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Technology in the architecture profession

Technology has always been present in architecture, from the beginning of times, in the
Neolithic, until today, architecture has always needed technology to carry out the

Nowadays, it is very common to use BIM programs and CAD programs to create all the projects
and parts of the building design, but are these programs really useful? Are we losing the spirit
of architecture and leaving everything for the machines? Are we mechanizing the creative
processes of architecture?

In order to answer these questions, we must define first what the BIM and CAD programs are.
CAD programs stand for computer-aided design and drafting, they basically imply computer
aided design, accordingly, they help in the creation, modification, analysis or optimization of a
design. CAD software was created to increase architect productivity, as well as improve the
design quality. BIM programs stand for Building Information Modeling, meaning construction
information modeling, are used to manage the data of a building during its life cycle, this
software also serves to model buildings in three dimensions in real time, thus reducing the loss
of time and resources in the design and construction process.

Once these programs are defined, we can ask ourselves the first question; Are these programs
really useful? The truth is that these programs make it much easier when it comes to designing
and modeling buildings, thus reducing the time it takes to create plans. Both CAD and BIM
programs are a great help when making any design, but are we losing a little the spirit of
architecture and leaving everything to the machines?

The truth is that the evolution of architecture has led to more trust in CAD and BIM programs
than in the architects' own hands, it turns out that, an architect trusts more what he draws on
the computer than what he designs with rulers, pencils and papers. This could be a mistake,
because these programs have been created to help, be a complement to the architect, and not
to call the shots.

Therefore, the third question proposed: "We are mechanizing the creative processes of
architecture" rattly it is true. Today's architects have left rulers, compasses, pencils, and papers
behind to fully embrace computers. Although in the faculties of architecture they try to teach
this creative part and to design by hand, future architects embrace new technologies.

After all, how can we discuss this new tendency to use new technological tools and software, if
since the beginning of time new generations have always went for new technologies, the
invention of the wheel, the light bulb, the cinematograph, … It is undeniable to be afraid of
these new technologies, it is in the condition of being human, what we must achieve is a non-
abusive use of them, so we never lose that unique condition that makes us become

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