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Journal of Educational Psychology Copyright 1983 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1983, Vol. 75, No. I, 86-96 0022-0663/83/7 501-0086J00.75

Male-Female Differences in Predicting Displaced Volume:

Strategy Usage, Aptitude Relationships,
and Experience Influences
Marcia C. Linn and Steven Pulos
Adolescent Reasoning Project, University of California, Berkeley

To investigate the role of aptitudes and experiences in gender differences in

scientific reasoning, we used Predicting Displaced Volume, a scientific rea-
soning task known to be solved by males more frequently than females.
Subjects were 778 students in the 7th, 9th, and llth grades. Of the respon-
dents, 90% consistently used one of four expectation-based strategies to solve
the problems. Males used the correct strategy more frequently than females;
males and females both used the same incorrect strategies. We found that
gender differences in Predicting Displaced Volume did not reflect gender dif-
ferences in spatial ability, field dependence-independence (FDI), or Piagetian
formal reasoning. In addition, gender differences in Predicting Displaced
Volume were not accounted for by science and math course-taking experience.
Factors such as spatial ability and FDI may correlate highly with scientific
reasoning task performance but may not account for gender-related differ-
ences in that performance.

In this article we investigate patterns of scientific reasoning problems influence their

expectation-based strategy usage among performance. By expectations we mean
males and females on a scientific reasoning beliefs concerning the variables in the
task called Predicting Displaced Volume and problem.
determine whether aptitudes and experi- Consider an example of the role of expec-
ences thought to differ in the sexes are as- tations from physics problem solving (Linn
sociated with- accurate and inaccurate & Swiney, 1981). In this experiment 12th
strategy selection for this task. We inves- graders were asked to perform experiments
tigate the role of spatial ability, field de- to find out which factors influence how much
pendence-independence (FDI), Piagetian springs expand. Some respondents de-
formal reasoning, and course-taking expe- signed what seemed to the researchers to be
riences. inconclusive tests. For example, they
The way people think about the variables compared fat brass springs with thin steel
in a science or math problem affects their springs and concluded that fat springs ex-
reasoning about the problem. That is, pand more than thin springs. When asked
peoples' expectations about the variables in why they used brass and steel springs, these
respondents replied that metal was metal,
the kind did not matter. Linn and Swiney
This article is based on research supported by the (1981) identified what they called the
National Science Foundation under Grant No. SED
77-18914. Opinions, findings, and conclusions or rec- subject's expected variables, a subset of the
ommendations expressed in this publication are those variables which the experimenter mentioned
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views were important in the task. Subjects ap-
of the National Science Foundation. peared to design experiments as if only their
Assistance of Lois Foley and Diane Alexander is
gratefully acknowledged.
expected variables should be considered.
An earlier version of this article received the Ameri-
can Educational Research Association—Women Edu- Aptitudes, Experiences, and
cators, Fifth Annual Research on Women Award— Gender Differences
Honorable Mention, 1982.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Marcia C.
Linn, Adolescent Reasoning Project, Lawrence Hall of Many aptitude and experience factors
Science, University of California, Berkeley, California have been associated with male-female dif-
94720. ferences in scientific reasoning (e.g., spatial

