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Process Control

Chapter 5: Control Strategies

3.1 Objective
3.2 Feed-forward Control
3.3 Feedback Control
3.4 Cascade Control
3.5 Ratio Control
3.6 Selective Control
3.7 Split-range control
3.8 MIMO system control structure
3.9 MIMO system control structure design

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3.1 Objective

u, r, y, d are variables
of G(s)
Disturbances d

Manipulated Controlled
Variables u Process Variables y

 Process Control Problem: maintain y ≈ r while

– Set point r can be changed
– Exist disturbance d
– Exist measurement noise n
– Process Model is not accurate

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Specific Control Objectives
 Stabilizing system
 High response speed and good response quality
– Set point changing response
– Process disturbance response
– Low sensitivity with measurement noise
 The values of manipulated variables are slow/insignificantly
 Persistent:
– Persistent stability
– Persistent quality

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Complex problems
 Processes are complex, hard to control (multi-dimension
interactive, non-minimum phase system, constraints on
manipulated variables’ values and rate of change, constant on
allowed changing range of manipulated variables...)
 Process Model is hard to build accurately
 Disturbances are hard to measure/predict
 There is limits in implement & installing control law
 The operators’ knowledge about control theory are limited
 Etc.,

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Control Strategies

Set point r

Disturbances d

Manipulated Measurable
Process variable ym
variables u

 Control Strategy/Structure: principles about structure in using the

information of process variables to give the control actions
 Control Strategy
– Single or multiple variables
– Coordinate using what input variables and how to
control output variables?

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Basic control strategies
 SISO system
– Feed-forward Control
– Feedback control
– Cascade control
– Ratio control
– Selective control
– Split-range control
 MIMO system
– Centralized control
 Decoupling control
 Multivariable control
– Decentralized control
– Hierarchical control

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3.2 Feed-forward Control
 Example: The heat exchanger
– Control the steam inlet flow Fs to maintain the output temperature T2 at
desired set point


Input Temp Output Temp

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Basic structure


 Principle:
– Assumption: Model is accurate, disturbances are measurable
– Measure the disturbance d, then calculate u in order to y ≈ r :
=u K r (s)(r −Gd (s)d ) (3.1)
K r (s) ≈ G(s)−1
– Do not measure y

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Quality analysis
a) Ideal control
K r = G −1 d
u = K r (r − Gd d ) = G −1 (r − Gd d )
⇒ y =Gu + Gd d =GG −1 (r − Gd d ) + Gd d =r (3.2)

b) Process model deviant (assume d = 0):

Greal = G + ∆G
∆G (3.3)
⇒ y = (G + ∆G )G −1r = r + r

c) Disturbance model deviant control deviant

Gd real= Gd + ∆Gd
⇒ y = r − Gd d + (Gd + ∆Gd )d = r + ∆Gd d (3.4)

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d) Unmeasurable disturbance existence
Gu + Gd d + Gd 2 d2 =
r + Gd 2 d2 (3.5)
control deviant
→ System is unstable when Gd2 is unstable

e) The model have zero point on the right haft of complex plane
→ The ideal controller is unstable, needed to approximate!

1− s
Example: System model: G( s) =
1+ s

The ideal controller is unstable → The system is internal unstable!

−1 1 + s
r1 ( s ) G=( s )
1− s

The approximate controller (for steady state):

= (0)−1 1
K r 2 G=

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u (K1 – unstable) y (K1 – unstable)

u (K2 ––
y (K1 approximate)
unstable) y (K2 – approximate)

Time Time

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Quality analysis (continuous)
f) Model has delayed time or the degree of denominator is higher than the degree of
→ The ideal controller is non-causal
1+ s −s
G( s) = 2
1− s + s
Example: System model:

1 − s + s2 s
K r ( s) = e
1+ s
The ideal controller is non-causal

G) Unstable process: The ideal controller eliminates the unstable pole → The system is
not internal stable, if there is a little input noise, the system may become unstable.

