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Agency : Universitas Gajah Putih Takengon

Name : Wahyono
NPM : 170302017
Thesis Title : Analysis of Social Behavior of Adolescent Social Media
Users (Case Study Accommodated Telege Sari)

Technology is a thing that is difficult to separate from human life. Today,

television, radio, mobile phones (HP), and various electronic devices are not only
included in urban communities, but also in rural communities. Social media has
entered the main rural area in telege sari village. Social media becomes the most
widely used media of teenagers in Telege Sari village, the use of social media by
teenagers has become a necessity, teenagers are better off staying at home with
their smartphones than chatting with the surrounding environment, so that social
behavior owned by teenagers does not develop well.
The goal in this study was to find out how social media affects the social
behavior of adolescents in telege sari and what are the causes of changes in
deviant social behavior in adolescents in the telege sari container. Descriptive
qualitative research is fact-finding with proper interpretation, studying problem
problems in society, as well as certain situations including about relationships,
activities, attitudes, and ongoing processes and the influence of a phenomenon. In
qualitative research the methods that are usually utilized are interviews,
observations, and utilization of documents.
The results explained that the youth of Telege Sari village due to excessive
use of social media so that it affects behavior changes in adolescents such as lazy
to learn, lazy to communicate / participate in religious social activities directly and
the onset of indifference to the surrounding environment because it is cool to open
social media. Because adolescence that should be used to do good things such as
helping parents while working in the garden or rice fields but instead more often
choose at home. Using a mobile phone alone is actually not good for eye health.
Almost 80% use mobile phones. They make various social media as entertainment
to relieve boredom and to laze.
The cause of changes in deviant behavior in adolescents is closely related
to psychological development so that it is basically a natural development and
everyone will or has experienced it, in addition to the physical growth of
adolescents also experiencing cognitive development and emotions an entry in
adolescence will begin to think logically and abstractly act aggressively as tends
to fight all rules given to him as well as the use of Social media by teenagers,
teenagers are still in search of their identity has a curiosity that is very high so in
the use of media is very difficult to control, parents of teenagers are also difficult
to prevent the use of social media by teenagers, Because at this time teenagers will
be more likely to behave negatively towards their master people, for example
committing violations of the rules set, coupled with the dependence of teenagers
on telecommunication devices that are mobile phones in which there is social
media makes teenagers rarely chat with their parents and with the surrounding
community, because teenagers prefer to chat with their peers.

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