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St. Vincent de Ferrer College of Camarin, Inc.

SVFC Compound, San Vicente Ferrer St. Area D, Brgy. 178 Camarin Caloocan City, 1400
Telephone Number: 7688-25-75; Email Address:


Name: Eunice Milet M. Dela Fuente

Year/Section : BSA 1ST YEAR (SAT 1-4PM)

I. Identify the following statement. Write you answer beside the number

1.The impact of natural or man-made events which resulted to temporary or

permanent changes to both social and physical environments. DISASTER
2. A sudden seismic ground-shaking caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
3. A destruction of forest due to intense heat brought about by fire. WILD FIRE
4.The released molten solid elements known as lava that resulted devastation of
living creatures around. VOLCANIC ERUPTION
5. It involves armed encounters between hostile forces. ARMED CONFLICT AND
6. A classes of fire originating from electrically charged or mechanical devices which
ccan only be extinguished by removing the oxygen or fuel CLASS C
7. A fast moving huge waves coming from the sea commonly caused by the eruption
of underwater volcanoes, earthquakes, or even the impact of meteorites. TSUNAMI
8. The act of soliciting or demanding, either directly or indirectly, sexual favors by a
person of higher stature than the victim. SEXUAL HARASSMENT
9. The unlawful killing of another human being with direct intent or a forethought.
10. It feeds on heat released when moist air rises, resulting in condensation of water
vapor contained in the moist air produces strong winds and torrential rain.
11. Causes by lack of efficient drainage system or a relief system that will drain the
excess water FLOOD
12. The immediate cascading of huge volume of soil particles from higher ground to
the lower level usually caused by the strong current of water from the mountain or hill
13. A condition in which the soil dries up, commonly caused by intense heat and the
absence of rainfall. DROUGHT
14. An act of unlawfully taking one’s property but in the absence of direct intent,
force, or intimidation. ROBBERY
15. Unlawful and deliberate burning of one’s property. ARSON
St. Vincent de Ferrer College of Camarin, Inc.
SVFC Compound, San Vicente Ferrer St. Area D, Brgy. 178 Camarin Caloocan City, 1400
Telephone Number: 7688-25-75; Email Address:

II. Give what is asked

1. 6 Effects of disaster
- Injury or loss of life
- Damage to property and infrastructure
- Disruption of economic activities
- Disruption of essential services
- Environmental damage
- Psycho-social interference

2. 3 Elements of fire
- Oxygen
- Heat
- Fuel

3. 3 Behavior of fire
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation

4. 5 fire prevention measures

- Do not store flammable / combustible materials near cooking
appliances or heating devices.
- Do not make a bonfire near flammable or combustible materials.
- Keep matches, lighters and ignition devices out of children’s reach.
- Do not play with fire.
- Unplug all appliances when not in use.

5. 5 things to do before, during and after an earthquake

- When inside the house or building, hide under the table.
- At the kitchen, stay away form the stove, refrigerator, and cabinet. Shut
off electrical appliances.
- Do not run towards the exit door to avoid being caught in a stampede.
Look for a safe place to hide.
- When outside the house or building, stay in an open area.
- While driving, stop and stay at the safest side of the road.

6. 5 things to do before, during and after a storm of typhoon.

- Inspect the whole house structure, especially the roof.
- Cut the branches of a tree that reach toward your house.
- Keep an emergency kit at home.
- Stay inside the house and listen to the radio for important bulletin or
- Wait for the bulletin on the status of the typhoon)storm before going
outside the house.
St. Vincent de Ferrer College of Camarin, Inc.
SVFC Compound, San Vicente Ferrer St. Area D, Brgy. 178 Camarin Caloocan City, 1400
Telephone Number: 7688-25-75; Email Address:
7. 5 things to do before, during and after a flood
- Clean the canals.
- Perpare enough supply of food and water.
- Prepare life vests and other safety gadgets.
- Be ready with portable boat or raft.
- Domesticated animals should be placed in safer grounds.

8. 5 crime prevention outside and at home.

- Avoid walking alone.
- Carry a whistle in your hand which is ready to use when sensing trouble
to catch attention.
- Don’t accept rides from strangers.
- Make sure the family members know the general whereabouts of
everyone for the day.
- Verify the identity of the called on the phone before giving any

9. 5 crime prevention for youngster

- Do not accept invitations or gifts from strangers.
- Go straight home after school.
- Report suspicious characters around the house or school to someone in
- Avoid loitering in dark places.
- Keep your personal belongings in safe places before leaving the house
or dormitories.

10. If you will be given a chance to become the head of City Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Council what problem of our community should be
immediately address? Why?

If I will be given a chance to become the head of City Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Council, The main problem in my city that I will immediately
address is the act of rape in most teenage woman. I’m a woman. I know how
it feels to be discriminated against your whole life. Nowadays, there’s still
some bad people out there who rape teenage girls. They’re helpless and can’t
fight on their own. So as a head of this management, I will prioritize the safety
of all woman in my city. I will strengthen the security in each place so that if
there’s a rape case going on, we will find the rapist and make them pay.

11. Write 5 things you will going to do incase there is an earthquake while you are
inside the school or workplace make it precise and detailed.

First, I will find a safe place to hide. Second, I will find a hard thing that can be
my helmet or cover to avoid my head from getting hit. Third, I will stay still until
the shaking of the ground stops. Fourth, I will check if it’s already safe to go
outside. And lastly, I will go outside and find someone to call for help and take
me to the safest place.

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