G (u + du ) + Gd d =+
r Gdu (3.6)

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Example: Level control

 Control principle: Input flow must equal to output flow

 Problem: If there is a small error in measurement flowrate value or
in control valve model, the tank can be overflow or empty

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Summary of Feed-forward control
 Advantages:
– Simple
– Fast response (Compensate the disturbance before it affects the output)
 Disadvantages:
– Must use disturbance measurement device
– Can not eliminate the effect of unmeasurable disturbance
– Sensitive with model deviant (process model and disturbance model)
– The ideal controller may be unstable or unusable → Approximate
– Unable to stabilize an unstable process.
 Main applications
– Simple problems, non optimum phase, low quality requirement
– Implemented in conjunction with feedback control to improve the response
speed of close-loop system
– Compensate measurable disturbance (mainly static compensation), pre-filter
(pretreatment) the dominant signal
– Ratio control

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Static compensator design steps
1. Determine controlled variables, choose the manipulated variables and
measurable disturbance.
2. Construct the process model, write down equilibrium equations and
constitutive equations
3. Substitute controlled variables by the set point, solve the equilibrium
equations of manipulated variables according to set point and
4. Analyze and assess the impact of model deviant to control quality
5. Eliminate the disturbances that have less impact in order to reduce the
sensor installation cost.
6. Correct the parameters of feed-forward controller for the working
point to compensate the model deviant and eliminated disturbances
7. Add feedback controllers to eliminated the steady-state error, reduce
the effect of model deviant and unmeasurable disturbances

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Example: Heat exchanger control
Skip the heat loss, we have energy
conservation equation:
λ Fs
FoC p (T2 − T1 ) = (3.7)
Steam Cp – oil heat capacity
λ – thermal parameter in condensation
Input Temp Output Substitute T2 with Set point :
Flow Temp

Cp (3.8)
=Fs Fo (SP − T1 )

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Example: Stirred-tank System
- c1 and c2 are constants
- Output flow w is random (free
Equilibrium equation:

w1c1 + w2 c2 =(w1 + w2 )c (3.9)

Substitute c with Set point:

w1 (SP − c1 ) (3.10)
w2 =
c2 − SP

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3.3 Feedback Control
 Example: Example: Heat exchanger control


Feed Oil

 Control principle: Control the steam flow (manipulated variable) based on the
deviant between the output oil temperature (controlled variable) and the set

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Acting direction of Feedback Control
 Direct acting (DA): The controller outputs increase when the
controlled variables increase and vice versa
 Reverse acting (RA) The controller outputs decrease when the
controlled variables increase and vice versa
 The selection of acting direction is depend on:
– Process characteristic: The relation between controlled variables and
manipulated variables
– The action type of controlled valve (Notice the arrow direction on the
controlled valve symbol)
 Fail close, air-to-open: direct acting
 Fail open, air-to-close: reverse acting
 In example: Reverse acting
– Process: More steam → more temperature
– Controlled valve: fail close

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Feedback Control Configuration
The response with set point and
the response with disturbance are
CONTROLLER bonding → impossible to design a
complete independent controller.

a) First degree of freedom configuration

CONTROLLER Have the ability to design the

controller Kr(s) to improve the
response with set point

b) Second degree of freedom configuration

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Why using Feedback Control?

Consider First degree of freedom configuration:

y GK (r − y − n) + Gd d (3.11)
(1 + GK ) y = GKr + Gd d − GKn (3.12)

Close-loop response:
L G L (3.13)
y= r+ d d− n=
Tr + Gd Sd − Tn
1+ L 1+ L 1+ L

Control deviant
1 Gd GK
e =r − y = r− d+ n = Sr − Gd Sd + Tn (3.14)
1 + GK 1 + GK 1 + GK

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The role of feedback control
1. An unstable process can be stabilized by using a feedback
controller to move the poles to the left half of the complex
plane (see the denominator polynomial 1 + GK in 3.13 and
2. When the disturbance is unmeasurable or the model response is
uncertain, the disturbance effect can only be eliminated by using
feedback method:
GK  1 ⇒ ≈0
1 + GK
3. The process model is inaccurate, so the steady-state error
elimination can only be happened when observing the output
n ≈ 0, GK  1 ⇒ e ≈ 0
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The problems of feedback control
 A close-loop contains a stable subject can become unstable
 Feedback control needs addition sensors
 Measurement noise can affect the control quality (notice the last
term in 3.13 and 3.14) → the need to have a good noise filter
method and a good measurement data processing
 It's hard to have a good feedback controller if we don't have a
good model.
 In some processes that have reverse acting or delayed (non
optimum phase), a feedback controller that is careless designed
may even worsen the response characteristic
 The feedback controller have slow response with load noise and
set point change

