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Nama : Ariel Bisma Wiryamanto

NIM : B220221011
Kelompok : 4



After defeating Owen Shaw and his crew and securing amnesty for their past crimes,
Dominic “Dom” Toretto, Brian O’Conner, and the rest of their team had returned to the United
States to live normal lives again. Brian began to accustom himself to life as a father, while Dom
tried to help Letty Ortiz regain her memories. Meanwhile, Owen’s older brother, Deckard Shaw,
broke into the secure hospital the comatose Owen was being held in and swears vengeance
against Dom, before breaking into Luke Hobbs’ DSS office to extract profiles of Dom’s crew.
After revealing his identity, Shaw engaged Hobbs in a fight and escapes when he detonated a
bomb that severely injures Hobbs. Dom later learned from his sister Mia that she was pregnant
again and convinced her to tell Brian. However, a bomb, disguised in a package sent from
Tokyo, exploded and destroyed the Toretto house just seconds after Han, a member of their
team, was killed by Shaw in Tokyo. Dom later visited Hobbs in a hospital, where he learned that
Shaw was a rogue special forces assassin seeking to avenge his brother. Dom then traveled to
Tokyo to claim Han’s body and met and raced Sean Boswell, a friend of Han’s who gave him
personal items found at Han’s crash site.
At Han’s funeral in Los Angeles, Dom noticed a car observing them, and after a chase,
confronts its driver, Shaw. Both prepared to fight, Shaw slipped away when a covert ops team
arrived and opened fire. The team was led by a man who called himself Mr. Nobody, who said
that he would assist Dom in stopping Shaw if he helped him obtain the God’s Eye, a computer
program that used digital devices to track down a person, and saved its creator, a hacker named
Ramsey, from a mercenary named Mose Jakande. Dom, Brian, Letty, Roman Pearce, and Tej
Parker then airdrop their cars over the Caucasus Mountains in Azerbaijan, ambush Jakande’s
convoy, and rescue Ramsey. The team then went to Abu Dhabi, where a billionaire had acquired
the flash drive containing the God’s Eye, and managed to steal it from the owner. With the God’s
Eye near telecommunications repeaters, the team tracked down Shaw, who was waiting at a
remote factory. Dom, Brian, Mr. Nobody, and his team attempted to capture Shaw, but were
ambushed by Jakande and his team, and were forced to flee while Jakande obtained the God’s
Eye. At his own request, Mr. Nobody left to be evacuated by helicopter. Left with no other
choice, the team returned to Los Angeles to fight Shaw, Jakande, and his men. Meanwhile, Brian
promised Mia that once they dealt with Shaw, he would dedicate himself entirely to their
family. While Jakande pursued Brian and the rest of the team with a stealth helicopter and an
aerial drone, Ramsey attempted to hack into the God’s Eye. Hobbs, seeing the team in trouble,
left the hospital and destroyed the drone with an ambulance. Ramsey then regained control of the
God’s Eye and locked it down. Meanwhile, Dom and Shaw engaged in a one-on-one brawl in a
parking garage, before Jakande intervened and attacked them both. Shaw was defeated when part
of the parking garage collapsed beneath him. Dom then launched his vehicle at Jakande’s
helicopter, tossing Shaw’s bag of grenades onto skidded, before injuring himself when his car
landed and crashes. Hobbs then shot the bag of grenades from ground level, destroying the
helicopter and killing Jakande. Dom was pulled from the wreckage of his car, believed dead. As
Letty cradled Dom’s body in her arms, she revealed that she had regained her memories and that
she remembered their wedding. Dom regained consciousness soon after, remarking, “It’s about
Shaw was taken into custody by Hobbs and locked away in a secret, high-security prison,
32 meters underground. At a beach, Brian and Mia played with their son while Dom, Letty,
Roman, Tej, and Ramsey observed, acknowledging that Brian was better off retired with his
family. Dom silently left, but Brian caught up with him at a crossroad. As Dom remembers the
times that he had with Brian, they bid each other farewell and drive off in separate directions.

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