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Starfish are echinoderms (spiny skinned sea urchins).

They are also known as sea stars and are not really
fish despite the name been given to them.

Starfish cannot swim.

They do not use gills to breathe.

Octopuses are sea animals famous for their rounded
bodies, bulging eyes, and eight long arms.

Octopuses, like their cousin, the squid, are often

considered “monsters of the deep,”

Most octopuses stay along the ocean’s floor.

If threatened, octopuses shoot an inky fluid that darkens

the water,
Crabs are decapod crustaceans which have a very
short tail

Crabs are covered with a thick shell, or exoskeleton.

Crabs are armed with a single pair of claws.

There are over 6,793 species of crab spread across the

oceans, fresh water, and even on land.
Prawns are crustaceans similar in appearance
to shrimps, but they can be distinguished by the gill
structure which is branching in prawns and not
in shrimp.

The prawn is also related to the crab and the lobster.

Prawns are found in calmer waters.

Prawns lay eggs in the water.

The prawn feeds by filtering nutritious particles out

of the water flowing around the prawn.
Turtles that live in the ocean are called sea turtles.

Generally, sea turtles prefer warm seas and stay in

shallow coastal areas like lagoons and bays.

Sea turtles are from the animal class of reptile.

This means they are cold-blooded, have scaly skin,

breathe air, and lay eggs.

There are seven types of species of sea turtles. These

include loggerhead, leatherback, olive ridley, hawksbill,
flatback, green, and Kemp's ridley sea turtles.

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