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Name: ___________________________________Grade and Section: _________________


I. Competency/Objective: Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative

II. Pre-activity:
Direction: Accomplish the semantic web by supplying words that you can associate with quantitative research.


III. Concepts/ Background Information:

Quantitative Research is a type of educational research in which the researcher decides what to study; asks
specific questions; collects quantifiable data from the respondents; analyzes these numbers using statistics;
and conducts the inquiry in an unbiased, objective manner. Simply, quantitative research is concerned with
numbers and its relationship with events.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

1. Preference for precise hypothesis stated at the beginning of the study.
2. Preference for precise definitions stated at the beginning of the study.
3. Data reduce to numerical scores.
4. Much attention to assessing and improving reliability of scores from instruments.
5. Assessment of validity through a variety of procedures with reliance to statistics.
6. Preference for random techniques for obtaining meaningful samples.
7. Preference for precisely describing procedures.
8. Preference for design or statistical control of extraneous variables.
9. Preference for statistical summary of results through figures, tables or graphs.
10. Quantitative methods can be repeated to verify findings in another setting, thus reinforcing validity of
11. Quantitative research puts emphasis on proof rather than discovery.

Strengths of Quantitative Research

1. Quantitative research is the most reliable and valid way of concluding results giving way to a new
hypothesis or to disproving it.
2. Because of a bigger number of the sample population, the results or generalizations are more reliable and
3. Quantitative experiments filter out external factors, if properly designed, and so the results gained can be
seen as real and unbiased.

Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

1. Quantitative research can be costly, difficult and time-consuming.
2. Quantitative studies require extensive statistical treatment, requiring stringent standard, more so with
confirmation of result. When ambiguities in some findings surface, retesting, and refinement of the design call
for another investment in time and resources to polish results.
3. Quantitative method also tends to turn out only proved or unproven results, leaving little room for

IV. Post-activity:
A. Selected Response
Directions: Write Fact if the statement is correct and Bluff if it is incorrect in the space provided.
______1. Quantitative research is a subjective and unbiased inquiry on a certain event or phenomenon.
______2. Quantitative research is concerned with numbers and its relationship to events.
______3. Quantitative data are described in narrative form.
______4. Hypothesis is formulated at the end of a quantitative study.
______5. Quantitative studies are the most reliable and valid way of concluding results.
______6. Quantitative studies are inexpensive.
______7. Correlational studies require does not require hypothesis.
______8. Descriptive study made use of survey questionnaire.
______9. Experimental research impose control over all the variables in the study.
______10. The independent variable in quasi-experimental is identified and manipulated by the researcher.

B. Constructed Response
Directions: In a short size bond paper, make a collage of pictures/images that best describe a quantitative
research and write a one-sentence description about your work. Be guided by the rubric below.
1 2 3
Suitability/Appropriateness Pictures are Some pictures are All the pictures are
of pictures or images inappropriate. appropriate while some appropriate.
are not.
Organizations of pictures Pictures are Some pictures are out of All the pictures are
disorganized and not place and incoherent. well-arranged and
coherent with one coherent with one
another. another.
Creativity The work has no sense The work has a sense of The work is
of appeal lacking appeal but with lacking impressively done
artistic appearance. artistic touches. with a high sense of
creativity and artistic
Description No description or The description The description
description does not somehow tells about the concisely yet vividly
tell something about work. describes the work.
the work.

V. References
Calderon, J. & Gonzales, E. (2016). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Philippines: National Book
De Vega, E. (2020). Practical Research 2-Grade 12 Quarter 1-Module 1. Philippines: DepEd Division of

Prepared by:
PR2 Teacher

Name: ___________________________________________________Grade and Section: _________________


I. Competency/Objective: Describes the kinds of quantitative research.

II. Pre-activity:
Directions: Write Y if the sample research study has independent and dependent variable and N if there is
___________1. The study is about the effectiveness of exposing students to classical music while reading.
___________2. The study seeks to determine the level of comprehension of student in English
___________3. The study describes the socioeconomic status of farmers.
___________4. One group of students is exposed to treatment A and the other to treatment B. Their
academic performance is determined afterwards.
__________5. The number of hours using social media.

