone Age, and if you still run by them, you need to update them. Create
progressive policies and procedures that encourage performance, passion,
compliance, and quality. Updating your business’s bylaws makes you more
adaptable to change.

7. Enforceable
You should have technical, administrative, and physical controls that
support a policy’s compliance. Quantify your compliance rates and reprove
any lack of adherence to the rule. Policies are meaningless if they are not

8. Inclusive
Have external parties in mind when creating your policies. Subcontracting
and outsourcing have become a business trend. Your policies should address
your third-party connections and international law. Think through all of
your association’s cultural norms and other issues, such as your stance on
the environment.

Entrepreneurial Mindset: 5 Characteristics to Cultivate

Having an entrepreneurial mindset may determine success or failure. Here
are 5 characteristics you can learn for success.

Entrepreneurs help bolster economic development, create jobs, and invent

products or services that can make the world a better place. Being a
successful entrepreneur requires outside-the-box thinking and larger-than-
life ideas. Anyone can come up with a new idea, but building a successful
business around it is the entrepreneurial challenge. The entrepreneurial
mindset is unique in that one must be creative, communicative, and highly
motivated to succeed, yet open to risk and failure.

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It’s not a big idea alone that paves the path to ultimate entrepreneurial
success. Oftentimes the success or failure of a business comes down to the
characteristics of the entrepreneur themselves.

However, there are certain characteristics which all aspiring entrepreneurs

should cultivate to dramatically boost their own odds for success. An
entrepreneurial mindset, if you will, may mark the difference between a
lucrative business and one which shutters the doors before the first year
is over.

So what ARE these all-important characteristics aspiring or new

entrepreneurs should cultivate? What attributes tend to tip the scales in
favor of heading up a booming business? Read on, as we share our experts’
opinions on the matter.

1. A Positive Mental Attitude


A positive attitude and outlook is a must for successful entrepreneurs. The
mindset of the head of the company sets the tone for the rest of the
company and influences corporate culture.

Negative thoughts undermine forward motion and the progress of the company,
not to mention the management’s ability to lead staff and motivate
employees. Part of what gives entrepreneurs the fortitude to weather the
business downturns is positivity.

Cultivating a positive attitude is not about sticking your head in the sand
and ignoring things that could go wrong, but about learning how to mentally
reframe your response. There is no point in wallowing in mistakes.

One way to change your outlook is to look a negative pain point and ask
“How can I actively correct this?” By exploring your reaction and
response to a perceived problem, you’ll soon learn to cultivate a positive
approach to change. Positive people look to challenges as a way to improve
and learn, so you should try to focus on this skill.

Why is positivity important for the overall work environment? When you’re
the boss, a positive attitude influences others in a similarly positive
way. Research indicates that happy employees are better overall workers.
Psychological research has made a correlation between higher productivity
and positive work environments. Moreover, positive work environments have
been linked to higher business profits, fewer sick days, and higher staff
retention rates.


Part of relinquishing negativity is realizing that your own negative

thoughts as a company leader waste energy, time, and money.

Being positive is something which, like all life skills, can be learned.
Becoming an entrepreneur is not for the faint-hearted. The long hours and

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erratic demands of heading up your own company can negatively impact both
your personal life and mental outlook.

One of the easiest ways to cultivate a positive attitude is to focus on the

things you can control. You can control your diet, amount of sleep and
ability to exercise. Each of these factors will help you stay focused,
healthy and positive.

2. A Creative Mindset


Never has the adage “Creativity is the mother of invention” been truer
than in the world of entrepreneurship. Think of Steve Jobs and the iPhone.
Edison and the light bulb. The Wright Brothers and the airplane. Each of
these ground-breaking inventions would not have come to fruition were it
not for healthy doses of creative gumption.
Even if you’re not in a “creative” industry, creativity is needed for
entrepreneurial success.

The mind of an entrepreneur is always looking for novel ideas and

innovations. The basic life cycle of any entrepreneurial product stems from
the conception of an idea followed by turning that idea into a viable
product or service.
One of the benefits of being the boss is that you get to express creativity
each and every day. You get to try out creative tactics to better your
business and make changes. Even if you’re not in a creative field, per se,
working out ways to optimize your business operations is a creative act.


Most entrepreneurs are inherently creative thinkers; otherwise, they would

not be inspired to take the innovative leap to create their own business.
That said, we can all learn to be more creative and to tap into our
inherent talents.

3. Persuasive Communication Ability


The best entrepreneurs are persuasive individuals. The power of persuasion

can help you negotiate, close a sale, or score a lower price on your
inventory. Not to mention, persuasive people tend to be inspiring leaders,
ergo they tend to be stellar bosses.


While some people are more naturally persuasive than others, persuasive
communication skills can be learned and practiced. Learning to communicate
and present your ideas will make you a better entrepreneur—no matter what
your industry is.

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Mastering persuasive tactics can mean the difference between financial
success or ruin. Here’s how to make the art of persuasion work for you in

Psychological research has shown the “reciprocity rule” can be very
effective in business. The basics of the rule in plain language is that
when a person does you a favor, you must provide a favor in return. Try to
make your persuasive case by “giving” something to the person you’re
trying to persuade. You may just close the deal or make the sale. 