ability: Harris, 1978; Maccoby & Jacklin, construct validity of spatial ability (e.g.,
1974; FBI: Saarni, 1973; formal reasoning Harris, 1980; McGee, 1979). A variety of
ability; Karplus, Karplus, Pormisano, & "spatial abilities" appear to exist.
Paulsen, 1977; Lawson, 1978; Linn & Pulos, Recently, Snow and his collaborators have
in press; course taking experience: Fennema analyzed the overlap among a wide range of
& Sherman, 1977,1979). It seems likely that spatial ability tests. Snow, Lohman, Mar-
no dingle explanation is sufficient to account shalak, Yalow, and Webb (Note 1) at-
for all the observed differences. Those we tempted to separate Cattell (1971) and Horn
selected for study represent all prevalent and Cattell's (1966) construct of general fluid
ideas about aptitude and experience influ- ability (as measured, for example, by letter
ences on gender differences in scientific series) from spatial visualization as mea-
reasoning. sured, for example, by Embedded Figures
Difficulties in establishing the relationship (Oltman, Raskin, & Witkin, 1971). Snow et
between aptitudes and gender differences al. (Note 1) could not separate General fluid
reflect the multiple processes involved in ability from Spatial visualization, so they
each. Aptitude or experience measures identified a combined dimension, which they
(such as spatial ability) are often thought to labeled General fluid visualization (Gfv).
contribute to male-female differences in Gfv was defined by tests requiring mental
scientific reasoning because (a) males and manipulation of figural or nonfigural mate-
females frequently differ in performance on rial and is represented by Paper Folding,
them and (b) they have high correlations Embedded Figures, and Letter Series
with measures of scientific reasoning. (French, Ekstron, & Price, 1963) in this
However, these two conditions are not suf- study.1
ficient to show that aptitude measures ex- Linn and Kyllonen (1981) clarified the
plain gender differences in scientific rea- relationship between Gfv and Witkin and
soning. For example, gender differences iii Goodenough's (1981) concept of FDI.
spatial visualization mean scores could re- Witkin and Goodenough (1981) had identi-
flect females' reluctance to guess on visual- fied two FDI dimensions. One, Cognitive
ization items, whereas high correlations be- Restructuring, was measured by Embedded
tween spatial visualization and scientific Figures. The other, Perception of the Up-
reasoning for both sexes could reflect ability right, was measured by the Rod-and-Frame
to maintains image in memory. Thus, the Test. Linn and Kyllonen (1981) combined
mean gender differences for spatial visual- measures of Gfv and both aspects of FDI.
ization and scientific reasoning could reflect They identified two dimensions. One, in-
different processes and therefore not con- cluded the Cognitive Restructuring tests but
tribute to the correlation between the two did not differ from what Snow et al. (Note 1)
measures. In this article we examine labeled Gfv< The other was characterized by
whether differences in aptitude and experi- Perception of the Upright but also included
ence can explain the gender differences in Perception of Horizontally and the Wes-
scientific reasoning. chler Picture Completion test; they labeled
Of the aptitudes associated with gender this Familiar field (Ff). The Ff dimension
differences, spatial ability is the most prev- was hypothesized to measure strategy se-
alent and the most difficult to define. In lection in familiar situations when compet-
many formulations it includes tests labeled ing strategies were available. Cognitive re-
FDI by others. Maccoby and Jacklin (1974) structuring was represented by a version of
identified gender differences in spatial embedded figures, and Ff was represented
ability on a number of different tests in- by Water Level (DeAvila & Havassy, with
cluding FDI tests such as Embedded Figures Pascual-Leone, 1976) in this study.
(Witkin, Moore, Goodenough, & Cox, 1977) Besides spatial ability in all its guises,
and the Rod-and-Frame Test (Oltman, some research suggests that gender differ-
1968). They did not specify a spatial con- ences in Piagetian formal reasoning might
struct. Most subsequent investigators have
catalogued gender differences on tests la- 1
We combined these measures, as described below,
beled "spatial" but have not studied the in some analyses to avoid problems of colinearity.

