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Communication Description Frequency Method Audience

Initial Client Meeting Discuss and outline Once In person/ Video Team Members,
client needs, goals, conference client and project
requirements, budget manager.
and schedule.

Project Planning Meeting Organize client goals, Once In person/ Video Team members
establish client budget conference and project
and timeline, and manager
assign tasks.

Initial Design Scheme Present and asses Once In person/ Video Team members
Meeting different initial design conference and project
schemes with the team. manager
Discuss different
suggestions and

Client Presentation Present to the client the Once In person/ Video Team members,
Meeting initial design schemes conference client and project
and take notes of the manager
client’s suggestions,
revisions and opinions.

Team Meeting Team meetings to As needed/ Daily In person/ Video Team members
update daily conference and project
milestones. manager

Project Status Report Summarize milestones, Weekly In person/ Video Team members
achievements and conference and project
goals of the week and manager
outline following week’s
project goals.

Client Updates Outline progress and As needed In person/ Video Team members,
current design conference client and project
developments to manager
present to the clients.

Final Client Meeting Present the final design Once In person/ Video Team members,
to the client. conference client and project
Post Mortem Meeting Evaluate success and Once In person/ Video Team members
failures during the conference and project
project and collect input manager
for future improvement
in the firm’s processes/

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