III. Concepts/ Background Information:


1. Descriptive research seeks to describe the current status of an identified variable according to its degree,
level, frequency and extent. These research projects are designed to provide systematic information about a
phenomenon. The researcher does not usually begin with a hypothesis, but is likely to develop one after
collecting data. Systematic collection of information requires careful selection of the units studied and careful
measurement of each variable. The researcher in this type of research seeks to answer the question. What is
the level/degree/extent of a certain phenomenon? Example you want to know the academic performance of
the students in Practical Research 2. Your research question will be… “What is the level of academic
performance of the students in Practical Research 2?”
Example of descriptive research are:
• A description of how second-grade students spend their time during summer vacation
• A description of the tobacco use habits of teenagers
• A description of how parents feel about the twelve-month school year
• A description of the attitudes of scientists regarding global warming
• A description of the kinds of physical activities that typically occur in nursing homes,
• A description of the extent to which elementary teachers use math manipulatives

2. Correctional research attempts to determine the extent of a relationship between two or more variables
using statistical data. In this type of design, a hypothesis is required at the onset of the study and relationships
between and among a number of facts are sought and interpreted. This type of research will recognize trends
and patterns in data, but it does not go so far in its analysis to prove causes for these observed patterns. For
example, if you want to know the relationship between the student’s attitude and their academic
performance in PR 2, you will likely to ask, “Is there a significant relationship between the student’s attitude
and their academic performance?” The hypothesis will be.. “there is no significant relationship between the
student’s attitude and their academic performance” which is in a null form.
Examples of Correlational Research:
• The relationship between intelligence and self-esteem
• The relationship between diet and anxiety
• The relationship between an aptitude test and success in an algebra course
• The relationship between ACT scores and the freshman grades
• The relationships between the types of activities used in math classrooms and student achievement

3. Causal-comparative/quasi-experimental research attempts to establish cause-effect relationships among

the variables. These types of design are very similar to true experiments, but with some key differences. An
independent variable is identified but not manipulated by the experimenter, and effects of the independent
variable on the dependent variable is measured. The researcher does not randomly assign groups meaning in
selecting the participants non-probability sampling is used like purposive sampling those who qualified for the
purpose of the study is included. For example, you want to know the effectiveness of games in learning math.
You need to conduct an experiment wherein you will expose one group of students to games during math
class and the other group will have the usual instruction in math. In identifying the participants for each, you
selected them using purposive sampling wherein those students who have low grades in math are exposed to
games and those performing students for the other group.
Examples of the causal-comparative/quasi-experimental research:
• The effect of preschool attendance on social maturity at the end of the first grade
• The effect of taking multivitamins on a students’ school absenteeism
• The effect of gender on algebra achievement
• The effect of part-time employment on the achievement of high school students
• The effect of magnet school participation on student attitude
• The effect of age on lung capacity

5. Experimental research, often called true experimentation, uses the scientific method to
establish the cause-effect relationship among a group of variables that make up a study. The true experiment
is often thought of as a laboratory study, but this is not always the case; a laboratory setting has nothing to do
with it. A true experiment is any study where an effort is made to identify and impose control over all other
variables. An independent variable is manipulated to determine the effects on the dependent variables.
Subjects are randomly assigned to experimental treatments rather than identified in naturally occurring
groups. True experiment has also two groups the experimental and the control group which is similar to quasi-
experimental. The difference is that, in true experiment the researcher used probability sampling in selecting
the participants. For example, the researcher writes the name of each student in a piece of paper, roll it and
place it in a bowl. Then he draws the paper. Those students whose names are drawn will be the participants.
Examples of Experimental Research:
• The effect of a new treatment plan on breast cancer
• The effect of positive reinforcement on attitude toward school
• The effect of teaching with a cooperative group strategy on students’ achievement
• A comparison of the effect of personalized instruction vs. traditional instruction on computational skill

IV. Post-activity:
A. Selected Response
Directions: Write True if the statement correct and False if it incorrect.
___________1. Descriptive research attempts to establish relationship between two variables.
___________2. Random groups are selected in a true experiment.
___________3. There is a dependent and independent variable in a correlational study.
___________4. The level or extent of an occurrence is measured descriptive researches.
___________5. True experiments are always done in laboratory setting.