explain gender differences in scientific rea- Howe & Shayer, 1981). We investigated
soning (e.g.; Lawson, 1978). Formal rea- how weight related expectations influence
soning also suffers from poor construct def- performance on Predicting Displaced
inition (e.g. Martorano, 1977), possibly due Volume.
to the influence of experience with specific
item content on performance (e.g. Pulos & Method
Linn, 1981). Thus, as for spatial ability, we
employ several measures of Piagetian formal Subjects
reasoning and assess their independent and
combined relationship with our measure of Participants were 778 students in the 7th (159 fe-
scientific reasoning. males and 145 males), 9th (77 females and 136 males),
and llth grades (139 females and 122 males) in three
Experience differences for the sexes are districts. The school districts differed in location and
well established (e.g. Newcombe, Bandura, socioeconomic status (SES). Location and SES were
& Taylor, in press), but their impact on sci- (a) lower-middle-class semirural; (b) middle-class
entific reasoning is difficult to assess. Ex- urban; and (c) upper-middle-class suburban.
perience differences for males and females
include course taking, role expectations, Predicting Displaced Volume Test
media depictions, and so on. In this study,
we investigate the role of science and math Our Predicting Displaced Volume test was group
administered. A sample item is shown in Figure 1.
course taking. Each item pictured a cylinder half full of water and two
metal blocks. The relative size and weight of each block
Expectation-Based Strategy Usage was indicated both in the drawing and in the printed
question. Four types of items were used. Each item
had either equal or unequal volume and equal or un-
To clarify male-female differences in equal weight. Only the practice item combined equal
scientific reasoning, we selected Predicting volume and equal weight. Others showed unequal
Displaced Volume, which allowed specifi- volume, unequal weight, or unequal weight and
cation of expectation-based strategies used volume.
for correct responses and for incorrect re- Instructions were as follows: "All the blocks sink and
are completely covered by the water. I took one of the
sponses. The incorrect strategies in this blocks and put it in the water and then took it out.
task reflected inaccurate expectations con- Next, I took the second block, put it in the water, and
cerning which variables influence perfor- took it out Which block made the water go up higher?
mance. Analysis of the relationship between Block A, Block B, or did both blocks make the water go
up the same amount?"
strategy usage and aptitude enables us to After a practice item, subjects had five minutes to
clarify gender differences in performance. respond to eight items. All subjects completed the
Research on many scientific reasoning eight items before the time was up. Subjects appeared
problems suggests that students consistently to solve without much deliberation.
use the same accurate or inaccurate strategy Research on Predicting Displaced Volume (e.g., Pi-
aget, 1951a, 1951b) suggested that inaccurate strategies
for similar problems (e.g., Proportions: would incorporate some role for weight. Our Predicting
Karplus, Karplus, Formisano, & Paulsen, Displaced Volume items were designed so that each of
1977; Siegler, 1976; Subtraction: Brown & the inaccurate strategies we identified and the correct
Burton, 1978). As the study mentioned strategy would be reflected in a different pattern of
responses. Responses of subjects using strategies dif-
above by Linn & Swiney (1981) suggests, ferent from the four we identified would not be cate-
these strategies may be based on expecta- gorizable in our system. The four strategies we iden-
tions about the variables. tified were as follows:
How do expectations influence perfor- 1. Weight-only strategy. The amount of water
mance on Predicting Displaced Volume? displaced by an object immersed in water depends only
on the weight of the object.
Piaget (1951a, 1951b) and Piaget and In- 2. Weight-except-when-equal strategy. The
helder (1941) report interviews of subjects amount of water displaced by an object immersed in
asked to predict displaced volume. Piaget water depends on the weight of the object, except that
and others report that subjects commonly when two objects weigh the same, the one with the
greatest volume displaces the most water.
expect the weight of the object to influence 3. Volume-except-when-equal strategy. The
the volume displaced even when they know amount of water displaced by an object immersed in
the object sinks (e.g., Hobbs, 1973, 1975; water depends on the volume of the object, except when

I. Blocks A_ and £ are the same size. Block £ weighs more than Block A_.

10 oz. 20 oz.

Which block w i l l make the water go up higher?

