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What is Comp Eng

Computer engineering (CoE or CpE) is a branch of engineering that integrates several fields of computer
science and electronic engineering required to develop computer hardware and software.

Computer Engineering: This is a field at the intersection of electrical engineering and computer science.
Computer engineers design and build all varieties of computing systems, with equal knowledge of both
software and hardware.

1. PASCAL - He is the inventor of mechanical calculator, this predecessor of the modern computer was
presented in an elaborate handcrafted box.

2. BABBAGE - He invented the Analytical Engine and credited with having conceived the first automatic
digital computer.

3. ECKERT - He was chief engineer for the construction of the Eniac, one of the first electronic computers
and the co-founder of the firm that produced the Univac, the world's first computer for business.

4. MAUCHLY – He designed the ENIAC. ENIAC is popularly regarded as the first general-purpose
electronic digital computer. John completed ENIAC’s design alongside J. Presper Eckert.

5. METROPOLIS – He was deeply involved in the very first use of the Monte Carlo method, rewiring the
ENIAC computer to perform simulations of a nuclear core in 1948. Known for simulated annealing and
Metropolis Hastings Algorithm

6. SHOCKLEY – One of the inventors of Transistor and provided the basis for one of the sweeping
technological revolutions of the twentieth century.

7. CRAY - a genius in designing high performance computers and completed the design of the first fully
transistorized computers. Known as "The Father of Supercomputing"

8. WOZNIAK – designer of Apple I and II personal computers, He also helped develop the Disk II drive,
which was used to store data on floppy disks. Co-founder of Apple Computer along with Steve Jobs

9. OSBORNE – Creator of the first commercially available portable computer, the Osborne 1

10. ENGELBART – Inventor of computer mouse, developer of the basic graphical user interface (GUI),
and groupware. He is best known for his work on founding the field of human–computer interaction

11. ENGLISH - contributed to the development of the computer mouse while working for Douglas
Engelbart, Co-developer of hypertext, computer networks and GUI

12. BOOLE – He formalized the modern symbolic logic and whose algebra of logic, now called Boolean
algebra, a logical theory that acts as the basis of modern digital computers and other digital devices.

13. TURING – He invented the Enigma code breaking machine that broke the German Ciphers in World
War II. He created a base for the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Turing Test.
14. BACKUS - He directed the team that invented and implemented FORTRAN (Formula Translation), the
first widely used high-level programming language, and was the inventor of the Backus–Naur form
(BNF), a widely used notation to define formal language syntax.

15. RITCHIE - He created the B programming language with Ken Thompson in 1969, C programming
language with Brian Kerningham in 1972 and he also help in developing the UNIX and Multics Systems

16. THOMPSON - He designed and implemented the original Unix operating system. He also invented
the B programming language, the direct predecessor to the C programming language, and was one of
the creators and early developers of the Plan 9 operating system

17. KILDAL – He was among the earliest individuals to recognize the microprocessors as fully capable
computers, considered a pioneer of the personal computer revolution. Founder of Digital Research Inc.
and Inventor of CP/M operating system

18. GATES - one of the individuals who have made significant contributions to computing. He is the co-
founder of Microsoft Corporation, one of the largest computer hardware and software manufacturing
companies in the world.

19. CERF - one of the co-founders of the Internet that’s why he is widely known as “The Founding Father
of the Internet”. Cerf is known for his work on the TCP/IP Protocol, which is responsible for connecting
computers on the network

20. KAHN - The co-inventor of the TCP/IP protocols and was responsible for originating DARPA’s Internet
program, a set of methods that allows effective communication between millions of computer
networks. Also known as One of the Fathers of the Internet

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