B. Constructed Response
Directions: Give an example problem or research situation for each kind of quantitative research. See
examples in the concept or background information.
1.Descriptive research:
2. Correlational research:
3. True Experiment:
V. References
Calderon, J. & Gonzales, E. (2016). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Philippines: National
Book Store.

Prepared by:
PR2 Teacher

Name: ___________________________________________________Grade and Section: _________________


I. Competency/Objective: Illustrates the importance of quantitative research across fields.

(STEM CS_RS12-Ia-c-2)

II. Pre-Activity: Give example product of research in the following fields.

1. Education: _________________________________________________________________________
2. Medicine: _________________________________________________________________________
3. Engineering: _______________________________________________________________________
4. Communication: ____________________________________________________________________

III. Concepts/ Background Information:

Quantitative research across discipline

People do research to find solutions, even tentative ones, to problems in order to enhance ways of
doing things, to disprove a new hypothesis, or simply find answers to questions or solutions to problem in
daily life. Research findings can affect people’s lives, ways of doing things, laws, rules and regulations, as well
as policies. Quantitative research, because of the emphasis on proofs rather than discovery, has been widely
used in most disciplines.

1. Quantitative Research and Medical Field

Quantitative research in medical field tends to be predominantly observational research based on
surveys or correlational studies research design. Healthcare providers integrate evidence-based practices in
providing care to their patients. These evidences are mostly based on their observations from their patients.
For instance, exposing patients to calm or soothing music may help them relieve from the pain they are
suffering. This can be proved or disproved by undergoing a quantitative research.

2. Quantitative Research and Education

Education research often relies on the quantitative methodology. Quantitative research in education
provides numerical data that can prove or disprove a theory, and administrators can easily share the number-
based results with other schools and district. And while the research may speak to a relatively small sample
size, educators and researchers can scale the results from quantifiable data to predict outcomes in larger
student populations and groups.

3. Quantitative Research and Psychology

Quantitative psychologists study and develop the methods and techniques used to measure human
behavior and other attributes. Their works involves statistical and mathematical modelling of psychological
processes, the design of research studies and the analysis of psychological data. Quantitative psychologists
conduct their own research and collaborate with other scientists in many fields to design research studies and
methods and interpret results.

4. Quantitative Research and Social Science

Quantitative research can measure and describe whole societies or institutions, organizations or
groups of individuals that are part of them. The strength of quantitative methods is that they can provide vital
information about a society or community through surveys, examination or records or censuses that no
individual could obtain using observation.

IV. Post-activity:
A. Selected Response
Directions: Identify the following products of research as to what discipline they belong. Choose your
answer from the box and write it on the space provided.

Social Science Psychology Engineering

Information Communication Technology (ICT) Education

______________________1. Arduino-Based System
______________________2. Blended Learning
______________________3. Becks Depression index
______________________4. QR Code
______________________5. 4Ps Program

B. Constructed Response
Directions: Write a 3 -paragraph Reflection Journal on the things that you have learned from the
importance of quantitative research across fields in a long size bond paper (hand-written or type-written).
Provide examples in your reflection. Be guided with the rubric below.

Reflection Journal Rubric

Criteria 5 3 1 0
Structure Ideas All or almost of the Most entries have Few entries have a None of the
entries have a a connection to connection to entries have a
connection to structure structure connection to
structure structure
Feelings and Feelings and Feelings and Feelings and None of your
Thoughts thoughts are thoughts are thoughts are feelings and
revealed in all or revealed in most revealed in few thoughts are
almost of the entries entries revealed in any of
entries. the entries.
Completion All entries are All entries are All entries are not All entries are not
present, in order present, but are present, but they present nor are
and together. either not together are together or in they together r in
or in order. order order.
Mechanics All or almost of the Most of the entries Few of the entries None of the
entries use correct use correct use correct spelling entries use correct
spelling and spelling and and grammar. spelling and
grammar. grammar. grammar.

