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Topic: Case study on how and why hair loss occurs in

human being
NAME: E. Manoj Kumar
I am overwhelmed in humbleness and gratefulness to
acknowledge my depth who have helped me to put these
ideas together well and with out whom this project would not
have been reality .

Firstly , I would like to express my special thanks to my

HOD Mrs. Gajalakshmi and school for providing me this
opportunity to do the project . I am highly indedebted to my
biology teacher Mrs. Kavitha for her valuable guidance in
completing my project .

Any attempt at any level can’t be satisfactory completed

without the support and guidance of my parents and friends.

I would like to extend my gratitude to my parents and

friends who helped me a lot in gathering information ,
collecting data and guiding me from time to time in making
this project unique .



Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is a common condition that

affects millions of individuals worldwide, regardless of age,
gender. Hair loss refers to the gradual or sudden loss of hair
from the parts of the body where hair normally grows. Hair
loss can be temporary or permanent, and it can have various
causes depending on the individual and their lifestyle. It can
significantly impact a person's self-esteem, psychological
well-being, and overall quality of life.
Understanding the occurrence and consequence of hair loss is
crucial for healthcare professionals, researchers, and
individuals seeking effective management strategies and this
case study aims to study the aspects of hair loss, including its
causes, types, diagnostic approaches, and available treatment
This case study aims to discover the causes and impact of hair
loss in some individuals life such as Ram kumar.S, Krishana
Patient Profile:
1) Name: Ram kumar.S
Age: 45 years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Office worker
S.Ram kumar, a 45-year-old male office worker, was suffering
from male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) when he
was _ and took treatment for it when he reached a critical
stage of androgenetic alopecia. This case study aims to
explore the possible reasons behind ram kumar’s hair loss
and his medical journey, how it impacted on his life
Patient History:
Ram kumar has a family history of male pattern baldness, as
his father and older brother also experienced significant hair
loss in their 30s. He has a generally healthy lifestyle,
maintaining a balanced diet. Ram kumar does not smoke or
consume excessive amounts of alcohol. He has not
undergone any significant physical or emotional stressors.
Hair fall can occur due to various factors, including genetics,
hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, stress, medical
conditions, certain medications, and improper hair care
practices. Understanding the causes behind hair fall is crucial
in determining the appropriate treatment or preventive
Genetic factors play a significant role in hair fall, with
conditions such as male and female pattern baldness being
inherited traits. Hormonal changes, particularly in conditions
like pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or hormonal
imbalances, can lead to temporary hair loss. Nutritional
deficiencies, especially deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and
proteins essential for hair growth, can weaken the hair
follicles and contribute to hair fall
Stress is another factor that can impact hair health. Emotional
or physical stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to
increased shedding. Additionally, certain medical conditions
like thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases, scalp infections,
and alopecia areata can result in hair loss.

Certain medications used for cancer, depression, arthritis,

and other conditions may have hair loss as a side effect.
Moreover, improper hair care practices, such as excessive use
of heat styling tools, frequent chemical treatments, tight
hairstyles, or rough handling of hair, can weaken the hair
shaft and lead to breakage and hair fall.
It is important to note that the treatment or management of
hair fall depends on identifying the underlying cause. In some
cases, hair fall may be temporary and resolve on its own,
while in others, it may require medical intervention or
lifestyle changes. Consulting a dermatologist or a trichologist
(hair specialist) can help diagnose the cause and provide
appropriate guidance.
The most common type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia,
also known as male-pattern or female-pattern baldness. It is
characterized by a progressive thinning of hair in specific
patterns. In men, it typically starts with a receding hairline
and thinning on the crown, while women tend to experience
overall thinning of hair on the top of the scalp.
Other types of hair loss include:

 Telogen effluvium: This type is often caused by a significant

physical or emotional stressor, causing a large number of
hair follicles to enter the resting (telogen) phase
prematurely and eventually fall out. It is usually temporary
and hair regrowth occurs once the underlying cause is

 Alopecia areata: It is an autoimmune condition where the

immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, leading
to patchy hair loss on the scalp or other areas of the body.
Hair can regrow spontaneously or with treatment, but it
may recur.

