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WEEK 4-5 ELT316 (108)

Let’s Check and Analyze

Activity 1. Short Answer: Answer the following questions below briefly but precisely.

1. What is paragraph by process?

This is a paragraph that explains something in step-by-step detail, or shows how something
occurred. The goal is to help the reader re-create or re-live the experience in the sequence
in which it occurred.

2. What is paragraph by description?

A paragraph by description describes a thing, a person, or a place. Detailed information

allows the reader to form an image in his or her imagination. The better the description,the
clearer the image. You should use the five senses of touch, smell, sound, taste, and sight
while describing.

3. What is paragraph by example?

A paragraph by example is one written to illustrate a point with examples. It consists of a

topic sentence followed by specific examples arranged in some order. Transition phrases
such as "for example' or "for instance" and "another illustration is" are often used. Illustrative
style is a style which relies on examples and word pictures. Good examples give writing
vividness, energy and narrative power in either fiction or non-fiction. When we explain, we
show, as we point out, how it is. When we explain with examples, we give the readers
instances that demonstrate or prove themselves how something is as we say it to be.

4. What is paragraph by classification?

It is a paragraph or essay creation process in which a writer arranges individuals, objects, or

ideas with similar characteristics into groups or groupings. A classification essay also
contains examples and other supporting descriptions arranged by forms, forms, divisions,
sections, or parts of an entire. A paragraph on classification begins a main concept and
explores the subcategories of that subject, comparing them and contrasting them with each
In a Nutshell

Choose one topic below and develop it into a paragraph by process, description,

example, or classification.

• How to enroll in your school

• How to open a bank account

• How to withdraw from an ATM machine

• How to prepare for a final school examination

• How to surf internet


How to prepare for a final school examination

Paragraph by: Process

There are several ways on how to prepare for a final school examination. Others have their
own style to acquire learning. Some are the steps to prepare for a final examination.

On school days or any busy days, begin by allocating a fixed time for homework and
studying in each day. This will give you an idea on how much time you need each day to do
both which makes you more organized.

Afterward, allocate 1 hour to finish your homework and the next hour doing some short
revisions from what you learned during school for each day, ideally before you go to bed.

The short revisions include writing some short notes of what you know and what you still
need to learn from today’s lessons.

Lastly, do a reflection on what you have learned in all your lesson. This means making a
summary of what you have learned today and what you still need to learn or seek help from
the teacher on the next day.

By doing a reflection, you get a clear idea of what you know and don’t know which then gives
you direction on what you need to learn in school. This will naturally give you a sense of
purpose in studying as well as keeping you engaged in your study session. Thus, you will
naturally have the motivation to keep learning and studying.

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