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4.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the findings from the study. Data from the field was coded and edited for

completeness. It was then analyzed inform of percentages and presented inform of frequency

distribution tables

4.2 Response rate

28 questionnaires were distributed to respondents at Public sector in Kenya and all the 28

questionnaires were returned (100%) indicating that the questionnaires were well structured and

were able to get the information needed by the researcher.

4.3 Demographic Information

The researcher found it necessary to establish the background information of the respondents so

as to know the kind of people who constituted the respondents. The demographic information

includes: age, gender, level of education and working experience of the respondents which

formed the basis of knowing what kind of the individuals the researcher was dealing with.

4.3.1 Age Bracket

The researcher was keen to determine the age of the respondents who took part in the study at

Public sector in Kenya. To a great extent, age affects service delivery in that young people are

more responsive to changes than older people. Age is also a critical factor in experience. The

results were as presented in the table 4.1;

Age bracket Frequency Percentage

18- 30 years 12 46.15

31-40 years 8 30.77

41-50 years 6 23.08

Over 50 years - -

Total 28 100

Source: Field data, (2019) 

Majority of the respondents were aged 18-30 years summing to 12 respondents (46.15%). There

were 8 respondents (30.77%) who were in the age bracket of 31-40 years, and 6 respondents

(23.08%) in the age bracket of 41-50. None of the respondents fall in the age bracket of over 50

years. These findings show that the majority of the people who took part in the study were in

their middle ages which signify a high level of activity and concentration in their work thus

leading to a quick achievement of the organization's goals. People in this age bracket are also

more responsive to change and can therefore positively take the adoption of automating

procurement functions in the organization.

4.3.2 Gender of the Respondents

Genders of the respondents were sought out as gender determines the efficiency of work

performance in an organization. The researcher was also interested in establishing whether there

was gender balance in the organization. The results of these findings are indicated on table 4.2;
Table 4.2 Gender of the respondents

Age bracket Frequency Percentage

Male 14 53.8

Female 12 46.2

Total 28 100

Source: Field data, (2019) 

From the findings, only 12 respondents were female employees representing 46.2% while

majority, 14 of the respondents were male representing 53.8%. The findings indicated a clear

gender balance of the respondents who took part in this study. Since both male and female

respondents were more than 30% showing that affirmative action is practiced in the organization.

4.3.3 Educational level of the respondents

This information was sought to give the researcher an insight into the level of education of the

respondents. The level of competence is a crucial variable that has to be put into account. There

also exists a relationship between work performance and the level of education hence level of

education of an employee can affect customer satisfaction in the long run. The findings were

tabulated in the table 4.3;

Table 4.3 Educational Level of the Respondents

Level Of Education Frequency Percentage

Certificate 10 38.5
Diploma 6 23.1
Degree 8 30.8
Masters 2 7.7
Total 28 100
Source: Field data, (2019) 
It was established that 10 of the respondents representing 38.5% had certificate level of

education while 6 employees representing 23.1% had diploma level. On the other hand, 8

representing 30.8% had degree level while only 2 (7.7%) were masters holders. This implies that

majority of the respondents have tertiary level of education attained from colleges offering

relevant courses. They are therefore better placed to contribute to the study by responding to the

questionnaires positively to matters relating to automating procurement functions and company


4.3.4 Working experience of the respondents 

The study necessitated findings on the working experience of the respondents. An individual’s

working experience can be used to determine how best suited for the job the individual is. The

researcher therefore sought to find out the work experience of the respondents so as to be in a

position of knowing how well versed with the organization they are. This information is

presented in table 4.4;

Table 4.4 Duration of work of the Respondents

Duration of work Frequency Percentage

Less than 3 years 8 30.8
4-6 years 8 30.8
7-9 years 6 23.1
10 years and above 2 15.4
Total 28 100
Source: Field data, (2019) 

It was established that 8 employees, 30.8% had worked in the organization for less than 3 years,

8(30.8%) had worked for between 4-6 years, 6 employees,23.1% had worked for between 7 -9

years, and only 2 employees, 15.4 % had worked for over 10 years. It therefore implies that the

majority of the respondents had worked for 10 years. This period is long enough to enable the
respondents to conceptualize the operations in the organization. Those who have worked for

between 3-9 years constitute a sizeable number and can influence the critical issues at the

organization, which plays a role for effective and efficient management strategies.