Block A

Block £ '

Both the same

Figure 1. Sample item from Predicting Displaced Volume test.

two objects have the same volume then the one with the Piaget by DeAvila et al. (1976). Score is number correct
greatest weight displaces the most water. on eight trials.
4. Volume-only strategy. The amount of water
displaced by an object immersed in water depends only Formal Reasoning Measures
on the volume of the object. This strategy is correct.
To assess formal reasoning we used four tests similar
General and Spatial Ability Measures to those used by Inhelder and Piaget (1958):
1. The balance puzzle. This is a measure of pro-
We measured general ability and spatial ability in its portional reasoning (Linn & Pulos, in press). Score is
various guises. We measured general ability to disen- total correct of 13 items.
tangle its effects from other abilities in the regression 2. Controlling variables. This is a measure of con-
analysis. Tests used were as follows: trolling variables, a locally developed test comparable
1. Vocabulary. We measured general ability fol- to Springs (Linn & Rice, 1979). Score is number correct
lowing Cattell's (1971) description of General crystal- of 6 items.
lized ability (Gc), using a locally developed adaptation 3. Permutations. This is a locally developed test
of several multiple choice vocabulary tests (to ensure requiring the subject to generate the permutations of
a wide range). Score is sum of performance on two 2- four elements. The score is number of unique permu-
minute sections, tations generated in 2 minutes.
2. Letter series. We measured Cattell's (1971) 4. Combinations. This is a locally developed test
General fluid ability (Gf), to assess Snow et al.'s (Note requiring the subject to generate combinations of three
1) findings for spatial visualization using a local modi- elements. The score is number of unique combinations
fication of the French, Ekstron, & Price (1963) version. generated in 2 minutes.
Score is a sum of number correct on two 2-minute sec-
tions. Experience Measures
3. Find a Shape Puzzle (FASP). To measure Cog-
nitive Restructuring as defined by Witkin & Goode- Experience with math and science was assessed by
nough (1981) we used aversion of embedded figures in asking students to indicate how many years of math and
which the simple and complex shapes are on the same science courses they had taken.
page (Pulos & Linn, Note 2). Score is number of simple
shapes located in>4 minutes. Test Administration
4. Paper folding. A measure of spatial visualization
as studied by Snow et al. (Note 1); from the French et The measures were administered to class groups
al. (1963) battery was used. Score is performance on (15-28 students) in two 40-minute sessions.
two 2-minute sections.
5. Water level. A measure of what Linn & Kyllonen
(1981) called Familiar field and related to what Witkin Results ,
& Goodenough (1981) called Perception of the Upright
was used. The test measured perception of the hori- The anticipated male-female differences
zontal in tilted bottles of water and was adapted from in Predicting Displaced Volume emerged as

Table 1 Reliability of Aptitude Measures

Predicting Displaced Volume: Means
(Percent Success) and Reliabilities (N = 8 The aptitude measures were generally
items) reliable, with alpha coefficients ranging from
.69 to .95 within each grade.
Grade M reliability Male-Female Differences in Aptitude
and Experience Measures

Males 63
Of the aptitude and experience measures,
.82 (Vocabulary, Letter Series, FASP, Paper
Females 49 folding, Water level, course taking) males
out-performed females only on Water Level
Males 74 .86
(Ff). Means and standard deviations are
Females 55 given in Table 2. It should be noted that
contrary to some earlier studies reported by
Maccoby and Jacklin (1974), we detected no
Males 82 male-female differences on FASP, our
Females 62 measure of Embedded Figures. Other re-
cent studies (Petersen, Note 3; Fennema &
Sherman, 1979) have also found no male-
shown in Table 1. Sex accounted for 6% of female differences for measures similar to
the variance in 7th grade (r = .24, p < .01), Embedded Figures. In addition, we de-
8% in 9th grade (r = .29, p < .01), and 6% in tected no male-female differences in number
llth grade (r = .24). of years of math and science courses taken,
paralleling the findings of Armstrong (1979).
In contrast to our findings, differences in
Reliability of Predicting Displaced
Volume Table 2
Mean, Standard Deviation and r 2 for Each
The eight-item test of Predicting Dis- Aptitude and Experience Measure by Sex
placed Volume was reliable using Cronbach's
alpha (Cronbach, 1951), as shown in Table Males Females
1 (coefficient alpha was .82 in seventh grade,
Measure M SD M SD r2a
and .88 in eleventh grade). All but the eas-
iest items contributed their share to the re- Aptitude
liability. (On average, the reliability with
each item deleted was about .03 lower than Vocabulary (Gc) 26.56 6.80 26.06 7.27 00
Series (Gfv) 13.79 5.66 14.93 5.72 01
the reliability in Table 1.) FASP (Gfv) 9.11 5.11 8.86 5.08 00
To determine whether our strategy as- Paper Folding
signments were reliable, we conducted a (Gfv) 10.10 4.26 9.38 4.05 01
scalability analysis (Mclver & Carmines, Water Level (Ff) 17.04 6.87 14.42 7.08 05*
1981). The coefficient of scalability was .99. Proportions
(formal) 6.32 2.49 5.27 2.07 05*
The coefficient of reproductability was .98. Controlling
Thus, strategy usage was very consistent (formal) 5.50 3.25 4.72 3.47 01
across items. Permutations
(formal) 15.30 5.62 15.87 4.57 00
Validity of Predicting Displaced Volume (formal) 11:15 3.80 11.41 4.70 00