V. References

Prepared by:
PR2 Teacher
Name: ______________________________________________Grade and Section: _____________________


I. Competency/Objective: Differentiate the kinds of variables and their use.
II. Pre-Activity:
Direction: Arrange the jumbled letters to create a correct word and give its definition.
1. pdeneednt - _______________________________________________________________
2. dpieeenntdn - _____________________________________________________________
3. treeenvni - _______________________________________________________________
4. arblevai – ________________________________________________________________
5. ntocrol - _________________________________________________________________

III. Concepts/ Background Information:

Kind of Variables and their Use

A variable is a characteristic of an individual or organization that can be observed and measure, and it
can vary among people or organizations being studied (Creswell, 2002). It comes from the root word “vary” or
simply “can change”. The most common variables in social research are age, sex, gender, education, income,
and marital status. An attribute is a specific value on a variable. For example, the variable sex has two
attributes: male and female. A variable income has an attribute of 5, 000 per month, 10,000/month,
15,000/month and so on. A variable should have at least 2 attributes.

A variable can be nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio or known as the level of measurement.
1. Nominal. Variables represent categories that cannot be ordered in any particular way. They may come in
any order. Examples: Biological sex (male/female), Blood type, Race, Political Party, Zip code, Eye color,
Religion etc
2. Ordinal. Variables represent categories that can be ordered from greatest to smallest or vice versa.
Examples are grade level, satisfaction ratings, socio-economic status, rank, etc.
3. Interval. Variables have values that lie along an evenly dispersed range of numbers.
Examples are temperature, ph, credit score
4. Rati. Variables have all the properties of interval variable and has a clear definition of 0.0.
Examples are weight, distance, length, pulse rate, dose amount

Furthermore, variables can be further categorized into dependent, independent, intervening and
1. Independent variables are those that probably cause, influence or affect the outcomes. It is controlled and
manipulated by the researcher and applied on another thing, condition or process.
2. Dependent variables are those that depend on the independent variables. They are exposed to the
treatment or actions from the independent variables.
Consider this example. Suppose student A and student B are in the same grade level and have the same
mental ability. Student A is given 3 hours to study the lesson while students B is given 2 hours to study the
same lesson. Then, they are given the same test on the lesson. When the test papers of the two students were
scored, Student A gets a higher score than student B. The independent variable which is manipulated by the
researcher is time and the dependent variable is the students’ achievement.
3. Intervening variables stand between the independent and dependent variables and they show the effects
of the independent to the dependent variables. For example, a researcher is studying the effect of cooperative
learning activities toward the academic performance in Science. One possible intervening variable is the sex
or gender of the students. Female students may enjoy working in groups and tends to participate in
cooperative learning more than the male students.
4. Control Variable is a special type of independent variable that is measured in study because it potentially
influences the dependent variable. It must to be controlled so that the true influence of the independent
variable on the dependent variable can be determined. In an experiment, it is the variable that is constant or
steady. For example, in a study determining the effects of exposure to different colored lights on the growth of
the plant, the control variables are the type of the plant, the amount of soil, and the amount of water given
to the plant. These variables are controlled so that plant growth can be attributed with certainty to exposure
to different colored lights.

IV. Post-activity:
A. Selected Response
Direction: identify the level of measurement involved in the following situations.

Nominal Ordinal Interval Ration

____________1. The top 10 songs of the week in MOR.
____________2. The adviser surveys her students’ health status whether its normal, overweight, obese,
wasted, severely wasted.
____________3. The doctor’s secretary determines the weight of the baby.
____________4. The student wants to know his test score in the Practical Research 2 summative test.
____________5. The research wants to know the number of hours that the students spent in using social
____________6. The national identification card requires the blood type of an individual.
____________7. The secretary records the breed of dogs in the veterinary office.
____________8. The teacher asked on the level of difficulty (easy, moderate, difficult) they experienced in the
____________9. The PAGASA determine the temperature for June.
___________10. A fashion designer shares the top 10 most famous fashion statement of the year.

B. Constructed Response
Directions: Differentiate the independent and independent variable in each research situation. Write the
answer on the table.