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Combined with Feed-forward control
 Example: Level control
– Feed-forward Noise compensator
– Feedback Stabilizing system and eliminating steady-state error

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Cascade control
 Question: The effect of disturbances on processes that have slow
dynamic (temperature, level and concentration) or high delayed →
single-loop controller can not bring the desired fast rate of response and
small overshoot
 Typical example: with the same opening of the valve, the pressure
change of steam/oil has high impact to flowrate


Feed Oil

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Example: Heat exchanger control
 Solution: Eliminating early the effect of disturbances using an
inside control loop, use another measurement variable.


Feed Oil

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Tow basic structures
 Classical structure (serial structure): Add an measurement variable


 Parallel structure: Add a manipulated variable


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Quality analysis (classical structure)

 Close-loop response:
K 1 L2 Gd 2
y2= (r − Gd1d1 ) + d2 , L1= K 1G1 , L2= K 2G2
1 + L2 + L1 L2 1 + L2 + L1 L2
L1 L2 (1 + L2 )Gd1 G1Gd 2
y1 = r+ d1 + d2
1 + L2 + L1 L2 1 + L2 + L1 L2 1 + L2 + L1 L2
L1 (1 + 1/ L2 )Gd1 G G /L
= r+ d1 + 1 d 2 2 d2 (3.15)
1/ L2 + 1 + L1 1/ L2 + 1 + L1 1/ L2 + 1 + L1
 With L2  1 in the consider frequency range (of L1), we have:
L1 G G1Gd 2 The effect of d2 has (3.16)
y1 ≈ r + d1 d1 + d2 s
1 + L1 1 + L1 L2 (1 + L1 ) been reduced
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When using cascade control?
 Single-loop controller doesn’t meet the quality requirements.
 It’s easy to measure and control another process variable
(that have relation with the first variable)
 The second manipulated variable shows the clear effect of the
noise that is hard to measure.
 There is a casual relationship between controlled variables
and the second manipulated variable (maybe the same
 The dynamic characteristic of the second manipulated
variable is faster than of the first variable.

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3.5 Ratio control
 Ratio control is maintaining a same ratio between two variables to
control indirectly a third variable → in fact it is a type of Feed-forward
 Example: Heat exchanger control

Steam Steam

Oil Oil

a) Detailed Implementation Diagram b) Combined Diagram

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Tow basic structures
Uncontrolled Flow Uncontrolled Flow

Set point

Real Ratio Set point

Controlled Flow Controlled Flow

a) Feedback Ratio b) Set point Flow
Calculation Calculation

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Example: Stirred-tank System Ratio Control
(combined with Feedback control)

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3.6 Selective Control
 Use a selector to select signal: A manipulated variable (an
 Select a measurement signal: Limit control
– A controlled variable
– Measurement variables (measured at different location)
– A control loop
 Select a control signal: Override control
– Two (or more) controlled variables, tow (or more) measurement
– Two (or more) control loop
→ Ensure safety

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Limit control
Controller Process
Control configurator
(max, min,...)

Example: Reactor temperature control


TT TT TT Cold water
115 116 117

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Override Control
- Controller 1
Control configurator
Controller 2

Example: Boiler control





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Override Control Application
 Avoid overflow in a distillation column by limiting the steam
flow or fuel flow.
 Prevent the state that the level is too high or too low by win
the right to intervene in control valves (feed valves and
exhaust valves)
 Prevent overpressure or over temperature in a reactor by
reducing feed heat
 Reduce feed fuel in a combustor to reduce the low oxygen
content in exhaust gas.
 Prevent the overpressure in a pipe (steam or water) by
opening the by-pass valve

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3.7 Split-range control
+ Split-Range-
• A controlled variable Controller
• Lots of manipulated variables or -

