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Anatomy: Circulatory System:

Circulatory System is Transport system.

3 components:
1. Heart
2. Blood vessel
3. Blood

Blood – Plasma 55% and Cellular Component 45%

Plasma - Hormone also in the dilute solution of Plasma.

White Blood cell – Immune System
Platelets – Involved in blood Cotting
Red Blood cells – Involved in carrying oxygen

3 Type of blood Tissues:

Carry blood away from Heart – Arteries (More thick and elastic)
Carry blood to the heart – Veins. (with valves to help blood to flow)
Capillaries – facilitate rapid exchanges of nutrients and waste products of tissue.

4 Chambers in the heard. Left de-oxygenated blood, Right oxygenated blood.

Cardiac Cycle
Contraction of the heart – Systole
Rest – Diastole

Blood Pressure – is the amount of force that blood exerts on the walls of the arteries
as it flows through them.
Blood pressure readings are given as two numbers: The systolic blood pressure
equals the pressure in the arteries as the heart contracts. The diastolic pressure is
the pressure in the arteries relaxes.

Pressure numbers – Blood pressure is measured by 2 numbers 1. Systolic pressure 2.

Diastolic pressure. Systolic is the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart
beats, the bottom number is the pressure in your blood vessels between heart beats.

High – Systolic 140 or over OR Diastolic 90 or above

Pre- high – Systolic between 121-139 or Diastolic between 81-89
Norma – Systolic 120 or less and Diastolic 80 or less.
High blood pressure – Silent Killer. Do not let the situation gets complex
High blood pressure is a sign that the heart and blood vessels are being over worked.
Worst case leads to stroke… Keep safety number handy. For example Doctor’s, family
members contact close by.

Hypertension risk factors can be controllable or non-controllable. Some factors like

aging, race, family history gender…are incontrollable but other factors like
overweight, alcohol use, stress and poor life style are controllable. We should remain
healthy lifestyle to lower the risk. Taking rich potassium could help bring down blood
pressure. May eat more banana as potassium can help reducing the absorption of
sodium in blood.

Low blood pressure – Is low blood pressure also a concern?

For slightly low, Systolic pressure 90 and Diastolic pressure 60, it is normal for
athletes and Children not a concern if you don’t feel dizziness, fainting or weakness.

For lower than that, possibly dangerous if symptoms exist. Must visit doctor.

For a Healthy Heart. Aware, Alert, Act and Avoid.

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