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Zarah Luz Pacquiao


Let’s check!

1. Sericulture is:
a. The science of cultivating rice.
b. The art of making alcoholic beverages from rice and millet.
c. Techniques of raising cereal grains.
d. The art of raising silkworms and producing raw silk.

2. All of the following is true of the first Korean state EXCEPT:

a. The first Korean state predated Korean contact with China.
b. Was named Choson, meaning ‘The Land of the Morning Calm.”
c. Extended far into the area of what is now southern Manchuria.
d. We are able to reconstruct the history of early Korea from the copious
written records of the first dynasty.

3. Vietnam’s relatively unobstructed natural border with southern China

had all of the following results EXCEPT:
a. It assured continual contact and often led to ethnic blending.
b. There is some evidence that a degree of ancestor veneration was also
transmitted, although not nearing the degree found in Han China.
c. It fostered the transmission of Buddhism, leading to Vietnam’s
development of vibrant art motifs and temples.
d. Although Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism were successfully
introduced to Vietnam, Chan or Zen Buddhism did not have an impact on
the Vietnamese.

4. The following are in the correct order:

a. The Qin dynasty; The Han dynasty; The Kamakura Shogunate; the Tran
b. The Han dynasty, The Sui invasion of Korea, the Qin dynasty, the Yayoi
c. The Ashikaga Shogunate; the Yamato period, the Koryo kingdom, the
New Le Dynasty.
d. The Kamakura Shogunate, the Han dynasty, the Tran dynasty, the Qin

5. Systematic Chinese attempts to transform Korea:

a. Were initiated after the Han conquests in the second century BCE.
b. Were largely due to the efforts of Qin Shiuangdi.
c. Resulted in the loss of Korean metallurgy.
d. Cut off contact between Korea and Japan.

6. All of the following is true of the Mongol conquests on the Korean

peninsula EXCEPT:
a. The Mongols used weapons such as rockets and bombs in the siege of
b. About 250,000 Koreans were deported by the Mongols to be used as
slave labor.
c. The Mongols kept themselves separate from the Koreans, prohibiting
intermarriage or the overt adoption of Korean culture.
d. The benefits of protected trade routes and easy travel and transport
were useful, but were far outweighed by the cruelty of the Mongol

7. The Shogunate era in Japan refers to:

a. The period during which the emperor personally assumed the
responsibilities of military leadership.
b. The organization developed by the Japanese to repel the Mongol
c. The period during which all Japanese, including peasants and
merchants, had military responsibilities.
d. The time when real power vested in the hereditary military dictator, with
the emperor largely acting as a figurehead.

8.The sixth century was momentous in Japanese social, political, and

cultural development in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
a. Buddhism was introduced from the Korean state of Paekche.
b. The Korean kingdom of Silla eliminated the Japanese colony of Kaya.
c. Daoism was formally adopted as the state religion by the Yamato
Empress Suiko.
d. The Chinese Sui dynasty attempted to dominate the Korean peninsula,
pushing the levels of emigration to from Korea to Japan to high levels.

9.Korea’s final imperial dynasty was:

a. The Koguryo of Choson.
b. The Yi.
c. The Latter Silla.
d. The Former Paekche.

10. Archeologists and anthropologists believe that:

a. Matriarchal and matrilineal clans dominated pre-historic society in both
Japan and Korea.
b. The predominant political organization was based on clans led by
warrior patriarchs.
c. There was very little social or political structure until Japanese
established contact with Koreans and some of the Late Zhou Chinese
coastal states.
d. The first tribal organizations were centered around “big men,” warriors
powerful enough to protect the fragile food supply.

Let’s check!

1. What is the name of the two brothers in the story "Ali Baba and the Forty
a. Cassim and Ali Baba b.Makato and Bata
c. Ali Baba and Bata d. Cassim and Makato

2. What continent does Saudi Arabia belongs?

a. Antarctica b. Europe c. Africa d.

3. What is the magic word to open the cave?

a. Open Cave b. Open the gate
c. Open Sesame d. Open Sasame

4. What is the currency used in Saudi Arabia?

a. Dollar b. Yen c. Riyal (SAR) d.

5. What type of government does Saudi Arabia has?

a. Patriarchal b. Monarchy
c. Democratic d. None of the above

6. What is the arabic word used for literature?

a. abad b. adab c. adeb d. abed
7. In the story Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, who is the clever slave girl?
a. Lilia b. Morgiana c. Cecilia d.

8. What do you call the book/compilation/collection where Ali Baba is

a. 1000 Nights b. 1005 Nights
c. 1001 Nights d. 100 Nights

9. What did Morgiana do to kill the thieves in the barrel?

a. Stab all the thieves in the barrel b. Pour hot oil on the barrel with
c. Starve the thieves d. She did nothing to them.

10. What is the main theme of the story Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves?
a. Greediness b. Honesty c. Loyalty d.

Let’s analyze!

Direction: In the Arabian Nights, choose one story and make a reflection on
it. Relate your explanation to the current situation.

The story is about the using trick for getting what you want and in the
pursuit of having what you love. The truth about this story is really
happening in real life. Trickery is one of the most common activities done
by a lot of people in varied forms and situations. Some did this to escape
from a situation and some to alleviate their living situation. The story was
set in Persia, where a lady’s lover is put into jail. To help her lover out of
the prison, she uses someone whom she thinks could help her. She lures
her suitors using her charm and beauty.
In real life, having pleasant or being beautiful was being used as a
requirement for a lot of opportunities. There’s lot of people who get what
they want because they are simply beautiful. In the story where the five
suitors obeyed the lady without them noticing it that they are being tricked,
it is also very common today. People were using other people for their own
benefits. People were lured by what their eyes can see and act out of
impulse without thinking first. Generally, this is very common in our society,
especially in the situation wherein one of the couple has to work outside the
country; the one left home find it easy to engage in faithlessness by
committing adultery.

Let’s analyze!

Everybody Has His Burden

ELEMENTS TITLE:Everybody Has His Burden

Island of Sumatra

Roots, Trunks, Leaves, Fruits


Man Vs Man

Events in the Plot

The story is about the mango tree.This tree had many branches
which gave generous shade and bore many luscious fruits.
Everybody who saw the fine yield of fruit admired the tree and
wished they owned a tree like it. The roots, the trunks, leaves
and fruits complais about their burden.


Burden and Complaints

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