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Name: Jessa Mae M.

Torres Score:

Grade and Section: 11 Scientia Learning Area: Org. Man.

Organizing (Delegation)

Employee Empowerment and Job Satisfactions

Empowerment. It is a target, a value, and a defining characteristic of leadership practice. However, it

could be one of those leadership concepts that are unclear and challenging to put into practice. Especially
when we are discussing workplace empowerment. It is simple to understand why leaders frequently discuss
empowerment when we take into account the advantages associated with it. Great things may occur when a
new leader (particularly a new leader), or even better, the entire company, gets it right.

A set-up where individuals from diverse backgrounds, different educational qualifications and varied
interests come together to work towards a common goal is called an organization. Research has regularly
demonstrated that when employees feel empowered at work, it is associated with stronger job performance,
job satisfaction, and commitment to the organization. The employees must work in close coordination with
each other and try their level best to achieve the organization's goals." The term "TYPES OF ORGANIZATION
STRUCTURE" distinguishes between various managerial roles within an organization. Firstly is VERTICAL
STRUCTURE, a pyramid-like top-down management structure is a vertical organizational structure. With the
greatest level of leadership at the top, followed by middle management, and finally normal employees, these
businesses have clearly defined positions. While work clearance often occurs from bottom to top, decision-
making frequently occurs from top to bottom. Clear lines of authority are defined by vertical organizational
systems. Secondarily is HORIZONTAL STRUCTURE, a flat management structure is a horizontal
organizational system. Such organizations frequently have a small number of managers overseeing
a large number of employees, and they provide workers the freedom to make choices without
seeking management permission. Employee empowerment and motivation are frequently boosted
by giving them a degree of autonomy, which strengthens their ties to the business and its
objectives. Additionally, horizontal organizational structures' flexible design frequently fosters
cooperation. And lastly is NETWORK STRUCTURE, an organization can be structured in various
ways that determine how it operates and performs. The network structure is a newer type of
organizational structure often viewed as less hierarchical. In this structure, managers coordinate
and control relations that are both internal and external to the firm. Complex networks can include
technological and innovation networks that span several geographic areas and organizations.

In this study, you can really tell by a person's management style if being self-centered is really the
method of his works so that he can do it well or if he is just being self-centered with those around him.
Whether we admit it or not, we all have our own way of working, for example, i prefer to work while listening
to music because i am more motivated when i hear music while I’m doing something, and the other is more I
like that when I'm doing something is I want to be alone and I don't want to see anyone around me so i can
finish my things to do immediately, at home i lock the door to my room when i have a lot to finish, because I
know myself that my work will be faster to finish with that method. But on the other hand there are also
people who can work better when their surroundings are quiet so that you can't even hear music. And there
are also people who prefer to work with others, they can't act properly when they are alone. But sometimes I
also think that maybe we are just used to those methods so we are more comfortable there. But how
important is empowerment to an employee in a company? Especially a boss in a company that needs the help
of his employees. If I were in the situation of Mr. Edward Viceral I will not make my employees feel that I
don't trust them to do the things they need to do, but I will give them motivation so they can do it well.
Because as a middle-level manager in my company it should come from me or they themselves feel that they
are free to do in their own way the thing that is their level work. Empowerment in a company is great because
you all have ideas to give and you won't feel alone, because you know or know yourself that there are people
who can help you with things that are difficult to do. However, there are some things that we don't need to
trust people with. Therefore, if I get the chance to share my thoughts on the term “Some things simply should
not be delegated to others.” one of the most important management tools is delegation. Without delegation, it
is impossible to manage huge organizations or, even in smaller firms, find the time to complete all the
necessary activities. There is simply too much to accomplish and not enough time. You can't supervise
activities at more than one location at once. Delegation is not acceptable in some circumstances, though. We
regrettably don't have enough time to decide what should and shouldn't be assigned. Sometimes a manager
may just do what they want and assign responsibilities they find boring or unpleasant, or worse, they may
wind up doing everything themselves. I have distilled my understanding on the subject into a few rules so you
may decide what shouldn't be assigned.

It's difficult to trust others, but if you attempt to interact with them, you'll discover the strength of
cooperation and discover their specialties for how to operate as a team. Most people today define success as
having wealth or fortune in millions, Success is not defined by money or status, necessarily, but by how many
people you've impacted and how fulfilled you feel with your decisions. But all in all i believe that it's not
because you can buy the things you want and your money is too much that you can say you are successful in
your life. Because based on the study in this case, true success is based on what you feel or what you have,
because if the love you receive is not enough, even if you have too much money, you still cannot be called a
success in life. Would you rather be happy or just have a lot of money? You might think everyone will answer
with happiness. However, you might be surprised to know that people just want to be rich and have money to
do what they want. This is because people believe, even though they might not admit it, that they will get the
money and that will bring about happiness. It might sound logical that with money you would be able to do
many things you only dreamed of and thus make you happier. However, happiness needs to come from one
place and only one place, which is from within. You need to adjust and adapt until you feel that internally you
are satisfied with what you have achieved and your place in society. And I think this study is the real
definition of “Money can't buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you're being

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