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ethical matrix table

1. Researchers
A well being : Yes, Researchers conduct research to create new technology and new science
because humans need new technology for their survival. However, in conducting research,
you must follow the ethics of research.
Autonomy : Yes, everyone can choose what they want to.
Justice : Abstain, research is conducted secretly or illegally.

2. Other Bio-medical research

A well being : Yes, A lot of studies have been done to get the knowledge to establish a better
Autonomy : Yes, everyone can freely give an opinion.
Justice : Yes, it is a must.

3. Participants on research
A well being : No,she was aware of the goals and requirements of the study , including the
failure to fully inform the participans of their condition and to deny treatment for syphilis.
Autonomy : No, Humans in research trials are only used if no other alternative is available.
Justice : No, Because there is one group of patients who have never been offered treatment.

4. Population of African- Americans

A well being : No, when finished conducting experiments for research, researchers must pay
attention to how to humanize humans so that experiments are not tortured.
Autonomy : No, because the trial was continued without offering any treatment to the sick
person being studied.
Justice : No, just for research, it won't be sustainable.

Since the majority of opinions from the ethics matrix resulted in "No" then that means we
don't agree about the use of humans in this study.

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