The validity of the Predicting Displaced Course Experience

Volume paper-and-pencil test was estab- Math 2.13 1.30 2.02 .80 00
lished by administering an interview to a Science 1.04 1.06 .92 1.07 00
subsample of 100 seventh graders. Scores
Note. Gc = General crystallized ability; Gfv = General
on the interview (which used real blocks, fluid visualization; Ff = Familiar field; FASP = Find
water, and cylinders) correlated with a Shape Puzzle, "decimals omitted.
paper-and-pencil test scores, r = .68. * p < .05, corrected for number of tests performed.

Tables when-equal strategy was similar to use of the

Percentage of Males and Females Using Each weight-only strategy by males and females.
Strategy for Predicting Displaced Volume The pattern of use of the volume-except-
Grade when-equal strategy was similar to use of the
volume-only strategy by males and fe-
11 males.
In a cross-sectional study we cannot dis-
Strategy M F M F M F cern the progression of strategy use for in-
dividuals. Weight-except-when-equal and
Inconsistent • 12 13 10 5 7 7 volume-except-when-equal were used by
Weight only 31 46 24 47 12 32
Weight except when equal 9 18 3 13 5 12 over one-third of the subjects at each age,
Volume except when equal 29 16 28 21 21 22 suggesting that they are a common transi-
Volume only 19 7 35 14 55 27 tion, although not necessarily required, for
achieving the volume-only strategy. Per-
Note. M = males; F = females. haps only one of these strategies governs
transition from weight to volume for most
males' and females' enrollment in advanced subjects.
math classes are reported by teachers par- The weight-only and weight-except-
ticipating in EQUALS (Kreinberg, 1981) from , when-equal strategies focus primarily on
schools in the areas where ours were located. weight and are referred to as weight-strate-
Our measure of course taking appears to be gies. The volume-only and volume-ex-
insensitive to these differences possibly be- cept-when-equal strategies focus primarily
cause differential enrollment occurs pre- on volume and are referred to as volume-
dominantly in 12th grade. strategies. Considered separately, strategies
useu by each sex reflect a decline in use of
weight-strategies and an increase in use of
Male-Female Differences in Strategy volume-strategies with age. Females in-
Usage crease use of volume-except-when-equal
with age. If we examined post-high-school
On Predicting Displaced Volume, females females we might find a decrease in vol-
used inaccurate strategies more often than ume-except-when-equal and an increase in
males but did 'not use different strategies volume-only comparable to the pattern for
(Table 3). The four solution strategies we older males in this sample.
anticipated turned out to be used by all but Examination of strategies governing per-
10% of the subjects. formance on Predicting Displaced Volume
The correct, volume-only strategy was revealed no evidence that females used
used by 41% of llth-graders and by less than unique strategies. Males of this age group
10% of 7th-grade females. Males used the out-perform females because volume strat-
volume-only strategy more than twice as egies rather than weight strategies govern
frequently as females did at each age. With their performance.
each 2-year increase in age, use of the vol- We have shown that male-female differ-,
ume-only strategy doubled for each sex. ences in Predicting Displaced Volume are
Thus, males succeed more often than do fe- attributable to differential use of expecta-
males, and the proportion of successful tion-based strategies. We need to deter-
males increases with age. mine whether aptitudes, the formal rea-
The male-female pattern of use of the soning measures, or course taking experience
weight-only strategy was almost exactly the are associated with differential strategy
reverse of that for volume-only. Females usage for the sexes. Since more sophisti-
used weight-only more, than twice as fre- cated strategy usage is reflected in higher
quently as males did, and the decrease in scores, we analyze the correlates of total
usage of weight-only with age was more rapid scores on Predicting Displaced Volume.
for males than for females. By 11th grade,
only 13% of males, but 33% of females, solved Role of Aptitudes in Performance
on the basis of weight-only.
The pattern of use of the weight-except- To assess whether aptitudes account for

