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Differences between countries become less evident each year.

all over the world people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating
habit and TV channels. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
Globalisation has accomplished that people from all around the globe follow
the same fashion, rock bands, TV shows and even have the same food to eat. This
has clearly more benefits to society than negative points and in this essay, I will
explain why.
The improvements in communication technologies have increased cultural
and language interchange between countries. People living in Buenos Aires can
take online English classes with an Indian teacher, in like manner, enhancing not
only language knowledge but Also learning about other cultures and food recipes.
The second advantage is the increase in socialization attitudes among others.
Teenagers, these days, for example, use the TIKTOK app on their phones and
share dances with friends from overseas countries which they had previously met
online. Another noticeable positive point is that governments share policies aborad
enhancing others’ experience. Take, for instance, the CoViD19 pandemic has made
information trade from one place to another, improve the outcome of the disease in
many countries.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of globalisation, such as the
loss of traditional customs which have begun to melt with foreign ones and will
later disappear. Namely, in Christmas, Santa Claus, introduced by the American,
has blacked out the belief in Christ and his birth. Another negative point is that bad
eating habits are also shared and integrated into many cultures. Junk food
multinationals, namely as Mc Donalds and Starbucks, have become widely
available, worsening the diet of children and adults all over the globe noticeably.
In conclusion, whereas there are some drawbacks of sharing with other
countries’ cultures as the loss of cultural identity and a fall in good eating habits, I
think the advantages in culture and language interchange, new relationships and
political advice, outweigh the disadvantages significantly. Therefore, there should
be some regulation on this interchange, but it should never be banned.

Increasing globalization has blurred the line between nations in terms of the
clothes they wear, the TV channels they watch, or their dining habits. I think its
advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
On the one hand, when the differences in the most basic ways of doing things
less obvious the World has become more connected and integrated. Platforms such
as Netflix are doing a great job in communicating cultural differences of Western
movies towards the Eastern world and vice versa. People, therefore, gain insights
as to why foreigners act in a certain way, which is a contrast to the norms in their
countries or their belief systems. As a result, they become more considerate and
tolerable towards visitors. Besides, globalization and its effects could add more
spices and variety to people’s life. Fashion styles are no longer restricted within a
country’s boundary, but reach further and embrace waves of fresh, and original
from international tastes, which is what fashion would be, and designers and
fashion enthusiasts crave.
On the other hand, an influx of foreign culture products could mean the
erosion of the host country’s traditions and cultures. Take American influences as
an example, which are feared as a new form of cultural imperialism. For example,
comfortable and affordable items like jeans are marginalizing traditional costumes
in some parts of the world. Moreover, imported films have the largest market
share, driving people’s attention towards foreign cultures rather than indigenous
traditions and values. As a consequence, more people are more knowledgeable
about foreign ways of life than they are about their own cultures.
In conclusion, despite the cultural values of a country that might be
deleterious impacted by an increasingly integrated world, it seems to me that the
merits are more significant than the drawbacks.

There are several benefits to following global fashion trends. It makes

traveling easier. For example, now, Indians and Americans or Europeans have
more or less the same tastes in fashion, food, and music. As a result, young Indian
professionals can travel to the US or Europe and still feel at home there. The
biggest advantage of following a global lifestyle is that it eliminates culture shock
when you travel to other countries. It also protects you from discrimination. When
you wear the same kind of clothes or eat the same kind of food as everyone else,
you will not stand out. This will actually protect you from various forms of
discrimination that you might experience when you are in a foreign country. An
Indian woman living in the US will be at a disadvantage if she insists on wearing
only traditional Indian clothes and eating only vegetarian foods. This will limit her
choices, but if she is willing to follow the culture of the country she lives in, life
will be easier for her.
The only disadvantage of this trend is the loss of ethnicity. Every nation has
its traditional styles of fashion and clothing. When everyone wears the same kind
of clothes, this cultural legacy gets lost.
Having the same kind of preferences helps people get around the world very
easily. If we watch TV shows or adverts of a certain country we get familiar with a
summary of its culture, thereby making it easier for us to blend in there. The more
we get to know about each other, the more can the differences between countries
be eliminated making the world a huge harmonious community. We are no longer
restricted to brands of our own country but are exposed to international products
and services. Following a global fashion trend shall make you feel and act more
naturally with the people anywhere in the world without being too obvious.
The people who do not support such a development are the ones who feel a
country’s own ethnicity will be lost if the people try to adopt the prevailing global
culture a little more than required. Watching TV shows or movies from a foreign
country may influence and alter the mannerisms of the people of the home country.
Some cultures are very rigid when it comes to clothing and the acceptance of
universal fashion trends therefore will not be received well. Although, I feel these
are minor issues in comparison to the host of advantages that we have regarding
this. One’s own ethnicity can be followed regardless of the TV shows we watch or
the clothes we wear.