Example: Reactor temperature control


Valve opening

100 100 100%

Cold water Control signal

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3.8 MIMO system control structure
 Centralized control, Multivariable control:
– A multiple-input, multiple-output
– Design using channel separating or multi-variable method
 Decentralized control, multi-loop control:
– Divide the system into smaller problems that are easy to be solved
(single-variable or multi-variable)
– Implemented by many independent controller
 Hierarchical control
– Divide the system into partial control loops and master control
– Utilizing both decentralized and centralized controller

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Centralized controller



Example: Stirred-tank control

– Controlled variable level
and output concentration
– Manipulated variable: Input
flow w1 and w2

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Centralized controller
 Example: Two product Reflux
distillation tower
– Control-needed Feed TT

variables: Distillate & 100

bottom product 101

composition XD and
– Controlled variables:
Distillate and bottoms
product temperature
– Manipulated variable:
Reflux and feed flow
Heating medium

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Decentralized control
K1 SP1

K2 SP2



A control system that consist of many
independent feedback controller, each
connects to a set(not sharing) of output
variables (measurable) and set points
with a set of manipulated variables

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Decentralized control
 Example: Two product
distillation tower Reflux

– Control-needed
variables: Distillate & Feed fuel TC

bottom product 100

composition XD and 101

– Controlled variables:
Distillate and bottoms
product temperature XB
– Manipulated variable:
Reflux and feed flow

Heating medium
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 Centralized control
+ High quality (if the model is accurate)
+ Lots of modern design methods and tools
– Complex model construction
– Complex digital controller implementation (lack of available block library,
various sampling cycle...)
– Difficult for user to follow → Difficult to accept
– Low reliability
 Decentralized control
+ Traditionally industrially used approach, therefore high acceptance
+ Presumably high transparency
+ Easy re-adjustment of the control parameters (also auto-tuning)
+ High reliability
– Structure design is complex (one has to select the right coupling of control and
controlled variables)
– (Usually) low performance, not always available

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Decentralized control design
 Design steps:
– Select controlled variables, manipulated variables, and measurable variables
– Coupling controlled variables and manipulated variables
– Apply control strategy for each SISO system
 The arisen problems:
– When to use decentralized control?
 Assess the level of interaction between the control channels
 Assess the control quality that can be archived (the difficult of problem)
– Coupling input/output variables
 Each manipulated variable affects different controlled variables → choose the
input/output couple that have the best relation
 Simple situation → can draw conclusions by analyzing physical processes
 High input/output quantity → great coupling abilities, need a systematic method
– Assessing system quality and stability

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3.9.1 Relative Gain Array (RGA)
 RGA concept
– Purposed by Bristol in 1966 (AC-11) → indicator assessing
interaction between the input/output channels in a MIMO system
– Help selecting the pairs of controlled and manipulated variables in
designing the decentralized control structure
– Have many great characteristics in analysis the control stability and
quality of decentralized controller
 RGA is a m x m nondegenerate complex square matrix:
RGA(G ) ≡ Λ(G )  G × (G −1 )T (3.17)

With x is Hadamard product

1 −2  −1  0.4 0.2  0.4 0.6 

 Example:
= G  = , G  −0.3 0.1=
 , Λ(G ) 0.6 0.4 
 3 4     
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Explain the properties of RGA by the 2x2 example.
Consider a 2x2 system at steady-state

 g11 g12 
G (0) =  
 g 21 g 22 
 λ11 λ12   λ11 1 − λ11  1
Λ(G )  =  1 − λ = , λ (3.19)
 λ 21 λ 22   11 λ11  11 1 − g12 g 21 / g11 g 22

When u2 = 0:

∆y1 u =
g11 ∆u1
2 =0 (3.20)

When u2 ≠ 0 to remain y2=0:

g12 g 21
∆y1 y2 =0
≈ gˆ11 ∆u1= ( g11 / λ11 )∆u1= ( g11 − )∆u1 (3.21)
g 22
Indirect action
 g12 = 0
If λ11 =1 ⇒ g12 g 21 =0⇒
 g 21 = 0
→ There is no two-way interaction, easy to decentralized control.
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Generalization for m x n system
 g11 ( s ) g12 ( s )  g1m ( s ) 
 g ( s) g 22 ( s )   
y( s )
( s) 
= G=
u( s )     
 
 g m1 ( s )  g mm ( s )
Consider the sensitivity between the input variables uj and the output variables yi in
two cases:
- Without others input variables, means: uk = 0, ∀k ≠ j
= g ij  [G ]ij
∂u j
k 0, k ≠ j
- Have others input variables, as long as other output variables are constant, means:
yk = 0, ∀k ≠ i = gˆij  1 /[G −1 ] ji
∂u j
y=k 0, k ≠ i
The ration factor between two values shows the interacting level between uj and yi :

