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Replace the infinitives in brackets by the required tense

1. “Hark! How the wind _______________!” (to howl) 2. Diana ________________ her music in
the drawing room; Mary ________________ . It was a very fine May day, clear, sunny, and breezy.
(to practice, to garden). 3. He ________________ not long at table when his land lady brought up a
letter that ____________ just ______________ for him. (to sit, to arrive) 4. “O yes, I
______________ back in an hour.” (to be) 5. “I ______________ here for nearly seven years,”he
said. (to be). 6. He was not so much suprised to see me as I _____________. (to expect) 7. An old
orchard of apple trees just breaking into flower _______________________ down to a stream and a
long wild meadow. (to stretch) 8. The quests ___________ before the rain began to fall, and they
_____ all now assembled in the chief or living room of the dwelling. (to arrive, to be) 9. “And he
_______________ my friend ever since,” said Caroline. (to be) 10. “__________ you ever
___________ that way in your walk?” (pass) 11. “Come down to the terrace while I
_____________ my breakfast.” (to eat) 12. The ship _______________ against the warf now. (to
draw) 13. “It is the first time you ______ away from home? “(to be) 14. “My father and mother
_______________ during the war and I ___________ at my Aunt Emily's.” (to be killed, to live)
15. I ________ to Warley on a wet September morning. (come) 16. the big apple tree, lowest in the
orchard, ___________ so close that its boughs almost _______________ the water. (to grow, to
overhang) 17. Macomber ________________ the opposite bank when he ________ Wilson take
hold of his arm. (to watch, to feel) 18. “The water _____________ at last,”he said. (to boil) 19. The
sun ___________, and he ____________ homeward. (to set, to turn) 20. The hands on her watch
________ her that five minutes, ten minutes, a quarter of an hour _______________. (to tell, to
pass). 21. Perhaps Doreen _______ right all the time and she _______ wrong. (to be, to be) 22. The
key of the flat was in the letter box where Doreen _______ it because Jan _______________ hers a
few days earlier. (to leave, to lose) 23. Birds were almost silent, the cuckoos ____________ to sing,
but wood pigeons ___________ . (to cease,to coo) 24. The storm _____________ every tree; they
still dripped. (to wash) 25. “_______________ from Diana and Mary lately?” (to hear) 26. Today I
______________________ far and at the end of my walk I _______________ the little white
flowered wood ruff. (to walk, to find) 27. For more than a week my pen _______________
unouched, I __________________nothing for seven whole days, not even a letter. (to lie, to write)
28. This __________ a year of long sunshine. Month _____________ upon month with little
unkindness of the sky. I scarely _____________ when July ___________ into August, August into
September. (to be, to follow, to mark, to pass) 29. When she ____________ the rain
______________. Beads of water still ________________ from the eaves, but there
_____________ great patches of blue in the sky. (to awake, to stop, to drip, to be) 30. The snow
only ______ just ________, and in the court below my room all sounds were dulled. (to stop) 31.
He _________________ for two days: his cheeks shone, he did not seem in the least tired. (to
travel) 32. “____ your father in?” - he said directly. He ____________ only for a little walk.”(to
be,to go) 33. Some days I will go to London and revisit all the places where I _________________
in the time of my greatest poverty. I ________________ them for a quarter of a century or so. (to
house, to not see) 34. The storm _______________ away, but very far off the thunder still
__________________. (to die, to mutter) 35. She ______ silent while she ______________. (to be,
to work) 36. _____I ______ out the light, Sir? (to turn) 37. Two or three days later he ________ that
Arabella and her parents _________________. (to her, to depart) 38. “How long ________ you
________ here?” (to be) 39. The sky ______________. The moon ______________ on the snow.
(to clear, to shine) 40. She ___________ hardly a word since they _____________ the harbour. (to
say, to leave).

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