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Incidence of premature greying of hair is on a hike, attributing its cause to modern
life style, mental stress and dietary imbalance. Homoeopathy being a holistic system
of medicine is capable of exploring into the deep-rooted causes for premature
greying and provide effective treatment based on concept of individualisation and
constitutional approach.

Key words-Premature greying, Homoeopathy, anti-syphilitic remedies

Abbreviation –PGH( Premature greying of hair)

Premature greying of hair (PGH) is defined as greying of hair before the age of 20
years in Caucasians and before 30 years in African American population. Greying of
hair also called canities or achromotrichia occurs with normal aging. However, the
age at which it occurs varies in different races.

Healthy hair is a sign of general well-being and youth. Unlike other animals, the
function of hair in human beings is being debated. Nevertheless, hair serves as a
great aesthetic tool and means of nonverbal communication. Hair colour and style
can significantly alter the physical appearance of a person and thus alter his/her
body image. As greying of hair is perceived as a sign of old age, premature greying
of hair (PGH) can bear an adverse effect on the self-esteem of the individual.

Hair pigmentation
Hair pigmentation is one of the most unique features in humans ranging from black,
brown, and blonde to red. The colour of human hair is due to pigment melanin
produced by melanocytes which are neural crest derivatives. Human hair follicles
contain two types of melanin as follows: Eumelanin and Pheomelanin. The diversity
of hair colour arises mostly from the quantity and ratio of black-brown eumelanin and
reddish-brown pheomelanin. It has been hypothesized that the pH and cysteine level
of melanosomes influences the phenotype of hair. As pH reduces, there is a
progressive reduction in tyrosinase activity leading to increased pheomelanin and
reddish or blonde hair.

There are various differences between pigmentation in the skin and that of hair.
Each melanocyte is associated with five keratinocytes in the hair bulb forming a “hair
follicle-melanin unit.” In contrast, each melanocyte in the skin is associated with 36
keratinocytes constituting an “epidermal-melanin unit.”

Unlike in the skin where pigment production is continuous, melanogenesis in the hair
is closely associated with stages of the hair cycle. Hair is actively pigmented in the
anagen phase and is “turned off” during the catagen phase and absent during

Aetiology of premature greying of hair

Aetiology of greying is incompletely understood. It is a complex multi-factorial
process mainly considered to be interplay of nutritional, genetic and environmental

 Nutritional deficiencies like vitamin B12 deficiency, severe iron

deficiency, chronic protein loss, copper deficiency ow serum ferritin, and
low serum calcium and vitamin D3 levels are often found associated
with premature greying of hair .
 Premature greying of hair has been observed with greater frequency
among certain families, suggesting a familial predisposition for the
condition. May occur alone as an autosomal dominant condition or in
association with various autoimmune or premature aging
syndromes. Down syndrome(trisomy 21) is characterized by features of
accelerated ageing including premature greying of hair and
deficient DNA repair .
 Stress causing over-activation of the sympathetic nervous system
increases nor adrenaline release in hair follicles. This overproduction
causes depletion of the melanocyte stem cells which are required to
produce melanin, the pigment responsible for hair colour.    Numerous
studies have demonstrated increased oxidative load due to
psychological stress implying that even emotional factors play a role in
premature greying.
 Smoking is another factor that is considered to be related to premature
greying of hair. Smoking results in generation of huge amount of
reactive oxygen species leading to increased oxidative stress
culminating into damage to melanin producing cells, melanocytes.
 Oxidative stress can also be a result of ultraviolet (UV) rays, pollution,
emotional factors, or inflammatory causes.
 Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause PGH through unknown mechanism.
About 55% of patients with pernicious anaemia had greying before 50
years as compared to 30% in the control group.
 Decreased thyroid hormones cause premature greying, alopecia, and
changes in hair morphology. Thyroid hormones T3 and T4 act on hair
follicles directly to increase melanogenesis.

General management

 Diet -A person’s diet plays a part in preventing premature greying .

