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Aliya: Goodmorningg everyone,were here in front of u to discuss about the

linguistic,so first lets define what is linguistic

joven:What is Linguistics?
Linguistics is the systematic study of the structure and evolution of human
language, and it is applicable to every aspect of human endeavor.
It encompasses a wide range of topics, including the structure, history, and use
of language. Linguists also studying how people acquire and use language, how it
changes over time, and how it is used in different contexts. It covers a broad
range of topics, from the structure of words to the meaning of sentences, from
child language acquisition to the history of languages.


The Linguistic Society of America observes that linguistics is a field of science
that is almost 3,000 years old. Modern linguists primarily concern themselves with
either theoretical or applied linguistics. Their research includes many facets of
language and language structure, which can be studied at various level.

Aliya:so now lets talk about The discipline of linguistics or the field of study
of liguistic it's focuses on theories of language structure, variation and use,
the description and documentation of contemporary languages, and the implications
of theories of language for an understanding of the mind and brain, human culture,
social behavior, and language learning and teaching

The field of linguistics is divided into several subfields, each of which focuses
on a specific aspect of language. The major branches are phonetics, phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

Joven: lets discuss first the

The study of linguistics focuses on how
languages are structured and how they work.
Phonetics is one of the most important aspects of linguistics. It is the first step
to learning a language.
Phonetics is the study of human speech sounds. It studies the production,
transmission and reception of speech sounds. It focuses on language sounds and
their patterns, including the laws that govern them, as well as how they affect

Aliya: Phonetics has three main branches

first is
1.)Articulatory phonetics it is a subfield of linguistics that focuses on the
study of the production of human speech sounds. It covers a wide range of topics,
from the anatomy and physiology of the speech organs to the acoustics of speech

It looks at the anatomy of the human vocal tract and how it produces different
sounds. Articulatory phonetics also looks at how different sounds are articulated
in different languages. This can involve studying things like vowel harmony or
consonant clusters.

2.)Acoustic phonetics is the study of speech sounds in terms of their physical

properties, such as their production, transmission, and reception (sounds as
transmitted between mouth and ear).

The main focus of acoustic phonetics is on the characteristics of speech sounds (or
phones), such as their wavelength, frequency, and amplitude. Acoustic phonetics is
a subfield of phonetics, which is itself a branch of linguistics.
3.)Auditory phonetics is concerned with how we perceive speech sounds, and how
those perceptions are affected by the way the sounds are produced. This includes
studies of how different vowel and consonant sounds are distinguished from each
other, how we perceive changes in pitch and loudness, and how our brains process
speech information. It studies the perpetual response to speech sounds as mediated
by ear, auditory nerve and brain.

nikka: next is PHONOLOGY

Phonology is the branch of linguistics that studies the sound system of a human
language. It is concerned with the sound patterns of languages as well as the way
they are combined to form words and utterances.

Phonology also includes the study of how speakers of a language perceive and use
sounds. Phonology studies the way sounds are used in individual languages. They
analyze the sound systems of languages and identify the patterns that govern the
way sounds are combined.


Morphology is the branch of linguistics that studies the word-formation system of a

human language. It looks at how
words are created and how they change over time. Morphologists examine the
structure of words and how they are related to other words in the language. They
study word formation, examining how words are built from smaller units called
morphemes, and investigate the possible combinations of these units in a language
to form words.

Morphology is the study of the structure of words. It includes the study of roots
and stems, inflection and derivation, and compounding. Morphologists aim to
identify the rules that govern the formation of words in a language, and to
describe the patterns that they find.

Morphology is a branch of linguistics that deals with the structure of words. It

looks at how words are put together, and how these parts interact with each other.

Morphology is concerned with the internal structure of words, and the rules that
govern the way they are formed.

Morphology is an important part of linguistics because it can help us

understand how languages work. It can also be used to create new
words, or to work out the meaning of unfamiliar ones. Morphologists try to identify
the rules that govern the way words are formed in a language, and to describe the
patterns they find.


Syntax is the branch of linguistics that studies sentence structure. Syntax is the
set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a
given language, usually including word order. The term syntax is also used to refer
to the study of such rules and principles.

It is the study of the rules that govern the ways words combine to form phrases,
clauses, and sentences. It is concerned with the correct use of grammatical forms
and with the relationships between words. A knowledge of syntax is essential for a
full understanding of a language.

Investigators try to describe the rules that govern how words combine to form
grammatical sentences. The rules may be phrased in terms of word order (e.g..
English sentences must have a subject before the predicate), or they may be more
general statements about permissible combinations of symbols (e.g., two nouns in a
row are not allowed). Some rules may be absolute (l.e., they must always be
followed), while others may be more flexible (e.g., word order is not important if
the sentence is clear).

Syntacticians analyze sentence structure to identify the rules that govern how
phrases and clauses are combined.

Syntax is the level at which we study how words combine to form phrases, phrases
combine to form clauses, and clauses join to make sentences.

Syntax studies the rules for placing the elements in the sentence such as the
nouns/noun phrases, verbs/verb
phrases, and adverbial phrases.

Nikka :Semantics
Semantics is a branch of linguistics that studies the meaning of any language. It
is concerned with the relationship between words and objects, and the meanings of
words and phrases. Semantics is also concerned with the relationship between
language and thought, and the ways in which language can be used to influence
thought. It can be applied to whole texts, like novels or newspapers, or to single
words, like "dog" or "coffee".

Investigators try to find out what words mean. It focuses on the relationship
between words, their meanings, and the context in which they are used. Semantics
also encompasses the study of how speakers language. use and understand

In order to do this, they examine how sentences are used in context and compare
them with other sentences that have the same or similar meanings


Pragmatics is the subfield of linguistics that studies the use of language in

communication. It looks at how speakers use language to achieve their intended
meaning, taking into account the context of the situation and the relationship
between the speaker and listener. Pragmatics also includes the study of body
language and other nonverbal cues that can affect meaning.

The main focus of pragmatics is on how context influences the interpretation of

utterances. It looks at how the same words can have different meanings in different
situations, and how people use language to achieve their goals. Pragmatics is
important because it helps us understand how people use language to communicate
their needs and wants. It also helps us understand why people say what they do in
certain situations.

Aliya: so again

linguistics is the scientific study of language. It is divided into six main

branches: phonetics, which focuses on the sounds of language; phonology, which
focuses on the study of linguistic sounds seen as units; morphology, which studies
the internal structure of words and phrases; syntax, which studies how words are
put together to form sentences; semantics, which deals with meaning in language;
and pragmatics, the study of how language is used in context.

Linguists are interested in all kinds of languages, spoken and written. They study
the sound systems and grammars of languages, the history of how languages change
over time, language contact (how different languages influence each other), and the
ways in which people use language to communicate. The study of linguistics is
extremely important because it can help us understand how
languages evolve and change, and what makes them different.


What is liguistic?

It is The branches of liguistic which focuses on the sounds of language?

what are the three main branches of phonetics?

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