4.4 Specific information

4.4.1 Influence of procurement automation on public sector performance

To achieve the first objective of the study, the researcher sought out the influence of procurement

automation on public sector performance. These findings are relayed on table 4.5

Table 4.5: Influence of procurement automation on public sector performance

Influence of procurement Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Total
automation on public agree Disagre
sector performance e
My company has Freq 10 6 3 5 2   28   
embraced e-sourcing
% 38.4 23.1 11.5 19.2 7.7     100
on procurement
Tendering is done Freq 5 10 1 3 7   28   
electronically by my
% 19.2 38.4 3.9 11.5 28.9     100
All orders are made Freq 10 8 3 3 2   28   
electronically for my
company % 38.4 30.7 11.5 11.5 7.7     100
Source: Field data, (2019) 

Following the findings on table 4.5, it is evident that My company has embraced e-sourcing on

procurement as is indicated by 10 (38.4%) of the respondents who strongly agreed, 6 (23.1%)

agreed 3(11.5%) were undecided while 7(28.9%) of the respondents disagreed and strongly

disagreed. This implies that when automating procurement functions are used by an organization,

it can achieve improved company market share. The study findings also show that Tendering is

done electronically by my company as is shown by 15 (57.6 %) of the respondents who strongly

agreed and agreed 1 (3.9%) were undecided while 10 (38.4%) disagreed and strongly disagreed

that through automating procurement functions, the company is able to reach more potential

customers. All orders are made electronically for my company as is shown by 18 (69.1%) of the
respondents who strongly agreed and agreed, 3(11.5%) were undecided and 5(19.2%) who

disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement that All orders are made electronically for

my company

4.4.2 Influence of inventory automation on public sector performance

The researcher sought to ascertain the influence of inventory automation on public sector

performance in Eldoret Kenya. The outcome was as shown on table 4.6 below;

Table 4.6: Influence of inventory automation on public sector performance

Effects of Supplier Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Total

relationship on agree Disagre
performance e
Does your company Freq 7 10 2 5 2   28   
do barcode scanning
for all the % 28.9 38.4 7.7 19.2 7.7     100
Has purchases orders Freq 5 10 1 3 7   28   
for your company
been automated % 19.2 38.4 3.9 11.5 28.9     100
My company has a Freq 8 8 3 5 2   28   
perfection system for
all the materials % 30.7 30.7 11.5 19.2 7.7     100
received and
Source: Field data, (2019) 

Table 4.6 shows the influence of inventory automation on public sector performance in Eldoret

Kenya. The results show that 7 (28.9%) of the respondents strongly agreed, 10 (38.4%) agreed, 2

(7.7%) were undecided, 5(19.2%) disagreed and 2(7.7%) strongly disagreed that Does your

company do barcode scanning for all the stock/materials . The findings also show that 5(19.2%)

strongly agreed, 10 (38.4%) agreed, 1(3.9%) were undecided, 3(11.5%) disagreed and 7(28.9%)

strongly disagreed that has purchases orders for your company been automated. These findings

show that My Company has a perfection system for all the materials received and dispatched.

The results shows that 8(30.7%) strongly agreed and agreed respectively, 3(11.5%) were
undecided, 5(19.2%) disagreed and 2(7.7%) strongly disagreed that through automating

procurement functions; the company is able to know what customers want. This makes it easy

for an organization to achieve customer satisfaction.

4.4.3 Influence of inventory automation on public sector performance

It was important to seek this information to enable the researcher to ascertain the influence of

inventory automation on public sector performance in Eldoret Kenya. The findings were as

shown on table 4.7;

Table 4.7 Influence of inventory automation on public sector performance

Influence of inventory Strongl Agre Undecide Disagre Strongly Total

automation on public sector y agree e d e Disagre
performance in Eldoret e
Does your company do Fre 12 8 1 3 2 28
barcode scanning for q
all the stock/materials % 46.1 30.7 3.9 11.5 7.7    
Has purchases orders Fre 10 7 3 3 3 28
for your company been q
automated % 38.4 28.9 11.5 11.5 11.5 100

My company has a Fre 10 9 1 4 2 28

perfection system for q
all the materials % 38.4 34.6 3.9 15.3 7.7 100
received and
 Source: Field data, (2019) 

Table 4.7 shows the influence of inventory automation on public sector performance in Eldoret

Kenya. According to the findings on the table, Does your company do barcode scanning for all

the stock/materials as indicated by 12(46.1%) of the respondents who strongly agreed, 8(30.7%)

agreed, 1(3.9%) were undecided, 3(11.5%) disagreed and 2(7.7%) strongly disagreed with the

statement. The respondents also showed that green initiative leads to innovation/collaboration.