Antioxidant-rich foods include: fresh fruits, vegetables, green tea, olive
oil and fish.
 Addressing deficiencies-Individuals with premature greying resulting
from a vitamin deficiency should consume foods loaded with those
vitamins. Vitamin B12 -Seafood, eggs, and meats are good sources
 Vitamin D -Milk, salmon, and cheese are excellent sources
 Vitamin C-bell peppers, dark leafy greens, kiwis, broccoli, berries, citrus
fruits, tomatoes, peas, and papayas.
 Copper and zinc- Kidney beans, potatoes, lentils, mushrooms, raisins,
cashew nuts, almonds, liver, and
Consume calcium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium and proteins to
check hair loss & premature greying.
 Drink plenty of water – Aids to eliminate toxins and regulate
 Lifestyle modification Quit Smoking-Smoking is one of the sources of
the free development of radicals in your body, which cause oxidative
stress. This may lead to a decline in the pigmenting capacity and
melanin, which result in greying of hairs. Researchers have found a link
between the habit and loss of hair pigmentation
 Faulty diet: Consumption of junk food and processed food may
increase oxidative stress and deposition of Advanced Glycation End
 Practice yoga and meditation –Promotes reduction of stress and
anxiety thus improving physical and mental health.
 Natural remedies- They offer an alternative to slow down premature
greying without harming the body or causing further hair pigment
 Curry leaves: The medicinal use of curry leaves goes back to centuries.
When combined with hair oil and applied to the scalp, curry leaves can
slow premature greying.
 Bhringaraj: The false daisy or Bhringaraj will darken hair, it’s a trusted
source. The juice of the leaves is boiled in coconut oil or sesame oil and
massaged into the hair.
 Indian gooseberry. Also called Amla, this is an herbal supplement
recognized for reversing premature greying by promoting pigmentation.
Its effectiveness is believed to be because the gooseberry is rich in
antioxidants and anti-aging properties. The powder can be mixed with
coconut oil and applied directly to the scalp.
 Black tea. Black tea can make hair darker, shinier and softer. It can be
used by steeping 3 to 5 tea bags in 2 cups of boiling water, cooling and
adding to clean, wet hair. Tea can also be mixed with conditioner, left in
the hair for 1 hour, and then rinsed out.

Homoeopathic management-
Homoeopathic constitutional medicines are individual specific; they control the
further spread by treating the underlying cause. However, in cases attributed to a
hereditary cause greying cannot be reversed it can be effectively controlled. The
effectiveness of the system lies in its holistic approach towards the sick individual
through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical
levels. When premature gray hair   is concerned there are many effective medicines
available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the
patient, considering mental and physical symptoms. Along with treatment a good
dietary guidance is very important

Maismatic correlation based on –The Principles and Art of Cure by H. A


Patient afflicted with the syphilitic taint suffers from structural changes; yet the
emotional sphere in the purely syphilitic patient is not seriously affected. For this
reason, in the syphilitic patient we find less subjective symptoms.
Grief, sorrow and worry are potent influences to develop these manifestations; or it
may be exposure to the elements, a slight accident, stress of business relationship,
or any one of many other causes, that starts the irritation; but unless this is met by
the art of the similar antisyphilitic remedy, he passes his days in discomfort and
distress and comes to a premature old age.

Homoeopathic Remedies–
Lycopodium: Premature greying of hair in spots. An excellent antisyphilitic remedy
for halting the process of greying of hair when the de-pigmentation of hair occurs in
spots. All the patients for whom Lycopodium can be of great help usually suffer from
gastric troubles like constipation and Flatulence.

Phosphoric acid: Antisyphilitic remedy for premature greying of hair resulting from

grief and depression. It can be accompanied by thinning or falling out of hair. The
patient feels very hopeless, sad, and becomes indifferent to all affairs of life. Extreme
exhaustion and weakness are symptoms in all the persons requiring this
Homoeopathic medicine. Phosphoric Acid helps both in making the patient come out
of grief and restoring the pigmentation of hair that has been destroyed by the bad
effects of grief.

Phosphorus: Excellent Antisyphilitic remedy acts wonderfully to prevent the further

greying of hair. The greying of hair may be accompanied by hair fall or dandruff. The
scalp is itchy. Peculiar desires in eating like cold drinks, juice and ice creams
standout for using this Homoeopathic medicine.

Natrum Mur:  Premature greying of hair of anaemic or weak persons. It helps to

improve the general health of the patient and raise the immunity to combat the
greying of hair. The persons who can greatly benefit from Natrum Mur may also
suffer from severe headaches, which get worse in the heat of the sun. There may
also be an unusual craving for salt in excess.

Silicea: Premature greying of hair with the improper digestive system. Beneficial for
treating grey hair when the digestive power, mainly absorption power of intestines, is
improper and weak. Due to weak absorption, the nutrients from food are not properly
absorbed and utilized. Deficiency in the nutrients leads to many troubles and greying
of hair is one outcome .Silicea improves the absorptive capacity of the intestines and
assimilation of nutrients. Persons benefitting by Silicea have increased sweating on
the scalp. Offensive sweat is seen on the feet and axillae. The feet may also have
sweat with bad odour and Sensitivity to cold air.

Vinca minor: Premature greying of hair in spots of great help for halting the greying
of hair. Best remedy when the hair has fallen in spots and replaced by grey hair.
Vinca Minor acts naturally in pigmenting such hair also used for the treatment of
eruptions on the scalp with discharges resulting in sticking of hair together.

Thyroidinum — Best for premature greying of hair and hair loss due to imbalance of
thyroid hormones. Thyroidinum stops greying and falling of hair.

Homoeopathic system of medicine based on the concept of miasmatic analysis and
individualisation is beneficial in arresting the process of premature greying through
holistic treatment in association with lifestyle and dietary modification.

Dr. Sohera Talat khan

Asso. Professor
Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelgaon, Jalna,
Dr. Amareen Kausar
MD (Hom) part II
Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, shelgaon, Jalna,

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