male-female differences in Predicting Dis- Predicting Displaced Volume after seventh

placed Volume, we considered each aptitude grade.
test separately and also combined reason- To assess the unique contribution of each
ably colinear tests to get three aptitude di- aptitude to Predicting Displaced Volume
mensions. These dimensions are Gc, as performance, at each age we carried out a
measured by Vocabulary; Gfv, as defined by fixed-order multiple regression. Following
Snow et al. (Note 2) and measured by Letter Snow et al. (Note 2), we entered Gc and Gfv,
Series plus FASP, plus Paper Folding; and in that order (see Table 4). Ff was entered
Ff, as defined by Linn & Kyllonen (1981) after Gc and Gfv, because it was defined to
and measured by Water Level. contribute variance unrelated to general
Correlations between Predicting Dis- ability.
placed Volume and each of the aptitude Results indicated that Gc, Gfv, and Ff
measures are given in Table 4, by sex and each account for unique variance in Pre-
age. Only one significant male-female dif- dicting Displaced Volume at each age (Table
ference in the 33 correlations between the 4). The significant contribution of Ff after
aptitude tests and Predicting Displaced Gc and Gfv were entered was consistent with
Volume emerged (for seventh-grade vocab- Linn and Kyllonen's (1981) description of Ff
ulary score, 2 = 2.4, p < .01). This could be as a measure of strategy selection for prob-
a chance occurrence. lems with salient competing strategies. For
The results for the aptitude composites Predicting Displaced Volume, the solution
paralleled the correlations for each test alone strategies could represent salient competing
(Table 5). We found that Gc, Gfv, and Ff strategies, and Ff has been hypothesized to
each correlated significantly with Predicting measure ability to select the correct strategy
Displaced Volume (between .25 and .35), from among the several available strate-
except for Gc in seventh grade. The uni- gies.
form correlations suggest an equal contri- To determine whether these aptitudes are
bution of Gc, Gfv, and Ff to performance on associated with male-female differences in

Table 4
Predicting Displaced Volume: Correlations of Aptitude and Course Experience by Grade and
Sex (Decimals Omitted)
Grade 7 Grade 9 Grade 11

Measure M M M

Vocabulary (Gc) 21 -07 28 36 26 28
Series (Gfv) 20 13 27 28 20 24
FASP (Gfv) 13 23 36 21 34 20
Paper Folding
(Gfv) 30 21 13 36 28 31
Water Level (Pf) 21 26 32 35 23 33
(formal) 19 -08 31 10 16 21
(formal) 18 -04 20 19 11 -08
(formal) 15 -13 06 12 01 11
(formal) 09 -05 07 05 19 17
Course Experience
Math 05 15 26 20 20 20
Science 08 -06 10 -05 23 26
Note. M = male; F = female; Gc = General crystallized ability; Gfv = General fluid visualization; Ff = Familiar
field; FASP = Find a Shape Puzzle.

