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Shane Patrick A.


1. Read Ephesians 1:3-14; Romans 8:28-30

a) When was our salvation planned? What is God’s purpose for us who have trusted
Christ? What will be the result (6, 12, 14)?
- Salvation did not begin with our choice to believe in Christ, a choice which was real and
necessary. Our salvation began before the creation of the universe when God planned the history
of redemption, ordained the death and the resurrection of his Son, and choose us to be his own
through Christ. God’s purpose was that we who we are the first to trust in Christ would bring
praise and glory to God. God's Purpose for our life is for us to have a relationship with him
through Jesus Christ. Once we received God's forgiveness, then we are ready to fulfill the rest of
his plan for our life.

2.Read Hebrews 9:22, 26-28; 10:11-14

a) Why were sacrifices instituted? Why were animal sacrifices insufficient? Why was the
sacrifice of Christ necessary?
- Because these sacrifices were used to remind people that covenant breaking with the God of
life inevitably leads to death. This is why animals were sacrificed by being cut in two whenever
covenants were made. There was no natural means for forgiveness. No amount of animal
sacrifices would be enough, the blood served as a reminder of the people’s endless guilt, the
death that would come to them in the contrast between their own sinful nature and the consuming
fire of holiness. The sacrifice of Christ was necessary because only his blood could roll
backwards to the first sinner and forward to the last. Whatever temporary measure God used
before Christ in history to secure forgiveness, he alone was eternally slain in God's mind as the
perfect sacrifice for sin.

3.Read Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; 1 Peter 3:18

a) What is the central meaning of Christ’s death? Write briefly in your own words what
this means to you personally.
- The meaning of the death of Christ is to imagine a courtroom scene in which we are on trial for
our sins and God is the judge. Our sins against God are capital crimes. God himself is our judge,
and according to divine law our crimes deserve the death penalty. Death, in a spiritual sense,
means eternal separation from God in unending torment. That’s a very serious judgment. By
shedding his blood on the cross, Jesus took the punishment we deserve and offered us his
righteousness. When we trust Christ for our salvation, we are making a trade. By faith, we trade
our sin and its accompanying death penalty for his righteousness and life.
4.Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 12-19

a) What is a concise definition of the gospel? Why was Christ’s resurrection necessary?
- The Gospel is God’s promise of eternal salvation and final glory in heaven conditioned on the
Lord Jesus Christ, based on his righteousness alone. The resurrection of Jesus is important
because the resurrection witnesses to the immense power of God himself. To believe in the
resurrection is to believe in God. If God exists, and if he created the universe and has power over
it, then he has power to raise the dead. The resurrection is the demonstration that Jesus indeed is
the son of God. The resurrection is also important to his character. Jesus would not have been a
true prophet had he not come back from the dead as he predicted that he would.

5. Ephesians 1:19-23, Hebrews 7:23-27

b) Where is Jesus now? What is His heavenly ministry for us today?
- Jesus is at the right hand of God in heaven as well as everywhere else. Christ’s heavenly
ministry is his ultimate sacrifice that gives us confidence to approach God, knowing we are
forgiven. Now Jesus is reviewing our lives before returning, so there’s no question that his
judgments are made in love. 

6. Read 1 Corinthians 6:20; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Galatians 3:13; Titus 2:14

a) What did Christ accomplish for us in these verses? What is His purpose for our lives?
- Every one of us will appear before the judgment sight of Christ that we may receive the what is
due to us for the good and bad things we did and tells us that we have been bought with a price.
Therefore, glorify God in our body and in our spirit. He determined to magnify Christ in his
body, whether by life or by death. We glorify God by our worship and by our obedience to his
will. The purpose for us is to involves the things we already good at. This is where education can
be particularly valuable. Going to college or going back to college allows us to discover our gifts
and then determine how we are going to use them. It also connects us with people who want to
help us find our purpose.

7.Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

a) What else was accomplished for us?
- God is preparing us right now for our eternal destiny. God created us for the purpose of living
for him, not for ourselves. It is a corruption of our nature that makes us want to live for ourselves
and not for the Lord. The father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in
all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort ourselves have
received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us and through Christ our
comfort overflows.

8.Read Colossians 1:13-14; 1 John 1:7; Hebrews 9:14

a) What else was accomplished for us? How can we be forgiven the sins we commit after
salvation? Does God want us to keep on bearing the guilt of forgiven sin? Why or why not?
- For Christ’s love compels us, we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And
he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for
them and was raised again. If we confess our sins, his word and based on the redemption through
the blood of Jesus, forgives us because he must be faithful in his word and righteous in the blood
of Jesus. Our confession is needed for his forgiveness.
- No, because God does not force us to acknowledge or confess our sins, nor to believe in Jesus
Christ and the life he came to give us. On the other hand, feelings of guilt are a blessing, because
they push us towards God. Just like physical pain drives us to find out what's wrong, the spiritual
pain of guilt causes us to seek forgiveness.

9.Read Philippians 3:20; 1 Peter 2:5,9; John 1:12-13; Galatians 4:5; 1 Peter 1:4

a) List the other benefits of our salvation found in these passages.
- Our Lord’s patience means salvation and Christ’s death not only paid the price for sin but also
removed us from the market place of sin in order to give us full assurance that we will never be
returned to the bondage and penalties of sin. We will never be put up for sale as a slave to sin
again. The barrier which sin has built between God and man is broken down. The extent of
propitiation is for the sins of the whole world. The moment we trust Christ, we are given a new
life, eternal life and the life of God in the soul of man can never be repeated or nullified. It’s
becoming alive from the dead to give us a whole new quality of life and purpose for living.
God’s forgiveness is not like ours. He knew that we would never feel accepted by him or feel
free to serve him if we carried the guilt and remorse for past sins on our conscience. He knew
that our sins had to be taken away.
10. Read Romans 8:31-39
a) What can you do to lose your relationship with God? Is there anything that someone else
can do to you to undo everything Christ has done? What response do you have to this?
Does it make you think it’s OK to sin, since it will be forgiven? Or does it motivate you to
love the Lord more deeply and serve Him more faithfully?
- When you are dead our sins and in the uncircumcision of our sinful nature, God made us alive
with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations,
that was against us and that stood opposed to us and he took it away, nailing it to the cross.
- Yes, it is not the scriptures that help get us through things, but the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom
the scriptures testify. He is the one who will help us get through anything and everything.
Because of Jesus Christ, we can remove the word “almost.” Jesus didn’t almost conquer death
and hell because he conquered it.
- No, But I think it’s important to clarify or emphasize that when our heart is not forgiving our
faith in Christ keeps us connected to God. I think people are so afraid of giving the impression
that it’s okay not to forgive. Unforgiveness is a serious issue and left unaddressed and unresolved
it can literally destroy us in this life. We believe that salvation is a gift of God and is received by
man through personal faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for sin. We believe that man is
justified by grace through faith apart from works.

Thank you for your coorperation…

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