Social proof is the concept that people look to others for how to behave in
social settings. Social proof can be used as a persuasive tool in business.
If you’re trying to sell one of your products, showing how the product has
been successful for others can help make that sale. 

4. Intrinsic Motivation and Drive


One of the top entrepreneurial characteristics is intrinsic motivation,

meaning you are self-motivated as opposed to looking to others to push you
to do things or hold you accountable. Broadly speaking, those who own their
own businesses are incredibly motivated to succeed. They’ve poured blood,
sweat, and tears into their company, and may have literally mortgaged their
future to first open their businesses’ doors. Having a lot at stake
personally fuels the motivational drive.


Successful entrepreneurs know that staying motivated is the key to running

a successful company. What steps can you take to cultivate this motivation?

One way to stay motivated in the long-term is to keep the focus on the
endgame, the big picture. Where is your company headed? What plans do you
have in the future to grow and expand? How will your company fit into its
respective industry in the future? Experts say that formulating long-range
goals and plans keeps the motivational fires burning.
Speaking of goal setting, experts also advise that goal setting is another
way to keep your motivational wheels turning. The key to using goals for
motivation is to set high-quality goals.

What does that mean? Basically, high-quality goals are clear, achievable,
and manageable. For example, “I will attend two continuing education
courses this month.” Or “I will hire an editor for my company website by
Friday.” High-quality goals provide a sense of motivation when you
accomplish your intended objective.

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5. Tenacity and an Ability to Learn from Failure 


When you’re starting a business, you hope that your business will be a
wild success. It’s true that success is wonderful, but failure is where
growth and change happen. The key to learning from failure is to actually
learn and embrace your mistakes so they make your better, not break you.

Don’t be afraid to fail, because when you do, you’ll be in good company.
The richest business owners, most decorated sports stars, and well-known
artists have all failed at one time or another in their path to riches and
fame. Everyone is human, therefore, imperfect. Do not expect yourself to be
perfect in the pursuit of your business dream. It is, by definition,

Failure is inevitable, but your reaction to your failure is what you make
of it. Here’s how to cultivate that and use your failure to come out even
more successful in long-term.


Don’t attach judgment or blame when you fail. Business failure should not
make you feel ashamed or embarrassed. Do your best to remove the emotion
from mistakes you make as an entrepreneur so you can logically explore how
to better yourself and your company. Turn off your negative self-talk and
learn to say “Now I know better for next time!” instead.


Let times of adversity lead you to strength. Failure can be your best
chance to learn how to do something right. As a start-up new business owner
and entrepreneur, you’re going to face many firsts—first client, first
business lease, first employee hire. Some of these firsts are bound to not
work out; that’s okay and expected. Use these setbacks to develop ideas
and tactics for how you want to run your business in the future.


Failing at something is human, which means that others have forged that
path before you. Share your experiences with others you trust, whether
it’s your mentor, colleagues, or staff—to gain some outside perspective.
Sharing that experience can help you collaborate to reach an even better
solution for how to handle a tricky problem in the future.


Even the best-laid plans will sometimes go awry. That’s the nature of
life, as well as business. There will come a time when you may realize that
something simply is not working. You may have to adjust your planned
course, reset, and start over.


One of the most important keys to success in entrepreneurship is to never
give up. Perseverance will get you through the tough times. Be tenacious

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about working toward your dreams. With determination and grit, you’ll
achieve them; it just may not be overnight!

Learning Outcome 2 Identify Entrepreneurial Practices


1. Quality assurance practices

2. Workplace and client requirements
3. Types of cost-effective measures
4. Workplace quality policy Attitude:
-Attention to Details
5. Performing quality assurance practices
6. Complying quality assurance requirements
7. Complying to cost- effective measures
8. Communication skills


1. Entrepreneurial practices are determined based on enterprise requirements

2. Entrepreneurial practices are performed following workplace and client
3. Cost-effective measures are complied with reference to workplace best


Trainees must be provided with the following”

 References (books)
 Manuals
 Note Pads
 Pens


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1. What is an Entrepreneurial Mindset?

2. Why is it important to have an entrepreneurial mindset?

Identify Entrepreneurial Practices

Entrepreneurship is a contact sport. It cannot be learned from a book or in
a classroom. The skills which underlie entrepreneurship are largely learned
first-hand, through trial and error.
However, you do not need to start a business to begin exercising your
entrepreneurial muscles. There are a number of tasks you can perform that
will allow you to train in the art of entrepreneurship while you are in
school or working at a large organization.

The key to effective rehearsing is to first establish the goals you want to
achieve. If you don’t know which specific skills you want to improve, you
will only get better them by accident.

Practice With A Purpose

“There is no glory in practice, but without practice, there is no glory”

The following seven activities allow you to hone your entrepreneurial
skillset, without going all in on a particular venture. Focus on the
exercises that make you the most uncomfortable, rather than expending
energy enhancing your strengths.