λij  g ij / gˆij = [G ]ij [G −1 ] ji ⇒ Λ(G )= G × (G −1 )T (3.18)

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Properties of RGA matrix
 Sum of the elements in each row or column is equal to one

= λ ∑
= λ ij
ij 1.0

 The RGA matrix is not affected by choice of units or scaling of variables

Λ(G ) =
Λ( D1GD2 ), ∀D1 =
diag(d1i ), D2 =
diag(d2 i )
 Exchanging two rows (columns) of G leads to exchanging two rows
(columns) of Λ(G)
 Λ(G) is an identity matrix if G is a Upper or Lower triangular matrix
(one-way interactive)
 If G(s) is a transfer function matrix, then Λ(G(jω)) is calculated
corresponding with each frequency ω in considered frequency range.
 The number RGA  Λ(G ) − I sum =∑
i≠ j
g ij is an index that show the interactive
level of the process (the most important ones are around the tần số cắt

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The pairing method of input/output variables
based on RGA
 Law 1: The pair input/output (j, i) which corresponds with
the element λij has the value near 1 around the system desired
tần số cắt, ưu tiên the number bigger than 1
– The more the range in which λij ≈ 1 is bigger, the better
– In simple cases, we can choose the transfer function at the steady-
state (s=0)
 Law 2: Avoid choose λij << 1 or λij < 0 for the system at
Example 1: Example 2:
u1 u2 u3 u4
u1 u2 u3 y1  0.931 0.150 0.080 −0.164 
y1  1.98 1.04 −2.02  y2  −0.011 −0.429 0.286 1.154 
Λ y2  −0.36 1.10 0.26 
= Λ=  
y3  −0.135 3.314 −0.270 −1.910 
y3  −0.62 −1.14 2.76   
y4  0.215 −2.030 0.900 1.919 

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The stability of decentralized control system
 With the process G(s) stabilizes
1. If each single loop is stable when others is open and the matrix Λ(G) = I
∀ω, then the whole system is stable → Select the pair so that Λ(G) ≈ I
around tần số cắt
2. If controller use the integrate element and the pair that is corresponding
with Λ(G(0)) has the negative value, then:
 The whole system is unstable, or
 The corresponding single loop is unstable, or
 The whole system is unstable when the corresponding single loop is open.
3. If controller use the integrate element and is stable when all others loop
are open, and the Niederlinski index:
detG (0)
=NI n <0

i =1
g ii (0)

Then the i control loop is unstable. With n=2, the above condition is
necessary and sufficient

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Consider the stability: The distillation column
 Steady-state model:
 x D  12,8 −18,9   L   x D   −18,9 12,8 V 
 x  =  6,6 −19, 4  V   x  =  −19, 4 6,6   L 
 B     B   
 2,01 −1,01  −1,01 2,01 
Λ≈  Λ≈ 
 −1,01 2,01   2,01 −1,01
rD rB
K1 K1
L xD L xD
V Process Process
xB V xB
K2 K2
rB rD
det G (0) det G (0)
NI = 2 NI = 2

i =1
ii (0) ∏g ii (0)
i =1
−12,8 ⋅19, 4 + 18,9 ⋅ 6,6 −18,9 ⋅ 6,6 + 12,8 ⋅19, 4
= 0, 498 = = −0,991
−12,8 ⋅19, 4 −18,9 ⋅ 6,6

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3.9.2 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

 Singular value and the singular value decomposition have

many uses in analyzing system quality
 In process control, beside the RGA analysis, the SVD is a
useful tool:
– Select controlled variables, manipulated variables, and control
– Assess the persistent of a control strategy/structure.
– Determine the best decentralized control structure