This is shown by 10(38.4%) who strongly agreed, 7(28.9%) agreed, 3(11.5%) were undecided,
disagreed and strongly disagreed respectively. My company has a perfection system for all the

materials received and dispatched as indicated by 10(38.4%) of the respondents who strongly

agreed, 9(34.6%) agreed, 1(3.9%) were undecided, 4(15.3%) disagreed and 2(7.7%) strongly


4.4.4 Influence of contracts automation on public sector performance

The research necessitated a study into the influence of contracts automation on public sector

performance in Eldoret Kenya Findings on these are relayed on table 4.8;

Table 4.8 Influence of contracts automation on public sector performance

Influence of contracts Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Total

automation on public agree Disagree
sector performance
My firm has integrated Fre 8 12 1 3 2 28
its quatrain requisition q
process % 30.7 46.1 3.9 11.5 7.7     100

My firm has Fre 10 8 2 3 3 28

automated its contract q
automation process % 38.4 30.7 7.7 11.5 11.5 100
All sub contraction Fre 9 10 1 4 2 28
and third payments are q
automated for my % 34.6 38.4 3.9 15.3 7.7 100
Table 4.8 shows the influence of contracts automation on public sector performance in Eldoret

Kenya According to the findings on the table, My firm has integrated its quatrain requisition

process as indicated by 8(30.7%) of the respondents who strongly agreed, 12(46.1%) agreed,

1(3.9%) were undecided, 3(11.5%) disagreed and 2(7.7%) strongly disagreed with the statement.

The respondents also showed that My firm has automated its contract automation process This is

shown by 10(38.4%) who strongly agreed, 8(30.7%) agreed, 2(7.7%) were undecided, 3(11.5%)

disagreed and strongly disagreed respectively. All sub contraction and third payments are

automated for my company as indicated by 9(34.6%) of the respondents who strongly agreed, 10

(38.4%) agreed, 1(3.9%) were undecided, 4(15.3%) disagreed and 2(7.7%) strongly disagreed.


5.1 Introduction

This chapter represents a summary of the study findings with an aim of drawing conclusions and

further recommendations are reached. The chapter also presents areas in which further studies

should be conducted.

5.2 Summary of findings

This section provides a summary of the study findings, conclusions, recommendations and

suggestions for further study.

5.2.1 Background information

Majority of the respondents were aged 18-30 years summing to 12 respondents 46.15%. There

were 8 respondents 30.77% who were in the age bracket of 31-40 years, and 6 respondents

23.08% in the age bracket of 41-50. None of the respondents fall in the age bracket of over 50

years. These findings show that the majority of the people who took part in the study were in

their middle ages which signify a high level of activity and concentration in their work thus

leading to a quick achievement of the organization's goals. People in this age bracket are also

more responsive to change and can therefore positively take the adoption of automating

procurement functions in the organization. A low proportion of the respondents comprised

female employees while majority of the respondents were male representing 53.8%. It indicates a

clear gender balance of the respondents who took part in this study. Since both male and female

respondents were more than 30%.It was established that 10 of the respondents representing

38.5% had certificate level of education while 6 employees representing 23.1% had diploma

level. On the other hand, 8 representing 30.8% had degree level while only 2 representing 7.7%
were master’s holders. This implies that majority of the respondents have tertiary level of

education attained from colleges offering relevant courses. They are therefore better placed to

contribute to the study by responding to the questionnaires positively to matters relating to

automating procurement functions and company performance. The study established that 8

employees representing 30.8% had worked in the organization for less than 3 years, other 8

employees representing 30.8% had worked for between 4-6 years, 6 employees, representing

23.1% had worked for between 7 -9 years, and only 2 employees representing, 15.4 % had

worked for over 10 years. It therefore implies that the majority of the respondents had worked

for 10 years. This period is long enough to enable the respondents to conceptualize the

operations in the organization. Those who have worked for between 3-9 years constitute a

sizeable number and can influence the critical issues at the organization, which plays a role for

effective and efficient management strategies.