Case 1. To determine
Case a diet of Independent Variable Dependent Variable
1blueberries have an effect
on aging, an experiment
2involving 19-months old
rats was undertaken. In
3this study, one group of
rats was fed with their
V. References
standard diet while the
De Vega, E. (2020). Practical Research 2-Grade 12 Quarter 1-Module 1.
other three groups were Philippines: DepEd Division of Palawan.
fed with diet
supplemented with
blueberry, strawberry,
and spinach powder Prepared by:
respectively. After eight AROEBELLE PEARL L. PASAMANERO
weeks, the rats were PR2 Teacher
given a memory test and
motor skills test. Name: ___________________________________________________Grade
and Section: _________________
Case 2. Ascorbic acid, if
given in mega doses is LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET NO. 4
occurrences of cancer
cells. To test this I. Competency/Objective: Design a research useful in daily life specifically
hypothesis, patients with choosing a research problem and research title.
known cancers were given II. Pre-Activity:
Direction: Answer the question by completing the sentences below. Why do
mega doses of vitamin C
you think the following programs/actions were implemented by the
for 12 weeks. After 12
weeks, screening tests
were done to determine
the decrease in cancer
Case 3. Lucy is an owner
of a fusion accessories
store. She surveyed her
customer on the
preferences for
accessories. Thus, Lucy
1. 4PS was implemented because
2. Disaster Risk Reduction Management was implemented because
3. GCQ was implemented because
III. Concepts/ Background Information:

Designing Research Useful in Daily Life

In designing research, the researcher needs to consider the usefulness of research projects to be
conducted to the community where he or she belongs, to the bigger community, the Philippines, Asia, and the
world. For instance, the government have some important reasons for implementing 4PS, DRRM, and GCQ.
These reasons came out because of research. Below are important points in designing a study and choosing a
research problem.
 In deciding on a research topic, the researcher should see to it that the research project would
be worth the planning, execution of plans, resources in time, manpower, and budget.
 Research is closely connected with development. The results/findings of studies also affect
society and the lives of each one of us. Research is vital to our everyday decision making.
 In choosing a research problem, it must be within the interest of the researcher. It must be also
within the specialization and competence of the researcher. It must be within the ability of the
researcher to finance his or her research.
 Research problem must be researchable and manageable, that is data are available and
accessible, data must meet the standards of accuracy, objectivity, and verifiability. Answers to
the specific questions or subproblems can be found. The hypothesis formulated are testable,
that is, they can be accepted and rejected.
 Equipment and instruments for research are available and can give valid and reliable results.
The study can be completed within a reasonable period of time. It must be significant
important, and relevant to the present time and situation, timely and of current interest.
 The results must be practical and implementable. It must contribute to the fund of knowledge
and it must show or paved the way for the solution of the problem intended to be solved.
Below are important points in writing the title.
 Generally, the title is formulated before the start of the research work. It may be revised and
refined later if there is a need.
 The title must contain the subject matter of the study, locale of the study, and the population
 The title must be brief and concise. It indicates what is expected to be found inside the study.

Example 1

Research Problem:
You want to know the
Reading Ability of the

Reading Ability is the subject matter.

Grade 7 students is the population.
Sagay National High School is the locale of the study.
Example 2
Research Problem: You want to know if reading comprehension has a relationship in learning
Title: “Reading Comprehension and Learning Mathematics among Senior High School Students in
Sagay National High School

Reading Comprehension and Learning Mathematics are the subject matter or the variables.
Senior High School Students is the population.
Sagay National High School is the locale of the study.

IV. Post-activity:
A. Selected Response
Directions: Tell if the statement is True or False. Write the answer on the space provided.

__________1. The researcher needs to consider the usefulness of the study.

__________2. A research study has no timeline.
__________3. The title speaks what the study is all about.
__________4. The study should be within the interest of the researcher.
__________5. The title is formulated at the beginning of the study and it cannot be revised.

B. Constructed Response

Directions: Conduct a survey about your family’s basic needs during the COVID- 19 pandemic by asking
your family members. Be able to rank you family’s basic needs. Then, answer the question

What is the importance of knowing your family’s basic needs during the pandemic?

