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Moving Backwards

By: Emma Shipley

Sometimes I swear we age backwards; I am not talking about physically like in the

movie, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” but emotionally. Girls enter this world believing

they are beautiful and rarely tend to question it. Then before we know it, we have a completely

different set image that never seems to be good enough, so what changed?

We go from being proud of ourselves for finally understanding long division to being

disappointed we don’t have as high of a GPA as the guy sitting next to us. Clothing changes

from a way to express our favorite things to something that gets shamed. The mud on our faces

was never questioned, but now every tiny imperfection needs to be hidden. We never paid

attention to the tiny red spots on older teenagers' foreheads, but when they are on our own, we

consider it a conspicuous mountain. Expectations for our love was Prince Charming, now it’s the

boy that replies to our texts before 11pm. Our minds are flooded with new fears that aren’t just

monsters anymore, but our own close friends spreading rumors. Gossiping was which couple

was dating on the playground, not who slept with whose boyfriend. Watching Video Stars just to

enjoy seeing others having fun, turned into obsessing over Instagram highlighted reels and

comparing all the reasons why our lives are worse.

We believed we were pretty. We loved all the things that make us authentic and not what

made us blend in. Walking into crowded rooms we weren't comparing our bodies or wondering

what we could do to make ourselves look better. Our smiles weren't ever closed to hide our teeth;

they were as wide as we were happy. We were ourselves and that was enough at the time, what

The answer might be initially hard to pinpoint, but if you glance just beyond the surface,

it becomes indisputable it was nothing. Nothing actually changed, that same little girl is still a

large part of who we all are, and she would still simply believe she was enough. Instead of

tending to this growing love of ourselves, most of us chip away pieces day by day. Comparing

ourselves to unrealistic expectations and body images that shouldn’t be promoted in the first

place. The only thing that should matter in this world in regard to our self-worth is us because

why can our younger selves grasp this, and we can’t. There are many factors with growing up

that is out of our control, but there is still so much we can. We still deserve to be proud of

ourselves for every small accomplishment. Our expectations should still be for a prince, for the

love that we truly deserve. We should still view ourselves in the same lens that the little girl did.

As we age, things should be getting better not worse. Nothing has changed, we are still the same

person and should still love ourselves just as much.

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