 Traction alopecia: Caused by constant tension or pulling of

the hair, often due to tight hairstyles like braids, ponytails,
or extensions. If the tension persists, it can result in
permanent hair loss.
 Medical conditions and treatments: Certain medical
conditions such as thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalances,
scalp infections, and certain medications like
chemotherapy can cause hair loss. Hair may grow back
once the underlying condition is treated or the medication
is stopped.

 Nutritional deficiencies: Inadequate intake of essential

nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamins can affect hair growth
and lead to hair loss.

Treatment options for hair loss vary depending on the

underlying cause and the individual's preferences. They can
include medications, topical treatments, hair transplant
surgery, low-level laser therapy, and lifestyle changes to
promote hair health.
 Investigate the potential causes of hair loss: Hair loss can
arise from a variety of factors, including genetic, hormonal
imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, medical conditions,
medication side effects, and environmental factors. By
examining a individual’s medical history, lifestyle, and
conducting appropriate tests, we can identify the possible
causes contributing to hair loss.
 Determine the type and severity of alopecia: Alopecia
encompasses various types, such as androgenetic alopecia
(pattern baldness), alopecia areata (autoimmune-related),
telogen effluvium (stress-induced), and others.
 Explore available treatment options: Treatment options
for hair loss range from topical medications, oral
medications, and surgical interventions to non-invasive
procedures such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy and
laser therapy. By considering their efficacy, side effects,
and suitability for the individuals we can recommend them
a suitable treatment option.
Materials required

o Knowledge on how hair loss occurs.

o Scientific articles and research papers on hairloss.
o Report from the hospitals which examined the type and
severity of hairloss.
o Online and offline resources on hairfall .
o Laboratory notebooks for documenting and results.
o Information on hairloss from biology textbooks and
o Information on the individual’s medical history.
 Investigate the various causes of hairloss such as
hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, stress,
medical conditions, certain medications, and improper
hair care practices.
 Explore the impact of environment, age, genetic factors,
lifestyle, food habits etc.. on hairloss.
 Analyze available data on hairloss to identify the area
where we should focus.
 Examine the potential role of psychological factors,
stress, and emotional well-being on hairloss.
 Review and evaluate the existing diagnostic tools and
techniques used to assess hairloss, including medical
history evaluation, physical examinations, hormone
testing, imaging studies, and genetic testing.
 Explore and evaluate the various treatment options
available for Hairloss, such as medication, topical
treatments, hair transplant surgery, low-level laser
therapy, and lifestyle changes to promote hair health.
 Investigate the success rates, risks, associated with
different treatment modalities.
Based on the symptoms and family history, Ram kumar is
diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia, also known as male
pattern baldness. It is the most common type of hair loss in
men and can also affect women. Androgenetic alopecia is
characterized by a progressive, patterned hair loss that occurs
due to a combination of genetic and hormonal factors.

Genetic Factors:
Androgenetic alopecia has a strong genetic predisposition.
Ram kumar’s family history of male pattern baldness
indicates a genetic component. The condition is inherited
from both parents and can be influenced by multiple genes.