5.2.2 Influence of procurement automation on public sector performance

From the study findings, it is evident that My company has embraced e-sourcing on procurement

as is indicated by 10 representing 38.4% of the respondents who strongly agreed, 6 representing

23.1% agreed 3 representing 11.5% were undecided while 7 representing 28.9% of the

respondents disagreed and strongly disagreed. This implies that when automating procurement

functions is used by an organization, it can achieve improved company market share. The study

findings also show that Tendering is done electronically by my company as is shown by 15

representing 57.6 % of the respondents who strongly agreed and agreed 1 representing 3.9%

were undecided while 10 representing 38.4% disagreed and strongly disagreed that through

automating procurement functions, the company is able to reach more potential customers. All

orders are made electronically for my company as is shown by 18 representing 69.1% of the
respondents who strongly agreed and agreed, 3 representing 11.5% were undecided and 5

representing 19.2% who disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement that All orders

are made electronically for my company

5.2.3 Influence of inventory automation on public sector performance

The study findings relay a scenario whereby 7 representing 28.9% of the respondents strongly

agreed, 10 representing 38.4% agreed, 2 representing 7.7% were undecided, 5 representing

19.2% disagreed and 2 representing 7.7% strongly disagreed that Does your company do barcode

scanning for all the stock/materials . The findings also show that 5 representing 19.2% strongly

agreed, 10 representing 38.4% agreed, 1 representing 3.9% were undecided, 3 representing

11.5% disagreed and 7 representing 28.9% strongly disagreed that Has purchases orders for your

company been automated. These findings show that My company has a perfection system for all

the materials received and dispatched. The results shows that 8 representing 30.7% strongly

agreed and agreed respectively, 3 representing 11.5% were undecided, 5 representing 19.2%

disagreed and 2 representing 7.7% strongly disagreed that through automating procurement

functions; the company is able to know what customers want. This makes it easy for an

organization to achieve customer satisfaction.

5.2.4 Influence of payment automation on public sector performance

Finalizing damages upfront leads to Insurance as indicated by 12 representing 46.1% of the

respondents who strongly agreed, 8 representing 30.7% agreed, 1 representing 3.9% were

undecided, 3 representing 11.5% disagreed and 2 representing 7.7% strongly disagreed with the

statement. The respondents also showed that Has purchases orders for your company been

automated. This is shown by 10 representing 38.4% who strongly agreed, 7 representing 28.9%

agreed, 3 representing 11.5% were undecided, disagreed and strongly disagreed respectively. My
company has a perfection system for all the materials received and dispatched as indicated by 10

representing 38.4% of the respondents who strongly agreed, 9 representing 34.6%) agreed,

1representing 3.9% were undecided, 4 representing 15.3% disagreed and 2 representing 7.7%

strongly disagreed.

5.2.5 Influence of contracts automation on public sector performance

Basing on the study findings, it was ascertained that My firm has integrated its quatrain

requisition process as indicated by 8 representing 30.7% of the respondents who strongly agreed,

12 representing 46.1% agreed, 1 representing 3.9% were undecided, 3 representing 11.5%

disagreed and 2 representing 7.7% strongly disagreed with the statement. The respondents also

showed that My firm has automated its contract automation process this is shown by 10

representing 38.4% who strongly agreed, 8 representing 30.7% agreed, 2 representing 7.7% were

undecided, 3 representing 11.5% disagreed and strongly disagreed respectively. My firm has

automated its contract automation process as indicated by 9 representing 34.6% of the

respondents who strongly agreed, 10 representing 38.4% agreed, 1 representing 3.9% were

undecided, 4 representing 15.3%) disagreed and 2 representing 7.7% strongly disagreed.

5.3 Conclusions

From the study findings, the following conclusions were reached;

That My company has embraced e-sourcing on procurement, also Technology adoption leads to

E-procurement applications thus improves company performance. Does your company do

barcode scanning for all the stock/materials ; also My company has a perfection system for all

the materials received and dispatched thus ensures customer satisfaction is attained in the

organization. Does your company do barcode scanning for all the stock/materials in an

organization, also My company has a perfection system for all the materials received and
dispatched thus gains profits. My firm has integrated its quatrain requisition process, through

automating procurement functions; company projections are more easily achieved.

5.4 Recommendations

There is need for implementation of automating procurement functions in organizations to attain

customer satisfaction.

Customers should be encouraged to embrace automating procurement functions in organizations

to promote this form of trade.

5.5 Suggestions for further study

According to the study findings and conclusions, the researcher recommended that further

studies should be done on the following areas:

The role of automating procurement functions on customer satisfaction

Same topic should be carried out but in a different organizations since it was limited to one


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