On the one hand, the global reach of fashion brands, similar eating habits and
similar traditions of people have some major benefits. For instance, Starbucks, the
renowned coffee chain, has grown from a single outlet in Seattle to as many as
30,000 shops in around sixty countries. Nearly identical stores serve cups of coffee
to hundreds and thousands of customers, no matter whether you are sipping it in
New York, London, New Delhi, Melbourne or Istanbul. Thus the global business
opportunity enables many brands to sell products all around the world. As a result,
people can enjoy fashion, food and other aspects of diverse nationalities staying at
home country. A stronger bond could be observed among people no matter where
they live as a consequence of their similar lifestyle. Thus the differences among
nations are reducing and this is quite helpful in maintaining world peace.
On the other hand, this trend has some striking disadvantages that we should
be cautious about. Firstly, the spread of cross-cultural materialistic lifestyles and
attitudes makes us less human and more selfish. For example, the role of TV
advertisements by global brands, in most cases, is related to the concept of
materialism. We are affected by terminal materialism that forces us to buy things
for the sake of buying, instead of buying for basic needs. Secondly, with the
aggressive spread of market economies and communication technology, local
cultures and values are in peril. The true identity and culture are in jeopardy with
the influence of alien cultures and the new generation cares less about their history
and tradition.

Nowadays, people all around the world from different cultures tend to follow
the same habits and lifestyles and getting closer to each other. Although it may
cause destroy some values, which heritage from our ancestors' thousands of years,
the whole words go to a standardized and harmonized in different matters. In my
opinion, this movement helps to build an integrated, united world, which makes
lives easier.
The main challenge may people will face, according to eliminating
differences and moving to the unity, is to lose of their own cultures, styles,
varieties, and even food habits. The proliferation of TV commercials, sponsored by
big companies, is encouraging people around the world to use a certain type of
food, clothing, and lifestyle because of their appeal. For example, huge food
companies like Mc Donald, King burger, and KFC encouraging people to have fast
foods instead of healthy homemade cocked foods. Therefore, this gradual change
may eradicate some parts of our culture forever.
On the other hand, gradual changes in customs, marketing, trademarks, the
pattern of eating, and TV channels are improving towards standardization, which
means we are going to an integrated, more harmonized world in which life much
easier. Lifestyle similarity improves people's mutual understanding, which reduces
confrontation between people. For instance, in the case of following the same rules
in fashion, speaking, and reactions, people can understand each other more simple.
As can be seen, being unity helps the community to avoid conflict by appreciating
each other better than before.

Globalization certainly has had some impact on indigenous cultures of many

countries. However, I believe that this impact is largely harmless and at the same
time, it has exposed these cultures to other cultures around the world. This is a
great opportunity to learn and evolve. Also an understanding of foreign cultures
benefits one when one has to travel abroad for work leisure. In other words, people
exposed to other cultures can interact confidently with the locals whenever they
travel abroad. They are also less likely to get culture shocks. Secondly when
everyone tends to have the same tastes in fashion or food, trade and tourism
flourish. It creates more job opportunities. Also, when everyone looks and thinks
alike, there are fewer chances for conflict. Wearing the same kind of clothes or
eating the same kind of foods also protects people from many kinds of
In addition to this, similarity in tastes helps both the consumers and the
producers in the market. This is because manufacturers can sell their goods and
services with ease in any part of the world. This could encourage healthy
competition and avoid any kind of monopoly in the market. As a result, consumers
have access to plenty of choices and at the same time, manufacturers are forced to
improve the quality of their products.

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