V. References
Calderon, J. & Gonzales, E. (2016). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Philippines: National Book Store.
De Vega, E. (2020). Practical Research 2-Grade 12 Quarter 1-Module 1. Philippines: DepEd Division of

Prepared by:
PR2 Teacher

Name: ___________________________________________________Grade and Section: _______________



I. Competency/Objective:
a. familiarizes the guidelines in writing the introduction of a research study
b. writes an introduction, statement of the problem and hypothesis for the chosen research
II. Pre-Activity:
Watch the video clip about writing an introduction, statement of the problem and hypothesis
III. Concepts/ Background Information:

Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Setting

Chapter 1 of a research paper should contain a discussion of each of the following topics.
 Introduction
 Statement of the Problem
 Assumptions or Hypotheses (for Quantitative Research)
 Scope and Limitation of the Study
 Significance of the Study
 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
 Definition of Terms

1. Guidelines in writing the introduction

 An introduction is a presentation of the problem. It talks about what the problem is all about.
 It consists usually of 5 paragraphs.
 The first paragraph introduces the problem in a worldwide or global perspective.
 The second paragraph consists of the point of views of the problem in the nationwide setting.
 The third paragraph consists of the local scenario or situation about the problem.
 The fourth paragraph establishes an existence of an unsatisfactory condition, a felt problem
or a gap that needs a solution.
 The fifth paragraph includes the desire to find a better way of doing something to solve or
mitigate the problem by stating the purpose of the study.
 Relevant references like statistics or results of other studies should be used to support your
own point of view on the problem.
See sample file sent to our group chat.

2. Guidelines in formulating the statement of the problem and specific questions

 There should be a general statement of the problem and then this should be broken down into
subproblems or specific research question.
 Determine the different aspects of the research problem to be studied then for each aspect
make one specific questions.
 Each specific question must be clear and it must not have dual meanings.
 It is customary to state the specific questions in the interrogative form. Question begin with
“what”, “how” and “why”
 Answer to each specific question must contribute to the development of the whole research
 The number of specific questions should be enough to cover the development of the whole
 The type of research questions depends also on the kind of research the researcher would like
to study.
Example Descriptive Research

Research Title: The

Example Correlational Research
Reading Ability of Grade 7
Regular Students in Sagay
Title: TheHigh
National Reading Ability
and Academic IV. Post-activity:
Statement of the
Achievement of A. Selected Response
Grade 7 Regular Directions: Read and identify what is being asked in each item. Write your
The study is
Students in Sagay answer on the space provided.
conducted to determine
National High ability _____________1. What part of a research paper that present the research
the level of reading
School problem in different perspectives?
of the Grade 7 regular
Statement _____________2. What is being explained in the last part of an introduction?
students in of the National
High School, for school
The study is
year 2021-2022.
_____________3. What part of a research paper that state the research questions?
_____________4. What is being explained in the fourth paragraph of an introduction?
_____________5. What do you call the broken-down parts of the general statement of the problem?
B. Constructed Response
Directions: Read and answer the question below.
What should you include in writing an introduction and statement of the problem?
V. References
Calderon, J. & Gonzales, E. (2016). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Philippines: National Book Store.
De Vega, E. (2020). Practical Research 2-Grade 12 Quarter 1-Module 1. Philippines: DepEd Division of

Prepared by:
PR2 Teacher


1. Think of three (3) subjects of interest or research problems that your group want to study about.
(STEM for scientific or technological problems, GAS for social sciences problem, A&D for problems
related to different forms of arts such as dance, music and theater.)

2. Formulate three (3) research titles for your chosen research problems. Be guided with the guidelines
in writing a research title.

3. Write a short background or rationale and statement of the problem for each of your research title.

4. Create a power point presentation using the prescribed template to be sent by your teacher.

5. Present your research titles to your teacher for approval.

6. Be guided with the rubric below.

Rubric for Scoring

Category Scoring Criteria Total Points Score

Content The content is clear and 5
concise and deals with
important issue in the
field of study.
Information is accurate
Delivery Uses clear voice, correct 5
pronunciation of terms,
and delivers with
Organization Presents information or 5
ideas in logical,
interesting sequence
which audience can
Subject Knowledge Demonstrates full 5
knowledge by answering
all the questions with
explanation and
Presentation Uses the power point 5
presentation. Texts are
readable with no
misspellings and
grammatical error.
Score Total Points 25




1. Write a five-paragraph introduction for your approved research title following the guidelines in
writing an introduction.

2. Follow the prescribed paper format. Short size bond paper, Times New Roman font, 12 font size,
Left Alignment, Double Spacing (see sample introduction).

