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This research only focuses on assessing the impact of Facebook usage on students' time

management skills in senior high school under the study specifically on STEM students enrolled
in Laguna Senior High School's main campus. Although it would have been beneficial to conduct
this research on all residents of Santa Cruz, Laguna, and on the effects of social media in general,
but due to financial and time constraints it has been limited. The goal of this study is to see how
Facebook affects students' time management skills and to come up with remedies to these

This study is primarily concerned with student self-reported responses on Facebook use and its
influence on time management abilities, but it also considers students' true or false opinions. As
a result, implementing a genuine experimental design will give satisfying research to other
researchers as well.

This study limits itself to students who have a Facebook account and the influence it has on their
time management abilities. However, if non-Facebook users were included and their time
management abilities were compared to those of Facebook users, the findings would have been
more broad. It will be performed and will be conducted out by the LSHS STEM students in grade
12 D. Feliciano at the end of the first semester of the year 2021-2022.

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