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Name: Joshua D.

Lacson Section: Polaris 1-A Date: 09/18/22

Portfolio/ePortfolio Task #8 – Picture Collage and Essay

Take pictures (at least 3) of your most valued/ treasured possessions (real things, people, etc.;
do not represent with pictures from the net) and create a collage of these. Write a paragraph of not less
than 50 words just below the collage to explain why you treasure the items and what they speak of your
material self.

I once thought that the things I had accomplished would make me the happiest person in the world, but
now I realize that it is the moments and memories that I cherish the most. One of the valued possessions that I
treasured the most is the pictures of my loved ones, friends, family, and even my instruments. First and foremost
is my family, we always take pictures along with us every time we’re together because we believe that this makes
us ourselves which builds a wonderful memories to look back and helps me to value myself, unity, and etc.
Moreover, I learned that family unity is not about being on the same page at the same time, it’s about being in
the same book working toward the same ending. Second is my friends, I always treasure the moments and
experiences that we made together with giving ourselves a treat that we deserve. Each day I become the best
version of myself and as I go forward I always knew that I’m not alone because I have friends to rely on. Lastly,
the instruments that I had since I was in middle school is still in good hands and ready to be used any time. The
reason that I treasure this instrument is because they are the reason of what I am today, I learn to have passion
in music and even read some notes which able me to easily play songs. Through this, I also learn to look back and
appreciate from where I started and helped me shaped my material self today. All in all, always make time in
capturing and treasuring your possessions because this gives our lives meaning and what made us ourselves.

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