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Singular variables
 Each singular variable σ of a complex matrix A (m x n) is defined
as eigenvalues of AHA → the distance ruler of the decomposition
of A
Consider the second norm of A:
= =
A 2 max λi ( A H A ) max σ i ( A )  σ ( A ) (3.24)
i i

Ax 2
σ ( A ) max
= = max Ax 2 (3.25)
x ≠0 x2 x 2=

Ax 2 (3.26)
σ ( A ) min
= = min Ax 2
x ≠0 x2 x 2=
 Explanation:
– With the input vector x, the matrix A maps to y = Ax with the maximum
gain factor is and the minimum gain factor is
– The gain factor depends onσthe direction of vector x σ
σ /σ

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The SVD analysis and the direction dependent
 SVD analysis σ 1 
  T
A= U ΣV T = U   V , U T
U =I , V T
V =I (3.27)

 σ k 
σ = σ 1 ≥ σ 2 ≥ ... ≥ σ k = σ , k = min(m, n)
⇒ AV =Σ U , Av1 = σ u1 , Avk = σ uk (3.28)

 From the system theory point of view, if consider G(jω) is matrix

A and x is input signal vector, we can conclude some similar and
deeper explanations:
– The input vectors x have direction same with the first column of V will be
gained the most → the result is that vector y has the same direction with the
first column of U
– The input vectors x have direction same with the last column of V will be
gained the least → the result is that vector y has the same direction with the
last column of U

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Selecting the controlled variables
 Example: Select which tray in the distillation column that temperature
is controlled (The manipulated variables is the reflux flow L and
heating medium power Q)
 From chapter 2: Select the output variable that is heavy effected by the
controlled variables → corresponding with the element that have
highest value in each column of U
 0.7191691 −0.6948426 
9 −0.00773271 0.0134723  −0.0015968 −0.0828981 V = T

8 −0.2399404 0.2378752  −0.0361514 −0.0835548  −0.6948426 −0.7191691
 
7 −2.5041590 2.4223120  −0.3728142 −0.0391486 
  9.3452 0 
6 −5.9972530 5.7837800  −0.8915611 0.1473784 
Σ =
5 −1.6773120 1.6581630 U =  −0.2523673 −0.6482796   0 0.052061
 
4 0.0217166 0.0259478  −0.0002581 −0.6482796 
 0.0270092 −0.4463671
3 0.1976678 −0.1586702  
2 0.1289912 −0.1068900  0.0178741 −0.2450451
 0.0089766 −0.1182182 
6nd tray
1 0.0646059 −0.0538632 

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Condition number
 Condition number
A ) γ=
cond(= ( A) σ / σ (3.29)
 In linear algebra, cond(A) represents the sensitive of system with the
error in A or in y, or the ability to find exactly the solution of Ax = b,
the bigger cond(A), the lower ability

 1 0 10.1 0 
A=  Σ(A ) =   , cond(A ) = 101
10 1   0 0.1
If A12 changes from 0 to 0.1, then A becomes degenerate
 In system theory, cond(G(jω)) is related to the ability to control, limits
the control quality.
– The bigger the condition number, the more sensitive the system is with the
model error.
– The condition number is related to the reachable quality criteria (frequency
– The condition number depends on the scale selection/normalization.

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Note: Frequency dependent
Example: Two-product distillation tower

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Reduce the input/output variables number
 Based on Seborg et. al., 2000
– After model normalization, the SVD analysis and arranging the singular
variables in descending order, it’s possible to eliminate some input/output if:
 Example: σ i+1 < σ i /10
0.48 0.90 −0.006  −2.4376 3.0241 0.4135 
   
G (0) = 0.52 0.95 0.008  = Λ  1.2211 −0.7617 0.5407 
0.90 −0.95 0.020   2.2165 −1.2623 0.0458 

 0.5714 0.3766 0.7292   0.0541 0.9984 0.0151 

   
U  0.6035 0.4093 −0.6843  V=  0.9985 −0.0540 −0.0068 
 −0.5561 0.8311 0.0066   −0.0060 0.0154 −0.9999 

1.618 0 0 
 
∑ = 0 1.143 0 
 0 0 0.0097 
→ May consider to remove a input/output pair (u3 and y1 or y2)
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