3. Submit it after a week upon posting or giving the task.

4. Be guided with the rubric below.

Rubric for Scoring

Category Scoring Criteria Total Points Score

Content The content is clear and 5
concise and deals with
important issue in the
field of study.
Information is accurate.
All 5 parts are present
Organization Presents information or 5
ideas in logical,
interesting sequence
which audience can
Mechanics and Grammar Texts have no 5
misspellings and
grammatical error. Used
correct punctuation
Score Total Points 15


Red-Global perspective of the subject of interest
Blue- Asian Perspective of the subject of interest
Green- Philippine Perspective of the subject of interest
Back– Sagay National High School/Local Perspective of the subject of interest
Orange- Gap or the need to study
Violet- Purpose of the study


Background of the Study

Globally, all industries including education have suffered from the consequences brought by the current

pandemic. The continuing crisis has effects on the four components of curriculum, purpose, content, approach

and evaluation (Cahapay, 2020). The loss of instructional time in the classroom has make both the teachers and

learners to be academically challenged. To bridge the gap, Modular Distance Learning (MDL) as one of the

facets in distance learning paved the way for the continuity in education. Instructional packages such as

textbooks, worksheets and printouts have been utilized to support students’ learning (Schleicher & Reimers,

Looking into the Asian perspective, in a survey made by Asia Society Newsletter (2020), Asian teachers

in many schools were not ready for distance learning because teaching culture, capabilities, and practices were

not uniform and in many cases were weak. Moreover, it was mentioned in the result of the survey that even

before COVID-19, many students were demonstrating poor quality of learning, thus, online and modular

distance learning strategies were introduced to help address the gap.

Similarly, the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines issued department orders in response

to Covid-19 crisis, requiring all primary education institutions to develop learning continuity plans (LCPs) and

health and safety measures in the new normal in education during the pandemic. One of the alternatives is the

implementation of modular distance learning in the educational system for the Filipino learners to continue their

education despite the current pandemic. The distinct feature of MDL is the self-learning modules (SLM) as the

primary medium of instruction and the only source of knowledge in mastering the intended competencies.

DepEd Order number 001 series of 2021 stated that SLMs were developed and intended primarily for the use of

the learners outside the classroom setting and when face-to face interaction is disrupted like in this current

pandemic. However, Ancheta and Ancheta (2020) greatly emphasized that because of the new normal in

education, schools and other educational institutions are facing more significant challenges.

Teachers of Sagay National High School have been adopting the modular distance learning since its

founding in the Philippine educational system amidst the pandemic. The learning modality has been the most

preferred learning modality of the students based on the Learner Enrollment Survey Form (LESF). Also, this

modality sought the needs of those learners who have limited opportunities to online distance learning. Since

this is the most widely used among other learning modalities, teachers are being challenged by its demands.

Because of these, it is inevitable that teachers are placed in a difficult situation and are making possible

adjustments in order to meet the demands. It is during these times that teachers’ responsiveness and adaptability

are being confronted.

Moreover, plenty of studies were conducted that pertained to the new landscape in education. These

studies investigated the multifaceted issues of the distance learning as alternative learning modality during the

pandemic. Yet, these studies focused more on the students’ aspect and attributes and usually tend to give less

importance to the teacher factor. The current study is believed to contribute to the source of knowledge about

teachers in the new normal of learning and to give appropriate recognition to the effort and dedication extended

by the teachers in this time of pandemic.

Thus, it is the researcher’s desire to conduct a study that focuses on determining the level of

responsiveness and adaptability of the TLE teachers in the modular distance learning and to examine the

relationship between teachers’ responsiveness and adaptability in the said learning modality.

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to determine the level of responsiveness and adaptability of TLE teachers

in the modular distance learning in Sagay National High School for school year 2021-2022. Likewise, it aims to

examine the relationship between teachers’ responsiveness and adaptability under the modular distance


Specifically, it will seek to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the profile of the TLE teachers in terms of

a. sex

b. age

c. teaching position

d. length of service

2. What is the level of responsiveness of the TLE teachers in the modular distance learning when taken as a

whole and grouped according to

a. sex

b. age

c. teaching position

d. length of service

3. What is the level of adaptability of the TLE teachers in the modular distance learning when taken as a whole

and grouped according to

a. sex

b. age

c. teaching position

d. length of service

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