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OSO ANDINO Andean bear, is a small bear with a very

distinctive appearance, especially because of
its face, which is why it is also known as a
spectacled bear. Other names it receives are
that of ucumari or South American bear.

CONDOR ANDINO It is one of the Peruvian animals in danger of

extinction in the most serious situation
today. The Vultur gryphus is a large black
bird, with white feathers on the neck and
parts of the wings. It usually lives nesting in
the mountains of the Andes Mountains and
is a scavenging bird of prey.

GATO DE LOS ANDES Andean cat, titi del aimara, Chinchay, lynx or
osjo cat. It normally lives in the Andes
Mountains at altitudes between 300 and
4,800 meters above sea level. Its appearance
is similar to a cat in size, although its tail is
larger, it has denser fur and it has a tabby

Teniendo en cuenta el video de National Geographic de la Unidad 11, ubicado en el E-book,

los alumnos trabajaran en grupos (máximo 3) para planificar un video similar acerca de un
animal en peligro de extinción del Perú.

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