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Should with Present

Continuous tense

What is Present Continuous tense?

Present continuous tense is a verb tense which used to show that an ongoing action is
happening now. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to
take place in the near future.

( Present continuous tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi
yg sedang berlangsung sekarang (present) atau rencana dimasa depan (future) karena dapat
digunakan pada present dan future, tense ini sering diiringi adverbial of time/keterangan
waktu untuk memperjelasnya)

A. Should with Present continuous tense

1. Social Function
To criticizing someone mistake on the present.
(Should with present biasanya digunakan untuk mengkritik suatu kesalahan yang
dilakukan seseorang pada waktu sekarang/pada saat ini)
Example :
You should be cleaning your room, it is very dirty
You should be listening to your mom, not playing around.
2. Generic Structure
1. Memulai
Example :
Jennifer : you should be listening to your mom, not playing around.
Joanna : yes, you are right Jennifer, I should be listening to my mom, not
playing around here.
Jennifer : and then, you should back to your mom.
Joanna : Of course.

2. Menanggapi
Example :
Jennifer : you should be listening to your mom, not playing around.
Joanna : yes, you are right Jennifer, I should be listening to my mom, not
playing around here.
Jennifer : and then, you should back to your mom.
Joanna : Of course.

3. Language feature
- Pernyataan dan pertanyaan terkait dengan keharusan yang menggunakan:
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
- Ejaan dan tanda baca

4. The Formulas
(+) Subject + should + be + Ving
(-) Subject + should + not + be + Ving
(?) Should + subject + be + Ving...?

Example :
(+) He should be waiting for me now.
(-) This is a library. So, you should not be reading a book aloud here.
(?) Should we be going to the School now?
B. Example should + (continuos) in the conversation

Situation 1 : David is in the library reading his book aloud and then someone comes
to tell him.

James : This is a library. So, you should not be reading a book aloud here.
David : Sorry, I don’t know sir
James : and now read your book quietly or go to the another place to read.
David : yes sir, I will read my book quietly.

Situation 2 : Julia and Kim are eating at the restaurant. Julia keeps talking when her
mouth is filled with food and Kim criticizes her about this.

Kim : You should net be talking when your mouth is filled with food
Julia : Sorry, my bad
Kim : It’s ok but, please don’t do it again
Julia : Sure.

Vocabulary Building
Quietly (kwiǝtlǝ) kk. Dengan diam-diam

Filled (filld) adj. Terisi

Criticizes (kritisz) v. mengkritik

Near (nie[r]) a. Dekat, hampir.

Mistake (mi’steik) n. pendapat salah, kekeliruan.

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