Table 5 ined correlations and entered the formal

Multiple Regression (Fixed Order) for composite in the regression analysis after Gc,
Predicting Displaced Volume by Grade Gfv, and Ff.
As anticipated, males were more success-
Multiple regression
T) +"1 ful than females on proportional reasoning.
Measure r R R'2
F to enter r»
On the other three formal measures, males
and females performed equally. (See Linn
Grade 7 & Pulos, in press, for further discussion of
proportional reasoning.)
Gc .16 .16 '.03 6.74** .24
In general, the correlations between Pre-
Gfv .25 .26 .07 11.14"* .22
.Ff .27 .31 .10 71.92** .25 dicting Displaced Volume and the formal
Formal .17 .32 .10 .49 .22 reasoning measures were low (Table 4). The
School-SES .21 .34 .12 4.50* .22 formal composite, when entered in the re-
Courses .12 .36 .13 3.13 • .21 gression (Table 5), accounted for no addi-
Sex .24 .41 .17 11.10"*
tional variance. Formal reasoning did not
Grade 9 change the partial correlation with sex.
Thus, formal reasoning does not contribute
Gc .32 .32 .10 17.59***
Gfv .29 .37 .14 6.45** .25 unique variance after Gc, Gfv, and Ff. Also,
Ff .36 .44 .19 10.36** .27 formal reasoning does not account for any of
Formal .22 .44 .19 .08 .27 the male-female differences in Predicting
School-SES .21 .45 .20 1.24 .27 Displaced Volume.
Courses .24 .46 .21 1.76 .27
Sex .29 .52 . .27 11.50*** .27
The Role of Math and Science Experience
Grade 11
To determine whether math and science
Gc .22 ,22 .05 10.50**
Gfv .33 .34 .12 15.24*** .30,
experience is associated with male-female
Ff .35 .41 .17 12.23*** .34 differences on Predicting Displaced Volume,
Formal .23 .41 .17 .04 .30 we correlated math and science course taking
School-SES .15 .41 .17 .54 .30 with Predicting Displaced Volume.
Courses .26 .42 .18 .80 .30 Correlations for course taking (Tables 4
Sex .32 .50 .25 18.57*** .30
and 5) revealed no significant differences for
Note. Gc = General crystallized ability; Gfv = General males and females. Interestingly, at 9th and
fluid visualization; Ff = Familiar field; SES = socio- llth grades, course taking was as highly
economic status. correlated with Predicting Displaced Vol-
Correlation between sex and volume with all variables
entered in regression to this point partialled out.
ume as was Gc. Correlations for seventh
* p < .05. ** p < .01. *** p < .001. graders reflected the limited range in num-
ber of courses taken.
Predicting Displaced Volume, we computed Course taking appears to measure much
the partial correlation of volume with sex of what is measured by Gc, Gfv, and Ff for
after each entry in the regression. The 9th and llth graders as reflected in the re-
partial correlations, in the final column of gression analysis. Neither measure reduced
Table 5, are between volume and sex, with the variance associated with sex. Although
everything entered in the regression at that course taking correlated with performance,
point partialled out. The partial correla- it did not reduce the male-female differences
tions fluctuate slightly but not significantly. in Predicting Displaced Volume perfor-
The aptitude measures in Predicting Disr mance.
placed Volume do not reduce the variance
attributable to sex.

