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Peter looked out of his window.

It has been raining for the whole week, and not a

glimpse of sunlight was spotted at all. He stared at the flooding streets and roads.

People wore the tallest rain boots they had to not get their feet wet and walked

carefully to not slip nor step over the many massive puddles. Peter stared at the

raindrops that hit the surface of his window and rolled down, creating a combination

of abstract streaks of water. Today was the most depressing day for Peter, who had

been bored all day long. His soccer tournament was supposed to be held in an hour,

but was sadly cancelled due to the never- ending rainstorms.

“Maybe you’d cheer up if you dress warmly and go outside to smell the fresh air?”

suggested his mother when she saw him terribly upset that morning.

Peter went and rummaged through his closet until he found his blue raincoat and

umbrella. He put on his coat, went outside, and opened his umbrella. As he walked

glumly along the sidewalk, the rain started to get heavier and heavier. The town was

covered in blur and the wind started to blow harder. It blew so hard that peter lost

control over his umbrella, which flew out of his hand and into the air, and so he

started to chase frantically after it. However, as he was running, his feet slipped, and

he fell into a muddy puddle. Anger and embarrassment rushed through poor Peters


“May the clouds never bring rain again!” he cried.

He got back up and kept chasing after his umbrella. When he reached it and caught

the handle before it flew too high above. However, he was shocked to notice that he

was being lifted upward into the air.

“The wind can’t be that strong!” thought Peter, whom now started crying for help.
Although he was yelling at the top of his lungs, nobody seemed to notice a

9-year-old boy hovering above. Poor Peter was so scared to fall that he closed his

eyes tightly. The rain suddenly disappeared, but that didn’t help the weather, for

Peter’s hands felt numb and his arms were starting to ache. His hands slipped off his

umbrella, and he thought that he was going to die, but instead he fell on something

soft and fluffy.

He opened his eyes to see that he was sitting on a cloud the size of his bed.

Peter was amazed at what he saw. Beneath him, he could see the town and how

large it was. As he looked closer, he saw tiny, colorful, moving spots that he thought

were either umbrellas or cars. A surprising gust of wind hit Peter, but somehow he

held on to his cloud. The many other clouds around him started moving unitedly in

one direction- just as his cloud started moving with them.

An hour later, Peter looked down again. He realized that he wasn’t in his city

anymore. In fact, below him was the driest desert he could have ever imagined. The

plants were dry and the sun was blazing hot. Animals were gathering outside

anxiously. Peter watched an amazing sight, of which nobody might have ever seen


In the direction that the wind traveled in, there was the plain desert. However, when

looking behind, the rain clouds covered nearly half of the desert. Another hour

passed by, leaving Peter thrilled about being the only human who had seen the

clouds pouring rain from above, but at the same moment, he was upset.

“Now how am I supposed to get back home?” he thought.

When the clouds cleared away, Peter saw the ground below him. It was covered in

bright colors and animals moved around. Flowers suddenly bloomed in many vibrant

colors. What seemed to be a dry and lifeless desert was now the most amazing sight

in the world. The cloud still traveled on, with Peter sitting atop of it.

Not long after, Peter found himself flying over his city, which still had rain pouring

over it. The cloud gently got lower and lower to the ground. Though it got lower at an

unusual rate, nobody around the cloud seemed to notice it. When Peter reached

close to the ground, he jumped off and thought for a moment. A smile crossed his


“Thank you, rain!” he cried, and so he ran back home not minding the rain that

soaked him at all.


Writing Strategies:

One of the writing strategies that I find easier to use is to start by generating my

ideas together before I start writing my story. When I am done I like to organize my

ideas to form a paragraph, which would be the summary of my story. Next I would

apply details to my story to help in extending it. When finishing the story, I would

reread it and edit the spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Usually, I would have

some trouble thinking about the type of ending I would give my story, whether it

would be a cliffhanger and then a happy ending, or skipping to the happy ending

right away. I also have trouble in finding a perfect conflict and climax sometimes. To

help improve my writing in the future, perhaps I should practice on writing more

climaxes and conflicts, the next more interesting than the other.

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