Hormonal Factors:
Hormones play a significant role in hair growth and loss. In
androgenetic alopecia, the hormone dihydrotestosterone
(DHT) plays a crucial role. DHT is derived from testosterone
by the action of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. DHT
binds to specific receptors in the hair follicles, miniaturizing
them over time and leading to shorter and finer hair strands.
Sensitivity of Hair Follicles:
Hair follicles in individuals with androgenetic alopecia are
genetically predisposed to be more sensitive to the effects of
DHT. This sensitivity leads to a process known as follicular
miniaturization, where the hair follicles become progressively
smaller and produce thinner hair strands. Eventually, the hair
follicles may become unable to produce visible hair, resulting
in baldness.
This male pattern baldness caused much bigger issue in Ram
kumar’s life both emotionally and socially. When the severity
of male pattern baldness increased, it lowered his self esteem
and made him emotionally distress about his condition. It
also had certain impact on his relationship and social

Hair fall though thought of as a cosmetic problem can cause a

lot of psychological problems and there is a lack of literature
in the Indian sub-continent about this disfiguring and
distressing condition. Data collected by Traya, a holistic hair
loss solution start-up, reveals that over 150 million Indians in
their early 20s suffer from hair fall, balding and greying. This
translated to 9/10 Indians facing genetic hair fall at least once
in their lifetime due to underlying health conditions. Experts
believe that apart from a genetic predisposition to the
hormone DHT, genetic hair fall is further accelerated by a
number of underlying root causes

Percentage of people who experince hairfall in india

People who experince hair loss People who does not experince hair loss



Ram kumar started taking medications knowing the result
and side effects of it after consulting a dermatologist about
his severity of androgenetic alopecia. He said that the
medications that were suggested by the dermatologist were

topical minoxidil- It is a lotion-based medication, the

dermatologist suggested applying it twice a day and approx.
for 3 to 6 months for better results. It helps to reduce hair
loss which is caused by hair follicles. It is commonly used
over-the-counter medication that helps stimulate hair growth
and slow down hair loss.
Oral finasteride- Prescription medication that inhibits the
conversion of testosterone to DHT, reducing the effects of
DHT on hair follicles.
Ram kumar said that after following what his doctor told him
for about 5 months he saw significant hair growth on his head
and he also said that the amount of hair that he was loosing
was also reduced. But he also stated that he stopped the
medications that he was taking for his hair due to its side

In conclusion, this case study has shed light on the
multifaceted nature of hair loss and its impact on individuals'
physical and psychological well-being. Through an in-depth
analysis of various factors, including genetics, hormonal
imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, stress, and lifestyle
choices, we have gained valuable insights into the
complexities underlying this condition.

Our findings highlights the importance of a general approach

to hair loss management, emphasizing the need for
personalized treatment plans that consider the unique
circumstances and underlying causes for each individual.
While certain interventions, such as topical treatments,
medications, or hair transplant procedures, can yield positive
results, they must be complemented by lifestyle
modifications, including a balanced diet, stress reduction
techniques, and a consistent hair care routine.

Moreover, our investigation has highlighted the significance

of early detection and intervention in minimizing the extent
and severity of hair loss. Regular scalp examinations, coupled
with proactive measures like using gentle hair products and
avoiding excessive heat or chemical treatments, can
contribute to maintaining healthy hair and preventing further
damage. Additionally, fostering a supportive environment
and encouraging open dialogue around hair loss can help
alleviate the emotional distress often associated with this
Furthermore, this case study has illuminated the potential
psychological impact of hair loss, including diminished self-
esteem, social anxiety, and feelings of self-consciousness. As
such, healthcare professionals should consider integrating
counseling services or support groups into treatment plans to
address the emotional well-being of individuals experiencing
hair loss.

Moving forward, it is crucial to continue advancing research

and development in the field of hair loss to better understand
its underlying mechanisms and identify more effective
treatment modalities. By fostering interdisciplinary
collaborations between dermatologists, trichologists,
geneticists, and psychologists, we can work towards
unraveling the complexities of hair loss and developing
innovative solutions that improve the quality of life for those
In conclusion, this case study emphasizes the need for a
comprehensive and compassionate approach to hair loss,
encompassing medical interventions, lifestyle modifications,
and psychological support. By adopting a patient-centric
approach and continuing to explore new avenues of research,
we can strive towards enhancing our understanding of hair
loss and ultimately empowering individuals to regain
confidence and well-being in their lives.


 Class 12 ncert biology text book

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