The Role of Formal Reasoning Three- major findings emerged in this

study. First, male-female differences in
To determine whether formal reasoning Predicting Displaced Volume were attrib-
is associated with male-female differences utable to consistent usage of expectation-
in Predicting Displaced Volume, we exam- based strategies. Second, the aptitude

measures clarified what Predicting Dis- ferential experiences? Our measure of math
placed Volume measures for both sexes and and science experience correlates with Pre-
clarified the Ff dimension. Third, our ap- dicting Displaced Volume but does not ex-
titude and experience measures did not ac- plain male-female differences in perfor-
count for male-female differences in strategy mance.
usage, although they correlated substantially Course taking may no longer be an effec-
with performance for both sexes. tive measure of math and science experience,
Female enrollment in advanced courses has
Expectation-Based Strategy Usage increased (e.g., Fennema & Sherman, 1977;
Armstrong, 1979). Recent efforts to en-
Over 90% of the subjects used one of the courage, females to continue in math and
expectation-based strategies we anticipated. science may result in poorly prepared fe-
Females used weight-based inaccurate males taking advanced courses. This could
strategies more frequently than did males. occur either because females did not take
The strategies based on weight rather than appropriate prerequisite courses or because
volume may reflect inaccurate or overgen- they were treated differently in the courses
eralized expectations about weight. Thus, they took.
male-female differences in Predicting Dis- Are females treated differently? Females'
placed Volume may be due to differential experiences differ from those of males
expectations about weight. throughout the life span. Many females
Weight is irrelevant in Predicting Dis- describe themselves as math-anxious (e.g.,
placed Volume if the objects sink. Why Tobias, 1978), as unable to solve math
then do subjects consider weight? They. problems (e.g., Covington & Omelich, 1979),
may confuse floating and sinking with dis- and as "confused" or "unable to reason"
placement and consider weight because it about machines (e.g., Linn, 1980b). Class-
influences floating and sinking. (Some room experiences for males and females
subjects mentioned that heavy things sink differ, e.g. teachers praise females less than
faster than light things of the same volume.) they do males (e.g., Brophy & Good, 1970),
In addition, subjects may generalize their and females receive more negative feedback
knowledge of weight and expect weight to for the intellectual quality of their work
influence displacement just as it influences (Dweck & Reppucci, 1973; Dweck, Davidson,
other phenomena such as balance beams or Nelson, & Enna, 1978). Research on free-
bending rods. choice environments reveals that females
Expectations about weight influence choose different experiences than males in
performance on another complex reasoning math and science (e.g., Linn, 1980a; Rice &
task—the pendulum, (e.g., Linn, 1977, and Linn, 1978). Thus, other experience dif-
Pulos & Linn, 1978). Most subjects expect ferences not reflected in our measure of
weight to influence pendulum oscillation just course taking may influence male-female
as they expect weight to influence displaced differences in Predicting Displaced
volume. Linn (1977) attempted to alter Volume.
expectations about the influence of weight
on pendulum oscillation by providing some Aptitude Clarification of Predicting
experimental evidence that weight was not Displaced Volume
important in pendulum oscillation. She
found that subjects correctly interpreted the By establishing the relationship between
experimental evidence but continued to ex- aptitudes and Predicting Displaced Volume,
pect weight to influence pendulum oscilla- we clarified what Predicting Displaced
tion in subsequent trials. Thus, subjects Volume measured. The aptitudes we mea-
have strong expectations about the influence sured accounted for about 25% of the vari-
of weight that are not easily altered. It ap- ance in Predicting Displaced Volume.
pears that for Predicting Displaced Volume, The single strongest predictor of Pre-
males have more accurate expectations dicting Displaced Volume was Ff, an aspect
about weight than do females. of FDI that also accounted for a significant
Are expectation differences due to dif- portion of the variance after Gc and Gfv were

entered in the regression. This finding single aptitude explanation is not sufficient
combined with the expectation-based to account for gender differences in spatial
strategy analysis of Predicting Displaced ability, formal reasoning, and scientific
Volume is congruent with Linn and Kyllo- reasoning.
nen's (1981) definition of Ff as a measure of
strategy selection from among salient com- Reference Notes
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E., & Webb, N. Correlational analyses of reference
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and Swiney (1981) lend further support to Aptitude Research Project, September 1977.
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Some have suggested that the overlap is nia, December 7-9, 198(5.
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