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Flood is simply defined as the overflow of a very huge quantity of water that

covers a very large area of land and leads to the destruction of land and
properties and sometimes lives in the areas that are affected. A lot of regions in
the world experience flooding every year. A flood basically occurs when there is
excessive rain and there is no proper or good drainage system. The amount of
flood is different from place to place and the extent of destruction also varies. For
the overflow of water to be classified as flood, the area of land affected has to be
mostly dry. Flooding can also happen as a result of water overflowing from
bodies of water like lakes, oceans and rivers. Floods cause mass destruction.
The effects and destruction caused by flood can take many years to fix and

There are a lot of causes of flood; a few of them are discussed below:
1. Heavy Rains:
As discussed earlier, flood is mostly caused by an extended period of rain. This
can happen if the quantity of rainfall is a lot more than the capacity of the
drainage system. Flood can also be a result of high intensity rainfall in a short
period of time.

2. Snow Melting:
Mountains that were covered with snow in the season of winter start to melt once
temperature begins to rise. The sudden rise of the temperature causes the snow
to melt and this leads to the massive movement of a lot of water to the plains and
lands around. If the area receiving the water does not have a proper and good
drainage system that will help in getting rid of the large quantity of water, there is
going to be flooding. Flood that is caused by snow melting is also called a
snowmelt flood.

3. Dam Breaking:
Dams are constructed to be able to hold the water that is flowing downwards
from an area of land that is higher. The energy of the water can be used to turn
and power propellers that can be used for the generation and creation of
electricity. The dam can sometimes break when they can’t hold a large quantity
of water and this causes the areas nearby to experience flooding. Sometimes,
excessive water can be released intentionally by the dam to stop the dam from

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