1. Advise A Startup

“By learning you will teach, by teaching, you will learn”

-Latin proverb
You may be thinking, “I am not qualified to advise a startup. That’s why
I am reading this article. I want to learn, not teach.” Great. There is no
better way to learn than when you are forced to teach.

No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial maturation, there are many
bright, eager folks who are a bit behind you. If you are in college, advise
a High School entrepreneur club. If you are a recent college graduate,
mentor college students. If you are a seasoned executive, work with a team
of aspiring entrepreneurs.

2. Refine Your Personal Pitch

“The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle”
-Richard Marcinko, Author
Networking is one of an entrepreneur’s most valuable skills. Practice your
interpersonal talents by repeatedly entering a room of strangers with the

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goal of making at least five meaningful connections with people who can
assist the startup you are advising (see point #1 above).

You can easily avoid awkward pauses by weaving your Personal Pitch into
your networking conversations. Your pitch should comprise the following
three elements.

Who you are — your interests, experiences, education, why you are so bloody
Where you are going — your bombastic, fascinating entrepreneurial dreams.
How you plan to get there — your short-term tactics and long-term
strategies for turning your dreams into reality.

If networking makes you uncomfortable, as it does for many people, that is

all the more reason to practice it. As with all skills, the better you get
at networking, the less anxiety you will feel when you are on the practice
field and ultimately once you get into the game.
If you are networking to assist a startup you are advising, you can
substitute the company’s pitch for your personal pitch.

3. Entrepreneur It

“Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it
Look for areas in your workplace in which you can create something from
nothing. Surprise your boss by launching a project that requires little to
no resources, but has an outsized impact on your business.
Ask yourself, “If we hired an entrepreneur, what would they change about
the way we do business?” then carryout whatever recommendations you
devise. Don’t worry, you can apologize after the fact, when you point to
the positive impact your initiative had on your company.

4. Keep An Idea Journal

“Practice puts brains in your muscles”

-Sam Snead, Professional Golfer
As Stephen Johnson demonstrates in Where Good Ideas Come From, epiphanies
are rare. Most breakthroughs result from the collision of small ideas which
combine to form big ideas. Thus, it pays to document your daily thoughts so
you can later recall and combine them with subsequent hunches.

5. Launch A Side Business

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is practice”

-Vladimir Horowitz, Pianist

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Even if your mini-venture does not morph into a substantial business, it
will act as an effective practice court upon which you can enhance your
entrepreneurial chops.

6. Don’t Throw Up, Speak Up

“You earn your trophies at practice, you just pick them up when you
Entrepreneurs must be able to influence and persuade others, often in a
public setting. You can practice this talent by volunteering to give
presentations at work, school or in non-profit organizations.

7. Get A Coach
“You play the way you practice.”
It is difficult to practice alone. Not only is it a challenge to remain
motivated, it is difficult to objectively identify which skills you are
improving and where you should focus your practice time.

Quality Assurance for Businesses: An Explanation

What does Quality Assurance certification mean for businesses?

Definition of QA:

According to experts, “Quality assurance is the systematic way to

determine whether the products or services of a company meet quality
standards and satisfy customer expectations.”

QA is designed to make customers happy and build trust between them and the
company’s products or services. In simple words, it raises the credibility
of the company.

What steps are involved in the Quality Assurance process?

QA involves a definite series of steps that a company should follow for

every product, service, or process to ensure they meet quality standards.
These steps are:
 Planning- The company should plan and figure out measures that will
help them deliver products or services of great quality.
 Testing- Testing products and, services, as well as the business
process, to identify any quality issues is an important step. After
testing, the company is also required to modify the products,
services, and processes to help them meet quality standard.
 Monitoring- This step in the QA process assures that the company
meets its defined objectives and quality standards. The company needs
to have a dedicated team to monitor the processes of production, and
modify them when needed.

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 Implementation- The effective implementation of actions that will
further enhance the quality of business processes and its products.

How Quality Assurance differs from Quality Control (QC)

While many people consider Quality Assurance and Quality Control as the
same thing, we will tell you the exact difference between the two.

QC is a simple process for examining the final products or services of a

company. In contrast to that, QA implies examining the products or services
and consequently making immediate changes in the business processes to
deliver products or services that satisfy quality standards.

Thus, QA is a more extensive process for a company to assure the quality of

its products or services.

Some of the best practices known for QA

To increase the quality of products or services, implement these practices:

 Formulate a custom testing procedure,
 Carefully choose criteria for final product release,
 Put automated testing tools into processes with high quality risks,
 Follow effective time management and specify the time for each
 Build a separate team for testing and monitoring,
 Understand customer purchase behavior and product expectations.

Key Certification for Quality Assurance: ISO 9001

While there are numerous ways businesses seek quality assurance for their
processes and products, the most sought-out and globally recognized
standard for QA is ISO 9001 certification.

It is considered the most reliable standard today because it assists

businesses to consistently meet every expectation or demand of customers.
ISO 9001 certification prove to customers that every process is committed
to adding value to their lives, and quality is a top priority.


1. What is entrepreneurial mindset in your own words?

2. Why is it important to have entrepreneurial mindset?
3. Why is it important for students to study entrepreneurial mindset?


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